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En færdighed der aldrig går af mode. At kunne bage giver dig adgang til mange kreative og velsmagende ideer, kager med tusinde af forskellige former og smage samt rugbrødet i Danmark, som vi har levet af i mere end tusinde år. Bøger om brød og kager her på siden giver dig adgang til en helt masse forskellige og inspirerende ideer til næste gang, du skal bage. Dyk ned og udforsk vores udvalg her på siden.
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  • - Suivi De L'art De Faire Le Pain; Volume 2
    af Antoine Augustin Parmentier
    388,95 - 445,95 kr.

    Cet ouvrage est une référence en matière de culture des grains et de la production de pain. L'auteur fournit des informations précises sur les différentes variétés de céréales, les méthodes les plus efficaces pour les cultiver et les techniques pour préparer un pain de qualité.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

    309,95 kr.

    A cookbook filled with the author's favorite recipes for baking, from cakes and cookies to breads and pies. This book is sure to become a go-to resource for both novice and experienced bakers.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Nina Kastelic
    438,95 kr.

    Dobrodöli v "Kuharska Knjiga Sodobnega Kramilca", kulinari¿ni ekspediciji v svet darov narave, kjer slavimo umetnost nabiranja in priprave divjih sestavin za sodobne brbon¿ice. Ta kuharska knjiga je vä vodnik za sprejemanje okusov, tekstur in prehranskih prednosti krmne hrane, ki prinäa bistvo divjine v väo sodobno kuhinjo. Pridrüite se nam na potovanju, ki na novo opredeljuje kulinari¿no pokrajino s kombinacijo tradicionalne modrosti iskanja hrane z inovativnimi in okusnimi recepti.Predstavljajte si kuhinjo, v kateri so divje jedi v sredi¿¿u pozornosti in vsaka jed pripoveduje zgodbo o razli¿nih okusih, ki jih najdemo na prostem. " Kuharska Knjiga Sodobnega Kramilca " ni le zbirka receptov; gre za raziskovanje zakladov, skritih v gozdovih, poljih in travnikih. Ne glede na to, ali ste izküen iskalec krme ali nekdo, ki se ¿ele spoznava v svetu divje hrane, so ti recepti oblikovani tako, da vas navdihnejo, da v svoje vsakodnevne obroke vkljüite bogastvo narave.Od zemeljskih gobjih üitkov do ¿ivahnega divjega zelenja in od cvetli¿nih poparkov do presenetljivih me¿anic jagodi¿ja, vsak recept je praznovanje raznolikih in neukröenih okusov, ki jih ponuja narava. Ne glede na to, ali pripravljate rustikalno ve¿erjo, prefinjeno predjed ali osve¿ilno pijäo, je ta kuharska knjiga vä glavni vir za popestritev väih kulinari¿nih izküenj z obiljem naravnega sveta.Pridrüite se nam, ko sprejemamo duh iskanja hrane, kjer je vsaka jed dokaz lepote, sve¿ine in neukröenega bistva divjih sestavin . Torej, zberite svoje köare, sprejmite pustolov¿¿ino in prenesite ¿arobnost iskanja hrane na sodobno mizo s " Kuharska Knjiga Sodobnega Kramilca."

  • af Ph¿¿ng Cát
    433,95 kr.

