De Aller-Bedste Bøger - over 12 mio. danske og engelske bøger
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Et billede kan forevige et øjeblik, og det er hensigten med at tage billeder. Oftest finder vi de smukkeste landskaber og tager fotos af det, som vi nu om dage lægger op på de sociale medier. Hvis du kunne tænke dig at blive bedre til at tage billeder, så har vi unikke bøger, som omhandler vinklerne af fotoet og lyset samt meget mere. Der er meget viden, som kræves, når det omhandler gode billeder, og der er meget som spiller en rolle i det perfekte billede. Bøgerne indeholder gode vejledninger og råd til, hvordan du kan opsætte kameraet og tage det perfekte billede! Bliv inspireret af vores foto bøger nedenfor og overrask dine venner og familie med det næste billede du tager.
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  • - Discovering New York's Beautiful Places
    af Siobhan Ferguson
    338,95 kr.

    A stunning photography, lifestyle and travel guide to the world's most famous city

  • - The Bare Reality
    af Laura Dodsworth
    218,95 kr.

    Womanhood is a fascinating exploration of the ultimate taboo and a revelatory insight into the experience of being a woman.

  • af CNN
    288,95 kr.

    A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A moving and insightful collection of quotes, memories, and images celebrating the life of Anthony Bourdain When Anthony Bourdain died in June 2018, the outpouring of love from his fans around the world was momentous.

  • af Michael Freeman
    193,95 kr.

    Covering all of the essentials, this book is all you need to master photography.

  • af Jordan Matter
    163,95 kr.

    Celebrate what it means to be young and filled with possibility and passion. From Jordan Matter, author of Dancers Among Us with more than 100,000 copies in print and a social media star with over 800,000 followers, comes his most irrepressible project yet, Born to Dance. Using his special gift for photographing dancers in the midst of daily life and focusing it on kids between the ages of 4 and 17, Matter captures a sense of exuberance and joy - what it must feel like to be a young dancer and perform the amazing, gravity-defying things that your body can do. Every girl and boy in the book feels that they were born to dance, and they imbue every common action - hanging at the playground, walking on the beach, eating in the cafeteria, waiting in line at the movies, playing a game with friends - with beauty, humour, and surprise. They twirl, they bounce, they stand on point, and they flip. They bend backward at an impossible angle, leap so high it makes you gasp, and jump in a way that it seems they're levitating. The result, through Jordan Matter's incredible ability to capture the exact right moment, is a visual appreciation of childlike joy and sadness, resilience and energy. Chapters are introduced with Matter's charming personal stories and include "When I Grow Up," "Do They Like Me?" and "I Can Do It." Photos are accompanied by inspiring quotes from the dancers, making it a perfect gift for every dance fan and the parents, teachers, friends, and family who support them. Telling a story that makes people gasp and smile through photography is Jordan Matter's mission. Born To Dance does this by conveying memorable, unique, extraordinary moments and rites of childhood through amazing, often gravity-defying dance positions. Dancers from 4-17 enact sleepovers, first crushes, the joy of an ice cream cone, feeling left out, having a best friend, going swimming and many more joys and trials of childhood.

  • - Nick Cave på landevejen 2008-18
    af Espen Strunk
    231,95 kr.

    Australske Nick Cave har haft status af regulært ­rockikon gennem et par årtier – men først, da han var i 50’erne, steg han for alvor op fra kultfænomen til super­stjerne. Ikke mindst i Danmark, hvor Caves ­udsolgte koncert for 16.000 fans i oktober 2017 talte sit tydelige sprog om et sent, folkeligt gennembrud. Himlen over Brighton – Nick Cave på landevejen 2008-18 er en personlig og levende dokumentation af de seneste ti år i Caves karriere. Ikke en biografi eller et akademisk essay skrevet i bagklogskabens lys, men der­imod en række snapshots af forfatteren, rockstjernen og poeten Cave på scenen. Indfanget midt i sin udfoldelse, i en serie tekster og billeder, som til sammen tegner et enestående nærportræt af Cave og hans arbejde. Forfatteren har fulgt Cave tæt i tyve år og skrevet om ham de seneste ti og præsenterer her såvel reportager og koncert­oplevelser som store interviews med både Cave og hans nærmeste samarbejdspartnere. Og ­Morten ­Rygaards mester­lige fotos af hovedpersonen – de taler for sig selv. Et unikt, dansk nærbillede af en af rockens vigtigste skikkelser.

  • af Varvara Hasselbalch
    343,95 kr.

