Bøger i Bauwelt Fundamente serien
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- 298,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Wie Architektur zum Medium wurde Unter Bedingungen der Moderne interagiert Architektur in und mit Netzen: Lange bevor sie mit digitalen Apparaten zu kommunizieren begannen, wurden Häuser von technischen Systemen durchdrungen, Bauten als Knotenpunkte in Verkehrsinfrastrukturen konzipiert und die immer größeren Gebäudekomplexe mit Informationssystemen überlagert. Architektur wurde damit auch selbst als Medium begriffen, das Zugänge, Anschlüsse und Abschirmungen organisiert. Der Band präsentiert aktuelle Positionen einer medien- und kulturwissenschaftlich ausgerichteten Architekturforschung. Im Fokus steht dabei die Frage, wie Architektur als ein Medium unter anderen Medien zur Entstehung neuer Raumverhältnisse beiträgt, die Wissen, Subjektivität und soziales Verhalten ebenso verändern wie Klima und Umwelt. Deutsche Medienwissenschaft trifft angloamerikanische Architekturgeschichte Eine aktuelle Sicht auf die Medialität der Architektur Mit Beiträgen von Zeynep Çelik Alexander, Christoph Asendorf, Beatriz Colomina, Mark Crinson, Moritz Gleich, Tom Holert, Christa Kamleithner, Reinhold Martin, Roland Meyer, Bernhard Siegert und Meredith TenHoor
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- 383,95 kr.
318,95 kr. - Bog
- 318,95 kr.
383,95 kr. 50 years Learning from Las Vegas From the bustle of Johannesburg to the neon of Las Vegas, Denise Scott Brown's advocacy for "messy vitality" has transformed the way we look at the urban landscape. Unconventional, eloquent, and with a profound sociopolitical message, Scott Brown is one of our era's most influential thinkers on architecture and urbanism. The anthology Denise Scott Brown. In Other Eyes - marking the 50th anniversary of the seminal treatise Learning from Las Vegas - paints a portrait of Scott Brown as seen through the eyes of leading architectural historians and practitioners. It features new scholarship on her education on three continents, her multidisciplinary teaching, and her use of urban patterns and forces as tools for architectural design - a practice documented in a new comment by Scott Brown, noting that sometimes "1+1>2." With contributions by Mary McLeod, Joan Ockman, Sylvia Lavin, Stanislaus von Moos, Jacques Herzog, Robin Middleton, and Denise Scott Brown, among others A comprehensive portrait of one of contemporary architecture's most significant personalities
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- 383,95 kr.
383,95 kr. Interne Kritik am Bauhaus Lange wurde viel und kontrovers über das linke Bauhaus gestritten. Mit der Erforschung der Kommunistischen Studentenfraktion (Kostufra) rücken endlich die linken Studierenden selbst in den Fokus. Ihre Zeitschrift: bauhaus. sprachrohr der studierenden. organ der kostufra war das Medium für schonungslose Kritik an Ereignissen, Lehrinhalten und Lehrenden. Die Zeitschrift ist zwischen1930 und 1932 in Dessau und Berlin in 15 hektografierten Nummern in einer losen Blattsammlung erschienenen und wird hier erstmalig von Forschenden aus der Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaft, Architektur und Editionswissenschaft kritisch diskutiert. Deutlich wird, dass die experimentelle Bedeutung des Bauhauses von politischer Radikalität nicht zu trennen ist. Erstmals detaillierte Aufarbeitung des kommunistischen Bauhauses Mit Beiträgen von Peter Bernhard, Marcel Bois, Magdalena Droste, Elizabeth Otto, Patrick Rössler u. a.
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- 383,95 kr.
443,95 kr. News on Ludwig Hilberseimer! Ludwig Hilberseimer (1885-1967) is regarded as one of the leading theorists of the Neues Bauen movement in pre-War Germany, and of modern, functional urbanism. This set of accomplishments still dominates the public image of the architect, urban planner, teacher and art critic to this day. His development beyond that period has long been neglected. The essays in this collection seek to fill this gap, offering an exciting and wide-ranging new perspective on the work of a central protagonist of modernism. Until now, most critical studies of Hilberseimer's work came from his place of exile in Chicago and his work in Germany/Europe and the USA tended to be viewed separately; this volume is the first to attempt to end this separation and encourage a complete overview of is work. Previously unknown archival discoveries With contributions by Alexander Eisenschmidt, Magdalena Droste, Christine Mengin, Philipp Oswalt, Robin Schuldenfrei, Charles Waldheim and others
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- 443,95 kr.