    Chào m¿ng b¿n ¿¿n v¿i "Sách d¿y n¿u ¿n c¿a ng¿¿i hái l¿¿m hi¿n ¿¿i", m¿t cüc thám hi¿m ¿m th¿c vào th¿ gi¿i trù phú c¿a thiên nhiên, n¿i chúng tôi tôn vinh ngh¿ thüt thu höch và chün b¿ các nguyên li¿u hoang dã cho kh¿u v¿ ¿¿¿ng ¿¿i. Cün sách n¿u ¿n này là h¿¿ng d¿n giúp b¿n n¿m b¿t h¿¿ng v¿, k¿t c¿u và l¿i ích dinh d¿¿ng c¿a th¿c ph¿m ¿¿¿c ch¿ bi¿n s¿n, mang tinh hoa c¿a thiên nhiên vào c¿n b¿p hi¿n ¿¿i c¿a b¿n. Hãy tham gia cùng chúng tôi trong cüc hành trình xác ¿¿nh l¿i b¿i c¿nh ¿m th¿c b¿ng cách k¿t h¿p ki¿n th¿c tìm ki¿m truy¿n th¿ng v¿i các công th¿c n¿u ¿n sáng t¿o và ngon mi¿ng.Hãy t¿¿ng t¿¿ng m¿t nhà b¿p n¿i các món ¿n hoang dã chi¿m v¿ trí trung tâm và m¿i món ¿n k¿ m¿t câu chuy¿n v¿ h¿¿ng v¿ ¿a d¿ng ¿¿¿c tìm th¿y ¿ ngoài tr¿i tuy¿t v¿i. "Sách d¿y n¿u ¿n c¿a ng¿¿i hái l¿¿m hi¿n ¿¿i" không ch¿ là m¿t b¿ s¿u t¿p các công th¿c n¿u ¿n; ¿ó là cüc khám phá nh¿ng kho báu ¿n gi¿u trong r¿ng, cánh ¿¿ng và ¿¿ng c¿. Cho dù b¿n là ng¿¿i hái l¿¿m có kinh nghi¿m hay là ng¿¿i m¿i làm quen v¿i th¿ gi¿i th¿c ph¿m hoang dã, nh¿ng công th¿c này ¿¿¿c t¿o ra ¿¿ truy¿n c¿m h¿ng cho b¿n k¿t h¿p ngün l¿i t¿ thiên nhiên vào b¿a ¿n hàng ngày c¿a mình.T¿ nh¿ng món ngon t¿ n¿m ¿¿t ¿¿n nh¿ng löi rau xanh hoang dã r¿c r¿, và t¿ vi¿c pha tr¿n hoa cho ¿¿n cách pha ch¿ qü m¿ng ¿áng ng¿c nhiên, m¿i công th¿c là s¿ tôn vinh nh¿ng h¿¿ng v¿ ¿a d¿ng và hoang s¿ mà thiên nhiên ban t¿ng. Cho dù b¿n ¿ang ch¿ bi¿n m¿t b¿a t¿i m¿c m¿c, món khai v¿ tinh t¿ hay ¿¿ üng gi¿i khát, cün sách n¿u ¿n này là ngün tài li¿u tham kh¿o ¿¿ nâng cao tr¿i nghi¿m ¿m th¿c c¿a b¿n v¿i s¿ phong phú c¿a th¿ gi¿i t¿ nhiên.Hãy tham gia cùng chúng tôi khi chúng tôi ¿ón nh¿n tinh th¿n tìm ki¿m th¿c ¿n, trong ¿ó m¿i món ¿n là minh ch¿ng cho v¿ ¿¿p, s¿ t¿¿i mát và tinh túy hoang s¿ c¿a các nguyên li¿u hoang dã . Vì v¿y, hãy thu th¿p gi¿ c¿a b¿n, ¿ón nh¿n cüc phiêu l¿u và hãy mang ¿i¿u k¿ di¿u c¿a vi¿c tìm ki¿m th¿c ¿n ¿¿n bàn ¿n hi¿n ¿¿i v¿i "Sách d¿y n¿u ¿n c¿a ng¿¿i ki¿m ¿n hi¿n ¿¿i

  • af Gábor Rácz
    458,95 kr.

    Induljon el a briós elragadó világába a "AZ VÉGS¿ BRIÓS KÉZIKÖNYV" cím¿ könyvvel, amely átfogó útmutató a tökéletes briós sütésének m¿vészetének elsajátításához. Ez a szakácskönyv a gazdag, vajas és gyengéd finomságok ünnepe, amelyek ezt az ikonikus francia péksüteményt jellemzik. Szakért¿en kidolgozott receptek és lépésr¿l-lépésre szóló útmutatások segítségével itt az ideje, hogy fejleszd sütési készségeidet, és átadd magad a mennyei briósok készítésének örömének saját konyhájában.Képzelje el, ahogy a frissen sült briós illata betölti otthonát, és az aranyszín¿ kéreg átadja helyét a puha és szell¿s bels¿ térnek. A "AZ VÉGS¿ BRIÓS KÉZIKÖNYV" több, mint receptek gy¿jteménye; ez a jegyed a briós rajongóvá váláshoz, a technikák elsajátításához és a klasszikus péksütemény árnyalatainak megértéséhez. Akár tapasztalt pék, akár kezd¿ a konyhában, ezeket a recepteket aprólékosan megterveztük, hogy elkalauzoljanak egy finom utazásra a briós világában.A hagyományos briós cipóktól az innovatív csavarokig és az elragadó variációkig minden recept a briós sokoldalúságáról és kényelmér¿l tanúskodik. Akár egy kellemes hétvégi reggelir¿l, egy elegáns villásreggelir¿l vagy egy kellemes délutáni teáról álmodozik, ez a kézikönyv mindenre kiterjed.Csatlakozzon hozzánk, amikor megfejtjük a brióssütés m¿vészetét, feltárjuk a tökéletes kelesztés tudományát, a vaj tésztába laminálásának varázslatát, és a tészta készítésének örömét, amely egyben kulináris csoda és sütési képességeinek tanúja. Tehát melegítse el¿ a süt¿t, porolja le a sodrófákat, és merüljön el a "AZ VÉGS¿ BRIÓS KÉZIKÖNYV" cím¿ könyvben, hogy megtegye a tökéletes sütést és a tiszta kényeztetést.

