Bøger i Benny Griessel serien i rækkefølge
94,95 - 139,95 kr. Cape Town, Sydafrika: Klokken 05.36 løber en kvinde op ad Taffelbjerget. Hun er ung, køn og rædselsslagen. Fordi hun bliver jagtet som et dyr. Klokken 05.37 ringer telefonen hos vicekriminalkommissær Benny Griessel. En kvindelig, amerikansk turist er blevet fundet myrdet på åben gade. Klokken 07.02 vågner en afdanket sangstjerne ved siden af sin døde mand og den pistol, der dræbte ham. Alt peger på, at hun er morderen, men selv kan hun ikke huske noget. Som dagen går, vokser presset for at finde den flygtede turist, før hendes forfølgere gør det. Samtidig ser sangerinden ud til at være uskyldig - og i en pladebranche fuld af svig og bedrag kan alle være skyldige. Med to mord at opklare på samme tid, en forsvunden pige og en næsten ubærlig lyst til at slå sig på flasken igen indser Benny Griessel, at hans nye job som mentor for en ny generation af efterforskere bliver lidt mere kompliceret, end han havde regnet med. Faktisk bliver denne dag de længste tretten timer i Benny Griessels liv. Deon Meyer, f. 1958, er Sydafrikas førende kriminalforfatter og har modtaget en lang række priser, både hjemlig og internationale, bl.a. Le Grand Prix de Littérature Policière 2003, Le Prix Mystère de la Critique 2004, Deutsche Krimi Preis 2006 og 2009, og Martin Beck-prisen 2009. Deon Meyer bor i Durbanville i Sydafrika.OM BOGEN"Forrygende og socialt indigneret politiroman fra Cape Town." 5 hjerter, Politiken"Årets foreløbig bedste krimi" - Information"Fortælleteknisk er bogen stramt og næsten perfekt opbygget. Handlingen strækker sig over disse 13 timer, der klippes skarpt fra scene til scene, læseren taber ikke på noget tidspunkt overblikket." - Litteratursiden
94,95 - 120,95 kr. Cape Town, Sydafrika: En snigskytte er begyndt at skyde tilfældige politifolk for at få genåbnet en uopklaret sag om mordet på en ung, kvindelig advokat. Samtidig beskylder han politiet for at dække over den skyldige.Politiet er nødt til at genåbne sagen, og de sætter en af deres mest erfarne folk, kaptajn Benny Griessel, til at lede efterforskningen. Men sporene er blevet kolde, og alt, hvad Griessel har at gå efter er et sæt nøgenbilleder og en indviklet forretningshandel. Imens stiger presset fra ledelsen og medierne i takt med at snigskytten optrapper sine handlinger.Samtidig må Griessel kæmpe for at holde sin nye veninde, sangerinden Alexa Barnard, ædru, indtil hun kan gøre comeback på scenen. Og pludselig udnævner snigskytten Griessel til sit næste offer.For Griessel bliver det syv dage i helvede ...Deon Meyer er Sydafrikas førende kriminalforfatter. Han er en mester i negleidende spænding og giver med sit troværdige persongalleri og sine farverige kulisser et intenst og stemningsfuldt billede af det moderne Sydafrika. Deon Meyers bøger udkommer i mere end 20 lande. Og han har modtaget en lang række priser, både hjemlige og internationale,bl.a. Le Grand Prix de Littérature Policière 2003, Le Prix Mystère de la Critique 2004, Den tyske Krimipris 2006 og 2009, og Martin Beck-prisen 2009. Barry Award for Best Thriller, 2011, USA.PRESSEN SKREV"En af verdens bedste kriminalforfattere." - Tonny Worm, Information "Forrygende nedtællings-politirutineroman bekræfter Deon Meyer som en af tidens hotteste krimiforfattere." - Bo Tao Michaelis, Politiken, 5 hjerter "Det er forførelseskunst helt i toppen." - Fyens Stiftstidende, 5 stjerner "Det er en spændingsroman fra øverste hylde. Den er fremragende." - Vejle Amts Folkeblad, 5 stjerner "Befriende at komme lidt uden for den skandinaviske krimi-skabelon", Ekstra Bladet, 5 stjerner"Hold på hat og håndjern ... Forrygende og socialt indigneret politiroman fra Cape Town." - 5 hjerter, Bo Tao Michaelis i Politiken om Deon Meyers foregående bog, TRETTEN TIMER"Årets foreløbig bedste krimi" - Tonny Worm i Information om TRETTEN TIMER
70,95 kr. Bennie Griessel hat eigentlich genug zu tun als gerade trockener Alkoholiker mit einer mehr als komplizierten Beziehung, doch sein vierter Fall lässt diese privaten Sorgen in den Hintergrund treten. Drei Bodyguards werden tot aufgefunden auf einem abgelegenen Weingut und von ihrem Schützling, einem Cambridge-Mathematiker, fehlt jede Spur. Der einzige Hinweis auf den Täter scheinen die in die Kugel eingeritzten Schlangenköpfe zu sein, wären da nicht das auffallend große Interesse mehrerer Politiker. An was genau hat der Mathematiker gearbeitet, dass er drei Bodyguards brauchte? Griessel und sein Team tauchen kopfüber ein in ein Netz aus Korruption und internationalen Verstrickungen und die unwahrscheinlichste Hilfe scheint von einem jungen Taschendieb zu kommen, der ein mehr als brisantes Handy zu seiner Beute zählt. Gewohnt packend und komplex entführt Deon Meyer den Leser hier erneut in die dunkle Unterwelt Südafrikas.Deon Meyer (geb. 4. Juli 1958) ist Südafrikas bekanntester Krimi-Autor und drüberhinaus als Regisseur und Drehbuchautor tätig. Schon in jungen Jahren war er schriftstellerisch tätig, arbeitete nach seinem Studium aber zunächst als Journalist und Werbetexter. Sein erster Roman erschien 1994, bevor er mit der Krimiserie um den desillusionierten Bennie Griessel 2004 seine größten Erfolge feierte. Mehrere seiner Romane wurden erfolgreich verfilmt, zuletzt die seit 2016 ausgestrahlte Serie "Cape Town", zu der er auch das Drehbuch schrieb. Er wird häufig mit Autoren wie Henning Mankell und John le Carré verglichen und wurde mit mehreren Krimi-Preisen ausgezeichnet. Er ist verheiratet und lebt mit Frau und vier Kindern in der Nähe von Kapstadt.