373,95 kr. Die Komplexität der gestalteten Welt erfordert eine kritische Analyse gesellschaftlicher und wirtschaftlicher Zusammenhänge. Dringend notwendig, weil kaum existent, ist deshalb eine Designkritik, die ihren Namen verdient. Der Designtheoretiker Michael Erlhoff kritisiert radikal und nimmt deshalb verborgene Alltäglichkeiten, versteckte Grausamkeiten, verdunkelte Offensichtlichkeiten, verheimlichte Motive und andere verdrängte Verwicklungen von Gestaltung in den Blick. Konkret: die Gestaltung von Waffen, Design im Nationalsozialismus, das Design "elektrischer Stühle", die Brutalität von Branding, die Ambivalenz von Service-Design, die Gewalt von Zeichen oder die Ornamentalisierung von Menschen als Massen. Dieses Buch ist die nötige Selbstkritik, damit Design endlich selbstbewusst wird.
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- 373,95 kr.
- Strategien & Perspektiven fur die widerstandsfahige und lernende Stadt
373,95 kr. 2016 New editorship Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell Not unjustly referred to as legendary, this series of books on the history and theory of architecture and urban development was founded in 1963 by Ulrich Conrads, who was joined by Peter Neitzke as a co-editor of the series in the early 1980s. Now numbering over 150 titles, it is the most comprehensive German-language book series covering these fields. Following the deaths of the two longtime editors Ulrich Conrads (2013) and Peter Neitzke (2015), a new editorial committee was formed to continue their work: Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer and Angelika Schnell. As the future editors of this series, it is our aim to maintain the course set by our forerunners. The series has fulfilled its original aim of taking stock of the constructional and urban planning ideas and realizations formulated and achieved over the twentieth century in exemplary fashion. The Bauwelt Fundament series actually represents a history of ideas in the fields of planning and building that extends from the beginning of the twentieth century into the present. The second objective of the series, one that is anchored in its very name, will also continue to guide the development of the series, namely the publication of foundational thought - authoritative and fundamental - rather than passing opinion, of theses and polemics relating to the burning architectural and urban planning themes of the time. Penetrating complex interrelationships and probing them with systematic analysis provides the prerequisite for fruitful discourse and ongoing debate. As a forum for such discourses and contributions, the Bauwelt Fundamente series is maintaining its focus on the areas of architecture and urbanism, supplementing it with the always necessary historicala investigation of important questions and texts and its extension into other cultural and social fields. A strong international orientation and the desire for more female authors are self-evident in such a context. The original graphic design approach taken by Helmut Lortz to the series is being maintained. As is fitting for a working library, Bauwelt Fundamente titles remain simply designed, using black and white for the logo, the images on the front and back, and the eleven-line summary of the volume's contents. This is indicative of the broad orientation of Bauwelt Fundamente to all those interested in the cultural and social development that provides the context for the creation of cities, houses and other objects, which in turn create contexts for the world. "e;Architects, it is said - or hoped - have always been interested in the world beyond the boundaries of their profession."e; (1) (1) Peter Neitzke, manuscript of his address Nicht mit dem Rucken zur Gesellschaft (Not with one's back to society) given to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Bauwelt Fundamente in Berlin, 2013.
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- 373,95 kr.
- Eine Designgeschichte
373,95 kr. Vom Druckknopf bis zur Weltraumsonde: So weit erstreckt sich der Horizont von Produktdesign. Weil Design viel mehr ist als "Linienführung", geht diese Designgeschichte der Frage nach, wie sich die Ansprüche an die Gestaltung von Gebrauchsobjekten im Lauf der Zeit fortentwickelt haben. Die Frage des Wozu (Gebrauchsfunktion) verbindet sich mit der des Woraus und Womit (Materialien und Produktionsmethode) und der nach dem Wie (der konstitutiven Beschaffenheit des Gegenstandes). Darunter zeigen sich die Schichten geschichtlich bedingter kultureller Mentalitäten, und darüber erhebt sich die Frage nach den Wirkungen von Design in Gesellschaft und Umwelt. Die Schwerkraft von Ideen entfaltet diese vieldimensionale Matrix in zwei Bänden und schafft so Orientierung im Kosmos der Ideen und ihrer gestalterischen Umsetzung.
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- 373,95 kr.
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- 298,95 kr.