  • af Nora Novakovi¿
    438,95 kr.

    Dobro döli u "Suvremena Kuharica Krmäa", kulinarsku ekspediciju u svijet bogatstva prirode, gdje slavimo umije¿e ¿etve i pripreme divljih sastojaka za suvremena nepca. Ova kuharica vä je vodi¿ za prihväanje okusa, tekstura i nutritivnih prednosti hranjene hrane, unose¿i esenciju divljine u väu modernu kuhinju. Pridrüite nam se na putovanju koje redefinira kulinarski krajolik kombinirajüi tradicionalnu mudrost träenja hrane s inovativnim i ukusnim receptima.Zamislite kuhinju u kojoj divlje jestive namirnice zauzimaju sredi¿nje mjesto, a svako jelo pri¿a pri¿u o razli¿itim okusima koji se mogu näi u prirodi. "Kuharica modernog krmäa" nije samo zbirka recepata; to je isträivanje blaga skrivenih u ¿umama, poljima i livadama. Bez obzira jeste li iskusni lovac na hranu ili ste tek upoznali svijet divlje hrane, ovi su recepti osmi¿ljeni kako bi vas nadahnuli da u svoje svakodnevne obroke ukljüite blagodati prirode.Od zemljanih gljiva do ¿ivopisnog divljeg zelenila, od cvjetnih infuzija do iznenäujüih mje¿avina bobi¿astog vöa, svaki recept je slavlje raznolikih i neukröenih okusa koje priroda prüa. Bilo da pripremate rustikalnu ve¿eru, profinjeno predjelo ili osvje¿avajüi napitak, ova kuharica vä je izvor za podizanje kulinarskih döivljaja uz obilje prirodnog svijeta.Pridrüite nam se dok prihväamo duh träenja hrane, gdje je svako jelo dokaz ljepote, svje¿ine i neukröene esencije divljih sastojaka . Dakle, skupite svoje köare, prihvatite avanturu i prenesite ¿aroliju träenja hrane na moderan stol uz "Kuharicu modernog krmä

  • af Kelly Johnson
    228,95 kr.

    Embark on a culinary odyssey through the rich and ancient flavors of Greece with our comprehensive Greek Bread Cookbook. This collection celebrates the art of bread-making, a cherished tradition deeply rooted in Greek culture, where each loaf tells a story of heritage and culinary craftsmanship.Transport yourself to the sun-drenched landscapes of Greece with every page, as you discover the secrets behind an array of traditional and modern Greek bread recipes. From the iconic crusty loaves of Psomi to the sweet delights of Paximadi, our cookbook invites you to master the art of crafting these wholesome and aromatic breads in your own kitchen.Explore the diverse textures, fragrances, and flavors of Greek bread, as our cookbook provides step-by-step instructions to guide both novice bakers and seasoned enthusiasts. Learn the importance of using quality ingredients, traditional techniques, and time-honored recipes passed down through generations.Whether you're a bread-making novice or an experienced baker seeking to expand your repertoire, our Greek Bread Cookbook offers a comprehensive guide to elevate your home baking. Discover the joy of filling your kitchen with the heavenly aromas of freshly baked bread and enjoy the satisfaction of creating authentic Greek loaves that capture the essence of this Mediterranean culinary treasure.Bringing the warmth of Greek hospitality to your table, our cookbook is a tribute to the soulful connection between Greek culture and its beloved bread. Uncover the secrets, savor the aromas, and delight in the taste of Greece with each recipe. This cookbook is your passport to a Greek bread-making adventure, where every loaf is a celebration of timeless traditions and delicious authenticity.

  • af Corina Bratosin
    433,95 kr.