- Lydbog
- 70,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Selected by Marcel Berlins in The Times as one of the 50 best crime novels of the last 50 years: 'Deon Meyer is acclaimed for his portrayals of crime and the police after the end of apartheid. Non-white detectives hold positions once monopolised by their white bosses, and the tensions are high'After 602 days dry, Captain Benny Griessel of the South African police services can't take any more tragedy. So when Benny is called in to investigate a multiple homicide, it pushes him close to breaking point - a former friend and detective colleague has shot his wife and two daughters, then killed himself. Benny wants out - out of his job, his home and his relationship with his singer girlfriend, Alexa. He moves into a hotel and starts drinking. Again.But Benny's unique talent is urgently required to help investigate another crime - the high profile murder of Ernst Richter, MD of a new tech startup, Alibi, whose body is discovered buried in the sand dunes north of Cape Town. Alibi is a service that creates false appointments, documents and phone calls to enable people to cheat on their partners. It has made Richter one of the most notorious people in South Africa. Can Benny pull together the strands of his life in time to catch the killer?
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
118,95 kr. From the author of Thirteen Hours - A Sunday Times '100 best crime novels and thrillers since 1945' pickI'll shoot a policeman every day until you arrest the murderer of Hanneke Sloet.Shortly after the South African Police Services receive this threatening email, a policeman is shot by a sniper and recovering alcoholic Benny Griessel is ordered to reopen the Sloet case.Hanneke Sloet was a sensual and ambitious lawyer. At the time of her murder she was working on one of the biggest Black Empowerment deals in South African history. She was found dead in her luxury Cape Town apartment, a single stab wound to her chest.After forty days, the trail has gone cold. The first investigation could find no motive and no leads, only a set of nude photographs, an ex-boyfriend with a rock-solid alibi, conniving attorneys and financial double-dealing.Benny has to deal with immense pressure from his superiors, the media and the unfathomable sniper, whose emails keep coming and who won't stop shooting. And then there's Benny's love interest, former pop sensation Alexa Barnard, who is also trying to rebuild her life after the ravages of alcohol, and Benny has to make sure she stays sober for her comeback.At the same time, Benny's feisty colleague, Captain Mbali Kaleni, is hunting the shooter, trying desperately to find what connects him to Hanneke Sloet.Both Benny and Mbali are about to endure seven days of hell.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
96,95 kr. From the author of Thirteen Hours - A Sunday Times '100 best crime novels and thrillers since 1945' pickThe former freedom fighter known as 'Tiny' has finally achieved his dream of a peaceful life. But then his beloved son is taken away from him. In that moment, he unleashes himself upon a corrupt South Africa. His victims are those guilty of crimes against children.He goes by the name of Artemis.Benny Griessel, a fading policeman on the brink of losing his job, family and self-respect, is assigned the case. Benny knows that this is his last chance - both his career and the safety of Cape Town are on the line.But then Benny meets Christine, a young mother working as a prostitute, and something happens that is so terrifying that the world will never be the same again for Benny, for Christine, or for Tiny.
- Bog
- 96,95 kr.
118,95 kr. From the author of Thirteen Hours - A Sunday Times '100 best crime novels and thrillers since 1945' pick***Why would a mathematics professor from Cambridge University, renting a holiday home outside Cape Town, require a false identity and three bodyguards? And where is he, now that they are dead? The only clue to the bodyguards' murder is the snake engraved on the shell casings of the bullets that killed them. Investigating the massacre, Benny Griessel and his team find themselves being drawn into an international conspiracy with shocking implications. It seems it is not just the terrorists and criminals of Britain and South Africa who may fear the Professor's work, but the politicians too. As the body count begins to spiral viciously, Benny must put his new-found love life aside and focus on finding the one person who could give him a break in the case: a teenage pickpocket on the run in the city. But Benny is not the only person hunting for Tyrone Kleinbooi . . . Shortlisted for the CWA International Dagger, COBRA is a relentlessly suspenseful, topical and richly rewarding novel from an author who is acclaimed around the world as a brilliant voice in crime fiction.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
118,95 kr. A Sunday Times '100 best crime novels and thrillers since 1945' pick!Shortlisted for the CWA International Dagger Award 2010They killed her best friend. Now they are chasing Rachel Anderson through the streets of Cape Town. The young tourist doesn't dare trust anyone - except her father, back home in America. When he puts pressure on the politicians, they know that to protect their country's image, they must find Rachel's hiding place before the killers.So Benny Griessel - detective, maverick and father of teenagers himself - has just 13 hours to crack open a conspiracy which threatens the whole country.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.