323,95 kr. 2016 Neue Herausgeberschaft Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell Die nicht zu Unrecht legendar genannte Schriftenreihe zu Geschichte und Theorie von Architektur und Stadtebau wurde 1963 von Ulrich Conrads gegrundet und seit den fruhen 1980er Jahren zusammen mit Peter Neitzke herausgegeben. Sie ist mit inzwischen uber 150 Banden die umfangreichste deutschsprachige Buchreihe zu diesen Themen. Mit dem Tod der beiden langjahrigen Herausgeber Ulrich Conrads (2013) und Peter Neitzke (2015) hat ein neues HerausgeberInnengremium seine Arbeit aufgenommen: Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell. Als kunftige HerausgeberInnen versuchen wir auf Kurs zu bleiben. Die ursprungliche Zielsetzung der Reihe, eine Bestandsaufnahme der baulichen und stadtebaulichen Ideen und Realisierungen des 20. Jahrhunderts zu leisten, wurde bereits in herausragender Weise erfullt. Die Bauwelt Fundamente reprasentieren geradezu die Ideengeschichte des Planens und Bauens jener Zeit bis in die Gegenwart hinein. Diese gilt es in die Zukunft hinein fortzuschreiben. In gleicher Weise besteht der zweite, direkt im Namen verankerte Anspruch der Reihe unvermindert fort: nicht Tagesmeinungen, sondern Fundamente - Verbindliches und Grundlegendes - aber auch Thesen- und Streitschriften zu den brennenden architektonischen und stadtebaulichen Themen der Zeit zu veroffentlichen. Komplexe Zusammenhange zu durchdringen und probeweise einzuordnen bildet die Voraussetzung fruchtbarer Diskurse und zukunftsfahiger Auseinandersetzungen. Die Bauwelt Fundamente-Reihe legt als Forum solcher Diskurse und Beitrage ihren Fokus unvermindert auf die Bereiche Architektur und Urbanismus, erganzt durch die immer notwendige historische Aufarbeitung wichtiger Fragen und Texte und den Blick daruber hinaus in andere kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Gefilde. Eine starker internationale Ausrichtung und der Wunsch nach mehr Autorinnen sind hierbei selbstverstandlich. Die grafische Gestaltung der Reihe von Helmut Lortz wird in Bezug auf seine ursprunglichen Anliegen beibehalten: Wie sich das fur eine Arbeitsbucherei gehort, bleiben die Bauwelt Fundamente einfach ausgestattet: Schwarz/wei das Signet sowie die Bildmotive von Vorder- und Ruckseite und der 11-Zeiler mit konzentrierter Information zum Inhalt. Damit wenden sich die Bauwelt Fundamente auch weiterhin an alle, die Anteil nehmen an der kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung, in deren Kontext Stadte, Hauser und Dinge entstehen und die wiederum Kontexte schaffen fur die Welt. Architekten hatten sich, heit es - oder hofft man - immer schon, uber die Grenzen ihres Berufs hinaus, fur die Welt interessiert."e; (1) (1) Peter Neitzke, Manuskript seiner Rede Nicht mit dem Rucken zur Gesellschaft"e; anlasslich der 50-Jahrfeier der Bauwelt Fundamente in Berlin, 2013
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- 323,95 kr.
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- 298,95 kr.
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- 298,95 kr.
323,95 kr. 2016 New editorship Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer, Angelika Schnell Not unjustly referred to as legendary, this series of books on the history and theory of architecture and urban development was founded in 1963 by Ulrich Conrads, who was joined by Peter Neitzke as a co-editor of the series in the early 1980s. Now numbering over 150 titles, it is the most comprehensive German-language book series covering these fields. Following the deaths of the two longtime editors Ulrich Conrads (2013) and Peter Neitzke (2015), a new editorial committee was formed to continue their work: Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Gunther Fischer and Angelika Schnell. As the future editors of this series, it is our aim to maintain the course set by our forerunners. The series has fulfilled its original aim of taking stock of the constructional and urban planning ideas and realizations formulated and achieved over the twentieth century in exemplary fashion. The Bauwelt Fundament series actually represents a history of ideas in the fields of planning and building that extends from the beginning of the twentieth century into the present. The second objective of the series, one that is anchored in its very name, will also continue to guide the development of the series, namely the publication of foundational thought - authoritative and fundamental - rather than passing opinion, of theses and polemics relating to the burning architectural and urban planning themes of the time. Penetrating complex interrelationships and probing them with systematic analysis provides the prerequisite for fruitful discourse and ongoing debate. As a forum for such discourses and contributions, the Bauwelt Fundamente series is maintaining its focus on the areas of architecture and urbanism, supplementing it with the always necessary historicala investigation of important questions and texts and its extension into other cultural and social fields. A strong international orientation and the desire for more female authors are self-evident in such a context. The original graphic design approach taken by Helmut Lortz to the series is being maintained. As is fitting for a working library, Bauwelt Fundamente titles remain simply designed, using black and white for the logo, the images on the front and back, and the eleven-line summary of the volume's contents. This is indicative of the broad orientation of Bauwelt Fundamente to all those interested in the cultural and social development that provides the context for the creation of cities, houses and other objects, which in turn create contexts for the world. "e;Architects, it is said - or hoped - have always been interested in the world beyond the boundaries of their profession."e; (1) (1) Peter Neitzke, manuscript of his address Nicht mit dem Rucken zur Gesellschaft (Not with one's back to society) given to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Bauwelt Fundamente in Berlin, 2013.