    Bine äi venit la ¿Cartea Modern¿ A Cuperatorului", o expedi¿ie culinar¿ în lumea bunurilor naturii, unde s¿rb¿torim arta de a recolta ¿i de a preg¿ti ingrediente s¿lbatice pentru palatele contemporane. Aceast¿ carte de bucate este ghidul t¿u pentru a îmbr¿¿i¿a aromele, texturile ¿i beneficiile nutri¿ionale ale alimentelor furajere, aducând esen¿a s¿lb¿ticiei în buc¿t¿ria ta modern¿. Al¿turäi-v¿ noü într-o c¿l¿torie care redefine¿te peisajul culinar, combinând în¿elepciunea tradi¿ional¿ de hran¿ cu re¿ete inovatoare ¿i delicioase.Imaginäi-v¿ o buc¿t¿rie în care comestibile s¿lbatice ocup¿ centrul aten¿iei, iar fiecare fel de mâncare spune o poveste a diverselor arome g¿site în aer liber. ¿Cartea de bucate a c¿p¿tatorului modern" nu este doar o colec¿ie de re¿ete; este o explorare a comorilor ascunse în p¿duri, câmpuri ¿i paji¿ti. Indiferent dac¿ sunte¿i un c¿l¿tor cu experien¿¿ sau cineva nou în lumea mânc¿rurilor s¿lbatice, aceste re¿ete sunt create pentru a v¿ inspira s¿ încorporäi recompensele naturii în mesele voastre de zi cu zi.De la delicii de ciuperci pân¿ la verde¿uri s¿lbatice vibrante ¿i de la infuzii florale pân¿ la preparate surprinz¿toare de fructe de p¿dure, fiecare re¿et¿ este o s¿rb¿toare a aromelor diverse ¿i neîmblânzite pe care le ofer¿ natura. Indiferent dac¿ creezi o cin¿ rustic¿, un aperitiv rafinat sau o b¿utur¿ r¿coritoare, aceast¿ carte de bucate este resursa ta de baz¿ pentru a-¿i îmbun¿t¿¿i experien¿ele culinare cu abunden¿a lumii naturale.Al¿turäi-v¿ noü în timp ce îmbr¿¿i¿¿m spiritul hranei, unde fiecare fel de mâncare este o dovad¿ a frumuse¿ii, prospe¿imii ¿i esen¿ei neîmblânzite a ingredientelor s¿lbatice . A¿adar, adun¿-¿i cöurile, îmbr¿¿i¿eaz¿ aventura ¿i haide¿i s¿ aducem magia c¿ut¿rii hranei pe masa modern¿ cu ¿Cartea de bucate a c¿p¿t¿toarelor moderne".

  • af Mhdi Ali
    133,95 kr.

    Indulge in the artistry of French pastry with "French Éclair Cookbook," a culinary journey that transcends the boundaries of tradition. Immerse yourself in the world of éclairs, where each recipe is a celebration of exquisite flavors, creative twists, and international influences.From the foundational techniques of mastering choux pastry to the intricacies of crafting velvety pastry creams, this cookbook is your guide to creating the perfect éclair. Delve into classic recipes like the decadent Chocolate Éclair and explore gourmet variations such as the Raspberry Rose Éclair and the exotic Matcha Madness. Elevate your baking skills with savory alternatives like the Smoked Salmon and Dill Éclair or the Bacon, Cheddar, and Chive Explosion.Beyond the oven, "French Éclair Cookbook" introduces you to miniature delights for parties, international fusion inspirations, and even innovative éclair-inspired drinks and desserts. Expert advice from renowned pastry chefs, a Q&A section, and trivia about the rich history of éclairs add depth to your culinary journey.Whether you're a novice baker or an experienced pastry enthusiast, this cookbook invites you to embrace the elegance of éclairs, unlocking a world of sweet and savory possibilities. With detailed instructions, vibrant images, and a plethora of mouthwatering recipes, "French Éclair Cookbook" is your passport to a delicious adventure in French pastry excellence.

  • af Mhdi Ali
    133,95 kr.

    Indulge your sweet tooth with "Brownie Cake Cookbook," a tantalizing journey into the world of decadent desserts that seamlessly blend the richness of brownies with the elegance of cakes. This culinary masterpiece offers a diverse collection of mouthwatering recipes, each designed to elevate your baking experience and satisfy your cravings for irresistible treats.From classic favorites like the Fudgy Chocolate Brownie Cake to innovative creations like the Raspberry Swirl Brownie Cake, this cookbook caters to every palate. Explore international flavors with the Tiramisu Brownie Cake and the Matcha Green Tea Brownie Cake, or opt for healthier alternatives with the Avocado Brownie Cake and the Gluten-Free Almond Brownie Cake.With chapters dedicated to special occasions, international inspirations, vegan and dairy-free options, and even breakfast-themed delights, this cookbook is a comprehensive guide for bakers of all levels. Unleash your creativity with show-stopping designs, celebrate with holiday-inspired concoctions, or savor the simplicity of quick and easy recipes.Discover the joy of bite-sized bliss with Mini Brownie Cake Bites, infuse a hint of sophistication with Boozy Brownie Cakes, or start your day on a sweet note with Breakfast-Inspired Brownie Cakes. Whether you're a seasoned baker or a kitchen novice, the clear instructions, helpful tips, and stunning photography in "Brownie Cake Cookbook" will empower you to create delectable desserts that will leave a lasting impression.

  • af Valentina Morales
    398,95 kr.