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- 323,95 kr.
- Postfundamentalistisches Denken und das urbanistische Feld
348,95 kr. Die Pramisse der `postfundamentalistischen Uberlegung' ist es, dass es kein eindeutiges Fundament gibt, auf dem alles andere aufbaut: keinen Gott, keine stadtebauliche Wahrheit, keinen Markt und auch sonst kein Prinzip, das den Lauf der Dinge notwendig und vorhersagbar bestimmt. Nikolai Roskamm nimmt diesen Gedanken zum Ausgangspunkt fur einen Durchgang durch die Theorien von Marx, Lefebvre, Laclau, Foucault, Arendt, Derrida, Harvey u.a. Er zeigt die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten der dort zu findenden postfundamentalistischen Ansatze und untersucht, welche Rolle der Begriff der Stadt in diesem Denken jeweils spielt. Mit seiner These von der `unbesetzten Stadt' konfrontiert er eingefahrene Denkroutinen auf dem urbanistischen Feld und unternimmt den Versuch einer kritischen Stadttheorie.
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- 348,95 kr.
- Eine Architekturtheorie mit Widerspruchen
298,95 kr. 2016 New editorship Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Günther Fischer, Angelika Schnell Not unjustly referred to as legendary, this series of books on the history and theory of architecture and urban development was founded in 1963 by Ulrich Conrads, who was joined by Peter Neitzke as a co-editor of the series in the early 1980s. Now numbering over 150 titles, it is the most comprehensive German-language book series covering these fields. Following the deaths of the two longtime editors Ulrich Conrads (2013) and Peter Neitzke (2015), a new editorial committee was formed to continue their work: Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Günther Fischer and Angelika Schnell. As the future editors of this series, it is our aim to maintain the course set by our forerunners. The series has fulfilled its original aim of taking stock of the constructional and urban planning ideas and realizations formulated and achieved over the twentieth century in exemplary fashion. The Bauwelt Fundament series actually represents a history of ideas in the fields of planning and building that extends from the beginning of the twentieth century into the present. The second objective of the series, one that is anchored in its very name, will also continue to guide the development of the series, namely the publication of foundational thought – authoritative and fundamental – rather than passing opinion, of theses and polemics relating to the burning architectural and urban planning themes of the time. Penetrating complex interrelationships and probing them with systematic analysis provides the prerequisite for fruitful discourse and ongoing debate. As a forum for such discourses and contributions, the Bauwelt Fundamente series is maintaining its focus on the areas of architecture and urbanism, supplementing it with the always necessary historical investigation of important questions and texts and its extension into other cultural and social fields. A strong international orientation and the desire for more female authors are self-evident in such a context. The original graphic design approach taken by Helmut Lortz to the series is being maintained. As is fitting for a working library, Bauwelt Fundamente titles remain simply designed, using black and white for the logo, the images on the front and back, and the eleven-line summary of the volume’s contents. This is indicative of the broad orientation of Bauwelt Fundamente to all those interested in the cultural and social development that provides the context for the creation of cities, houses and other objects, which in turn create contexts for the world. "Architects, it is said – or hoped – have always been interested in the world beyond the boundaries of their profession." (1) (1) Peter Neitzke, manuscript of his address Nicht mit dem Rücken zur Gesellschaft (Not with one’s back to society) given to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Bauwelt Fundamente in Berlin, 2013.
- Bog
- 298,95 kr.