    Adéntrate en el fascinante universo de "Dulces Delicias", el libro de cocina de repostería escrito por la apasionada chef Valentina Morales. Este libro no es simplemente una recopilación de recetas; es una odisea culinaria que te sumergirá en el arte maestro de la repostería creativa, ofreciendo recetas exquisitas para endulzar cada rincón de tu vida cotidiana.Valentina Morales, amante de la repostería, comparte su destreza y amor por la creación de postres que van más allá de lo convencional. Desde delicadas tartas hasta irresistibles pastelerías, "Dulces Delicias" es un compendio de inspiración que te guiará a través de la elaboración de postres espectaculares.Este libro no es únicamente una guía culinaria; es una invitación a explorar la magia de la repostería como una forma de expresión artística. Valentina Morales comparte anécdotas personales, trucos prácticos y reflexiones que te inspirarán a llevar tu pasión por los dulces a nuevas alturas, transformando tus momentos culinarios en experiencias inolvidables."Dulces Delicias" es un tributo a la creatividad y la exquisitez de la repostería, guiándote a través de un viaje culinario que deleitará tus sentidos y convertirá cada ocasión en una celebración de sabores. Descubre el arte de la repostería a través de la visión y el paladar de Valentina Morales.

  • af Saga Ali
    438,95 kr.

    Welkom bij Het Moderne Kookboek Van De Voerder, een culinaire expeditie naar de wereld van de overvloed van de natuur, waar we de kunst vieren van het oogsten en bereiden van wilde ingrediënten voor hedendaagse smaakpapillen. Dit kookboek is uw gids om de smaken, texturen en voedingsvoordelen van gevogelte te omarmen en brengt de essentie van het wild naar uw moderne keuken. Ga met ons mee op een reis die het culinaire landschap opnieuw definieert door traditionele foerageerwijsheid te combineren met innovatieve en heerlijke recepten.Stel je een keuken voor waar wilde eetwaren centraal staan, en elk gerecht vertelt een verhaal over de diverse smaken die je in de vrije natuur kunt vinden. " Het Moderne Kookboek Van De Voerder " is niet alleen een verzameling recepten; het is een verkenning van de schatten die verborgen zijn in bossen, velden en weilanden. Of u nu een ervaren verzamelaar bent of iemand die nieuw is in de wereld van wildvoedsel, deze recepten zijn gemaakt om u te inspireren om de rijkdom van de natuur in uw dagelijkse maaltijden op te nemen.Van aardse paddenstoelenlekkernijen tot levendig wildgroen, en van bloemeninfusies tot verrassende bessenbrouwsels: elk recept is een viering van de diverse en ongetemde smaken die de natuur biedt. Of u nu een rustiek diner, een verfijnd aperitief of een verfrissend drankje maakt, dit kookboek is uw hulpmiddel bij uitstek om uw culinaire ervaringen naar een hoger niveau te tillen met de overvloed van de natuurlijke wereld.Ga met ons mee terwijl we de geest van het foerageren omarmen, waarbij elk gerecht een bewijs is van de schoonheid, frisheid en ongetemde essentie van wilde ingrediënten . Dus verzamel je manden, omarm het avontuur en laten we de magie van het foerageren naar de moderne tafel brengen met Het Moderne Kookboek Van De Voerder

  • af Ida Lindgren
    438,95 kr.

    Välkommen till "Den Moderna Foderarens Kokbok", en kulinarisk expedition in i naturens överflöd, där vi hyllar konsten att skörda och förbereda vilda ingredienser för samtida gommar. Den här kokboken är din guide till att omfamna smakerna, texturerna och näringsfördelarna med fodermat, och föra in essensen av det vilda till ditt moderna kök. Följ med oss på en resa som omdefinierar det kulinariska landskapet genom att kombinera traditionell födosöksvisdom med innovativa och läckra recept.Föreställ dig ett kök där vilda ätbara rätter står i centrum, och varje rätt berättar en historia om de olika smakerna som finns i naturen. " Den Moderna Foderarens Kokbok " är inte bara en samling recept; det är en utforskning av skatterna gömda i skogar, åkrar och ängar. Oavsett om du är en erfaren foderodlare eller någon ny i världen av vilda livsmedel, är dessa recept skapade för att inspirera dig att införliva naturens överflöd i dina vardagliga måltider.Från jordnära svampläckerheter till livfulla vilda grönsaker och från blommiga infusioner till överraskande bärsockor, varje recept är en hyllning till de mångsidiga och otämjda smakerna som naturen ger. Oavsett om du skapar en rustik middag, en raffinerad aptitretare eller en uppfriskande dryck, är den här kokboken din bästa resurs för att lyfta dina kulinariska upplevelser med den naturliga världens överflöd.Följ med oss när vi omfamnar andan av födosök, där varje rätt är ett bevis på skönheten, fräschören och otämjda essensen av vilda ingredienser . Så, samla dina korgar, omfamna äventyret och låt oss ta med oss magin i att söka föda till det moderna bordet med " Den Moderna Foderarens Kokbok ".

  • af Mhdi Ali
    148,95 kr.

    Dive into the luscious world of buttery indulgence with "Butter Cake 101" - your ultimate guide to crafting perfect butter cakes for every occasion. This cookbook is a celebration of the timeless art of baking, providing both novice and experienced bakers with a treasure trove of recipes, tips, and techniques.

  • af Mhdi Ali
    148,95 kr.

    Embark on a delectable adventure with "Mooncake 101: A Lunar Culinary Journey," your comprehensive guide to mastering the art of crafting these celestial treats. Dive into the rich history and cultural significance of mooncakes as you explore traditional recipes, modern twists, and innovative global fusions. From classic double-yolk wonders to seasonal specials and kid-friendly creations, this cookbook offers a diverse array of recipes suitable for all tastes and occasions.Discover the secrets of dough making, filling perfection, and artistic presentation techniques. With step-by-step instructions, troubleshooting guides, and personal narratives, "Mooncake 101" ensures that both novice and experienced bakers can achieve mooncake mastery. Whether you're celebrating cultural traditions, exploring festive variations, or experimenting with mooncake-inspired desserts and beverages, this cookbook is your passport to lunar delights.Uncover the joy of creating mooncakes with your family, indulge in unique flavors, and elevate your culinary skills with this delightful guide. "Mooncake 101" is more than a cookbook; it's an invitation to join the celestial celebration of flavors and traditions.

  • af Mhdi Ali
    148,95 kr.

    Embark on a delectable journey through the enchanting world of Greek Semolina Cakes with "Greek Semolina Cake 101

  • af Melissa Weller
    423,95 kr.

    "This is a Borzoi book published by Alfred A. Knopf"--Copyright page.

  • af Camilla Wynne
    298,95 kr.

    NAMED ONE OF THE BEST COOKBOOKS OF 2024 BY Bon Appetit, National Post, and Dorie GreenspanThe definitive cookbook for candying fruit, and baking with it, filled with delicious, beautiful, and surprisingly uncomplicated recipes from Master Preserver Camilla Wynne.    In Nature’s Candy, award-winning cookbook author Camilla Wynne welcomes you into the magical world of candying fruit—the classic tradition of imbuing fruit with sugar to preserve it as a glistening confection—and tempts curious bakers to work with this fascinating ingredient in a choose your own adventure–style masterclass. Will you candy the whole fruit (cherries, anyone?) or just pieces (hello, orange peel!)? And which of Camilla’s classic and contemporary baking recipes will you select to let it shine? Will it be the Stollen Pound Cake or maybe the Ginger Cashew Caramel Corn? Or perhaps the Banana Split Blondies?    As Camilla’s previous cookbook, Jam Bake, was for baking with jam, Nature’s Candy is a game-changing cookbook for baking with candied fruit, thanks to its:Foundational Candying Methods: With nine streamlined techniques to candy your fruit—and a handy chart to guide you on which candied methods are best for each type of fruit—you will create artisanal, jewel-like confections in no time.Decadent Recipes for Bakers of All Levels: Level up your baking and confection-making by using candied fruit (and its syrup) in accessible recipes for cakes, cookies, pies, and even more fruity desserts. Enjoy Red Currant Cupcakes, Fruitcake Cookies, Candied Fig & Walnut Baklava, and many more.Helpful Tips, Simplifications & More: Thanks to Camilla’s FAQ section, tips, and substitutions, candying fruit is now as easy as baking cookies. And if you don’t feel like candying, don’t let that stop you baking—just follow Camilla’s helpful advice on using store-bought candied fruit instead.With its inspired photography and design, this one-of-a-kind cookbook on how to make and put candied fruit to good use—plus the fascinating history and science behind it—will turn any baker into a candied fruit expert.

  • af Daniel Leader
    325,95 kr.