- Architekturdiskussion im oestlichen Deutschland, 1945 - 1955
298,95 kr. 2016 New editorship Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Günther Fischer, Angelika Schnell Not unjustly referred to as legendary, this series of books on the history and theory of architecture and urban development was founded in 1963 by Ulrich Conrads, who was joined by Peter Neitzke as a co-editor of the series in the early 1980s. Now numbering over 150 titles, it is the most comprehensive German-language book series covering these fields. Following the deaths of the two longtime editors Ulrich Conrads (2013) and Peter Neitzke (2015), a new editorial committee was formed to continue their work: Elisabeth Blum, Jesko Fezer, Günther Fischer and Angelika Schnell. As the future editors of this series, it is our aim to maintain the course set by our forerunners. The series has fulfilled its original aim of taking stock of the constructional and urban planning ideas and realizations formulated and achieved over the twentieth century in exemplary fashion. The Bauwelt Fundament series actually represents a history of ideas in the fields of planning and building that extends from the beginning of the twentieth century into the present. The second objective of the series, one that is anchored in its very name, will also continue to guide the development of the series, namely the publication of foundational thought – authoritative and fundamental – rather than passing opinion, of theses and polemics relating to the burning architectural and urban planning themes of the time. Penetrating complex interrelationships and probing them with systematic analysis provides the prerequisite for fruitful discourse and ongoing debate. As a forum for such discourses and contributions, the Bauwelt Fundamente series is maintaining its focus on the areas of architecture and urbanism, supplementing it with the always necessary historical investigation of important questions and texts and its extension into other cultural and social fields. A strong international orientation and the desire for more female authors are self-evident in such a context. The original graphic design approach taken by Helmut Lortz to the series is being maintained. As is fitting for a working library, Bauwelt Fundamente titles remain simply designed, using black and white for the logo, the images on the front and back, and the eleven-line summary of the volume’s contents. This is indicative of the broad orientation of Bauwelt Fundamente to all those interested in the cultural and social development that provides the context for the creation of cities, houses and other objects, which in turn create contexts for the world. "Architects, it is said – or hoped – have always been interested in the world beyond the boundaries of their profession." (1) (1) Peter Neitzke, manuscript of his address Nicht mit dem Rücken zur Gesellschaft (Not with one’s back to society) given to mark the fiftieth anniversary of Bauwelt Fundamente in Berlin, 2013.
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- 298,95 kr.
- Selected Essays
298,95 kr. Connects the critique of design theory and practice to a range of issues in urban theory, urban political economy and radical geography. The author develops concepts and methods to critique contemporary forms of urbanization, understand contemporary urbanization, and looks at the limits and possibilities of contemporary forms of urban knowledge.
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- 298,95 kr.
- A Companion to Urban Anthropology
298,95 kr. A collection of essays that offers insight into urban anthropological research, including its methods, recent developments, and novel approaches (the imagination of a city, urban scenes). It also includes a concluding chapter on street ethnography that presents a variety of ethnographic, experimental and artistic methods.
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- 298,95 kr.
- A European Perspective
298,95 kr. In the first half of the twentieth century, urban design under the influence of European dictatorships not only served to support the rulers in their own country, but also to gain the recognition of the democratic states. After the National Socialist regime came to power in Germany, urban design increasingly became the trump card in the competition amongst the large dictatorships in Europe - almost as in the time of absolutism. Irrespective of all conflicts and political orientations, there was an intense exchange of ideas amongst the states in Europe. It is therefore not adequate to make an assessment just from the point of view of the dictatorships. The overarching view helps to understand the special characteristics of each dictatorship and also disproves some simplified interpretations of their respective approaches to urban design. That is not just of historic interest; the discussion of the issue of dictatorships is always also an expression of our social condition, our commemorative culture, our ability to recognize old and new forms of dictatorship - even today! The book discusses the state of research into urban design under five dictatorships during the first half of the twentieth century, and presents new research results based on examples.
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- 298,95 kr.
- Zehn Lektionen zum Entwerfen
283,95 kr. Das Entwerfen von Architektur ist ein Prozess der Komposition: Schritt fur Schritt werden Elemente zu einem Ganzen zusammengesetzt. Die Regeln dieses Ablaufs sind die verschiedenen Kompositionsformen, die seit der klassischen Moderne mehr und mehr an Bedeutung verlieren. Auf anschauliche und narrative Weise entwickelt dieses Buch zentrale Aspekte des architektonischen Entwerfens wie Viereckigkeit und Senkrechte, additiver Grundriss und Fassade, Schichtung und Anhaufung, Verdichtung und Vervielfachung, Vereinfachung und Komplizierung, Durchdringung und Konfrontation, Tempi und Rhythmus. Zugleich ist es eine kritische und um personliche Erfahrungen angereicherte Auseinandersetzung mit der zeitgenossischen Architekturszene, die sich zwischen Gebaudedesign und Stadtarchitektur bewegt.
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- 283,95 kr.
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- 283,95 kr.
- Moving Beyond State and Market
298,95 kr. Examines various key topics of urban commons theoretically and empirically through a wide spectrum of international case studies providing perspectives from a variety of cities as diverse as Berlin, Hyderabad and Seoul.
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- 298,95 kr.