    "Decades before sourdough took over Instagram, Daniel Leader was making his first celebrated loaves at Bread Alone, his pioneering upstate New York bakery. From revolutionizing artisan breadmaking in the eighties to operating the country's first carbon-neutral bakery today, Bread Alone has existed at the cutting edge of bread and pastry for over forty years. A Slow Rise charts its legendary history and showcases its most beloved recipes. The heart of Dan's baking philosophy is his embrace of soft-skill baking-seeing, feeling, smelling, and even listening to your dough-over science-based techniques promising the perfect loaf. As Leader says, in baking, there is always an element of the unknown, and even a bit of magic. No two bakes are exactly the same, and it's the idiosyncrasies of each loaf, cake, or crust that make baking such a thrill. Here, across more than sixty recipes, Leader will teach you to bake with your senses, have patience, and form an almost meditative practice in the kitchen. Nostalgic, simple classics like Whole Wheat Bread and Hearty Seeded Sandwich Loaf live alongside more complex concoctions like Baltic Dark Rye and Fermented Wheat Bran and Barley Epis with Beet. For desserts everyone will love, Leader shares his recipes for treats like Lemon-Currant Einkorn Scones, Pistachio-Brown Butter Financiers, Blood Orange-Lemon Tart, and Mocha-Filled Brioche Buns. A celebration of baking with heart and soul, A Slow Rise is a must-have for serious and novice home bakers alike"--

    322,95 kr.

    這本綜合食譜包含適合所有場合的各種食譜,讓您盡情享受果餡餅的頹廢世界。從經典的香草和焦糖餡餅到異國情調的水果和堅果變種,這本食譜適合每個人。通過簡單易懂的說明和有用的提示,無論您是經驗豐富的專業人士還是初學者,您每次都會學習如何製作完美的果餡餅。這些令人垂涎欲滴的甜點一定會給您的家人和朋友留下深刻的印象,即使是最挑剔的味蕾也一定會滿意。這本食譜中的食譜都是用在任何雜貨店都能找到的簡單原料製成的,每個食譜都附有一張漂亮的照片,會讓您垂涎欲滴。有 65 種食譜可供選擇,您永遠不會用完下一份甜點的創意。那為什麼還要等呢?今天就犒賞自己和您所愛的人,享受終極果餡餅體驗吧!果餡餅、甜點、食譜、奶油、濃郁、香草、焦糖、水果、堅果、技巧、技巧、易於遵循、家人、朋友、令人垂涎欲滴、簡單的配料、雜貨店、照片、食譜、終極體驗.

  • af Zoë Clark
    338,95 kr.

    12 modern quilt patterns from vintage patchwork quilt designs. Bestselling quilt making authors Pam and Nicky Lintott take inspiration from their collection of antique English and American heirloom quilt designs - some of which are over 100 years old - and recreate them using pre-cut Jelly Roll fabrics. Each of the 12 quilt patterns comes with full colour styled photographs, comprehensive making instructions and quilting diagrams, and requires just one Jelly Roll(TM) to make. Antique to Heirloom Jelly Roll Quilts also includes all the basic quilting techniques you will need to know to teach you how to make jelly roll quilts, from using quilting tools and quilt rulers, to pressing and pinning your finished quilt top. You will also learn how to add straight borders and mitred borders to your quilt designs, and how to bind a quilt.

  • af Oline Martinsen
    453,95 kr.

    Velkommen til "Sorbet: Forfriskende oppskrifter for uimotståelige frosne herligheter." I denne kokeboken inviterer vi deg med på en reise med levende og pirrende smaker som vil transportere deg til en verden av iskald overbærenhet. Sorbeter, med sine saftige fruktprofiler, kremete teksturer og forfriskende kvaliteter, er den perfekte godbiten for varme sommerdager eller når du har lyst på en herlig frossen dessert. Enten du er en erfaren sorbetentusiast eller en nybegynner i verden av hjemmelagde frosne godbiter, vil denne kokeboken gi deg en samling enkle oppskrifter som vil heve ferdighetene dine til å lage sorbet og introdusere deg til spennende smakskombinasjoner. Gjør deg klar til å omfavne naturens sødme og begi deg ut på et kult og deilig eventyr med våre appetittvekkende sorbetoppskrifter.

  • af Olivér Németh
    428,95 kr.

    Üdvözöljük a "Teljes gabonamentes étkezési szakácskönyvben: 100 tápanyagban gazdag, gabonamentes étel az élénk egészségért." Egy olyan világban, ahol az étrendi választások létfontosságú szerepet játszanak általános jólétünkben, a gabonamentesség melletti döntés egy utazás a jobb egészség és vitalitás felé. Ez a szakácskönyv útmutató a gabonamentes életmód kialakításához és olyan ételek megkóstolásához, amelyek nem csak finomak, de táplálóak is.Ahogy belemerülünk ennek a szakácskönyvnek az oldalain, 100 tápanyagban gazdag receptb¿l álló változatos gy¿jteményt fedezhet fel, amelyek nem tartalmaznak gabonát, például búzát, rizst és kukoricát. A gabonamentes étkezés népszer¿ségre tett szert potenciális egészségügyi el¿nyei miatt, beleértve a jobb emésztést és a tartós energiaellátást. Legyen szó étkezési korlátozásokról, vagy egyszer¿en csak egészségesebb étkezési módra törekszik, ezek a receptek kreatív és kielégít¿ alternatívákat kínálnak, amelyek nem veszélyeztetik az ízt.Hiszünk az ételek gyógyító, energizáló és örömteli erejében. Legyen szó tapasztalt egészségügyi szerelmesekr¿l vagy újonc a gabonamentes étkezésr¿l, célunk az, hogy kulináris utazását élvezetessé és tanulságossá tegyük. Tehát induljunk egy ízletes expedícióra, amely a gabonamentes étkezésen keresztül élénk egészséghez vezet.

  • af Leah Brooks
    163,95 kr.

    With Super Simple Baking Recipes for Kids, parents and kids will have fun learning step by step how to bake a wide variety of sweet and savory baked goods.

  • af Beth Hensperger
    170,95 kr.

    The Bread Lover’s Bread Machine Cookbook, Newly Updated and Expanded adds recently trending ingredients, special-diet breads, and info on new models of machines to the biggest and best-selling book of all time on bread machines.

  • af Solo Stove
    208,95 kr.

    From the folks who invented the ultra-popular high-heat, smokeless, cook-ready fire pit, The Solo Stove Fire Pit Cookbook delivers 65 fun, family-friendly recipes and loads of tips and tricks.

  • af Lucy Allary
    288,95 kr.

    Lucy Allary is a successful vegan ice-cream maker and entrepreneur who advocates a sustainable lifestyle. She was born into a family that attached great importance to healthy eating and animal welfare, and known for her talent in the kitchen she was inspired by French patisserie and haute cuisine to create completely new and intense ice-cream flavours. She developed the concept of creamy plant-based ice cream and owing to her success she opened a vegan ice-cream parlour in 2020. Her favourite flavourings are teas and herbal infusions, flower waters, spices and organic essential oils. Wherever possible, she uses fresh, seasonal and organic ingredients, carefully sourced and hand-picked, with a special attention given to Fairtrade products. Lucy has revolutionized the ice-cream experience by matching her various base recipes to their most ideal flavour pairings. In this collection of her ground breaking recipes she shares with all passionate home cooks the secrets of her success. The recipes are divided into Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, to make the most of seasonal ingredients with unique flavours such as White Coffee, Earl Grey and Orange, Coconut & Lime, Cornflake, Peanut, Salted Pretzel & Caramel, Black Sesame, Turmeric Latte, and Walnut and Maple Syrup as well as all the usual family favourites, plus many tangy sorbets including Grapefruit and Rosemary, Tomato & Balsamic Vinegar, and Mango, Passionfruit and Lemongrass. There are also plenty of sauces, wafers and brittles to complete this unique compendium.

  • af Hannah Miles
    168,95 kr.

  • - 103 Expert Techniques and Recipes
    af Gourmet Goodness Galore Hino
    113,95 kr.

    The Art of Cake Decorating: 103 Expert Techniques and Recipes is a must-have cookbook for all cake lovers! With over a hundred classic and creative recipes for both beginners and home bakers, as well as clear and detailed instructions for the perfect cakes, this cookbook provides readers with the knowledge and skills to create show-stopping cakes. From the basics of recipe selection through to step-by-step techniques on icing, decorating and presenting your own cake creations, The Art of Cake Decorating will have you crafting works of art in no time. The Art of Cake Decorating also provides information on the key baking and decorating tools used by experts, such as spatulas, piping bags, food colouring, cake boards and cake drums. It guides readers through using various professional cake decorating techniques, such as gum paste modelling and fondant shapes. With its helpful advice on how to frost cakes smoothly, design tiered cakes, and calculate serving sizes, you'll no longer have to worry about making mistakes. And with its simple-but-sophisticated instructions and tips, your cakes will be looking their best in no time. This cookbook is ideal for novice bakers who want to learn the art of cake decorating, or for more experienced cake fanatics who want to expand their skills. The Art of Cake Decorating contains a whole host of creative ideas and techniques, from flower-shaped cupcakes to breathtaking ombre cakes. It also covers other helpful subjects, such as basic cake construction, when and how to colour fondant and how to keep cakes fresh for longer. You'll find recipes for all sorts of cakes to suit all kinds of palate, from classical sponge to whimsical layered cakes. And if you're seeking out new recipes, there's always something to be discovered in this cookbook, with a wide selection of different styles from around the world. From moist red velvet cake to Italian- and Indian-inspired creations, you'll find both traditional and original recipes for an array of cakes. Discover how you can create professionally-decorated cakes with The Art of Cake Decorating. With its recipes and tips from renowned pastry chef and cake decorator, Heather Lander, you'll be crafting magnificent cakes in no time. Results guaranteed!

    372,95 kr.