    Erindringsbog om den karismatiske og modige forfatter og fotograf Varvara Hasselbalch, der fortæller om sin tilværelse – altid på farten som forfatter, globetrotter og livsnyder. Og klar til at yde sit under Anden Verdenskrig.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlVarvara Hasselbalch (1920-2008) var en dansk forfatter og fotograf udlært i Paris og Stockholm. Hun udgav fem værker, hvoraf et af dem, "Menig 5272", omhandlede hendes oplevelser hos Røde Kors under Anden Verdenskrig. Bogen blev beslaglagt, men stadig udgivet under navnet "Varvaras kogebog". Hasselbalch blev i 2002 hædret som officer i Æreslegionen for sin indsats under Anden Verdenskrig.

  • - Discovering London's Beautiful Places
    af Siobhan Ferguson
    318,95 kr.

    Title: prettycitylondon, Author: Siobhan Ferguson, Publication Year: 2018-04-16, Publisher: The History Press Ltd, Language: eng

  • af Phillip Prodger
    343,95 kr.

    William Eggleston's photographs are special for their eccentric, unexpected compositions, playfulness, implied narrative and, above all, his portrayals of people. This title accompanies the first exhibition to explore Eggleston's pictures of people. It includes works that span his career from the 1950s onwards.

  • - The Decisive Moment
    af Henri Cartier-Bresson
    1.030,95 kr.

  • - The Bikeriders
    af Danny Lyon
    598,95 kr.

    A hardcover facsimile edition based on the 1968 original, printed with new reproductions from Lyon's vintage photographs

  • af Czeslaw Milosz & Robert Delpire
    563,95 kr.

    Available again with 10 new images by master of photography Josef Koudelka, this remains one of the most powerful documents of the spiritual and physical state of exile ever published.

  • - The Image of the Savage
    af Charles Freger
    338,95 kr.

    The transformation of man to beast is a central aspect of traditional pagan rituals that are centuries old and which celebrate the seasonal cycle, fertility, life and death.

  • - The Director's Vision
    af Christopher Kenworthy
    368,95 kr.

    Reveals the secrets of the best filmmaking techniques.

  • af Reuel Golden
    178,95 - 768,95 kr.

    Love New York? Of course you do. Now, celebrate all of the city's charisma, glamour, and grit in our blockbuster collection of New York photography, charting the history and many wonders of the Greatest City in the World. Nearly 600 pages feature the works of photographers like Margaret Bourke-White, Berenice Abbott, Ruth Orkin, Allen Ginsberg,...

  • - The Art of Rope Bondage
    af Nawashi Murakawa
    283,95 kr.

    Kinbaku is the Japanese word for rope bondage: In the west it is often referred to as Shibari. Although it originated in Japan as a means of restraint and torture, during the last hundred years it has also been used as an activity which gives emotional, physical, and visual pleasure for the participants. Nawashi Murakawa, the Artistic Director of the annual London festival of the Art of Japanese Rope Bondage provides the historical context for the practice which goes back 12000 years. He also explains how Kinbaku has developed as a dramatic art form which is performed in front of audiences in many countries. This series of ten chapters demonstrates how the art of rope bondage has developed in the UK, Russia, Canada and the USA as well as presenting a modern day live performance in Tokyo. The final section shows more traditional Japanese techniques. Chapters with Japanese contributors provide the text in Japanese as well as in English. The stunning and surprising photographs reveal the beauty and daring of the models, and their written accounts together with those of the photographers and rope experts give an insight into the lifestyle of those who practice this particular fetish.

  • af John Kraus
    198,95 kr.

    At nearly $8,000 for the body only, the impressive Canon 1Ds Mark III DSLR is a top-of-the-line image-making machine designed for professional photojournalists and sports and wildlife photographers. Its many complex features give photographers total control over the picture-making process--but can be difficult to master.

  • af Ansel Adams
    343,95 - 453,95 kr.

    An unprecedented showcase of four hundred essential photographs taken by Ansel Adams, documenting his growth as an artist from 1916 to 1968.

  • af Conde Nast
    673,95 kr.

    A celebration of the pivotal role the fashion editor has played in shaping America's sense of style since "Vogue"'s launch 120 years ago. Drawing on American Vogue's exceptional archive, this book focuses on the work of eight of the magazine's legendary fashion editors.

  • af Greg Marinovich & João Silva
    153,95 kr.

  • Spar 17%
    af Hans Edvard Nørregård-Nielsen & KIRSTEN KLEIN
    165,95 kr.

    Himmerland gør sig gældende ved sin natur – kør engang en tur på vejen langs Lovns Bredning! – og er kendt fra både historien og kunstens og litteraturens verden: Her blev oldtidsminderne Skarpsallingkarret og Gundestrupkarret fundet i 1891, her boltrede Skipper Clement sig og brændte og hærgede, her er cisterciensernes Vitskøl Kloster og færgen mellem Sundsøre og Hvalpsund, her er Aggersund og herregårde som Lynderupgaard og Hessel, her er Foulum, hvor Martin A. Hansen gik rundt i sit alt for store tøj, her er Frejlev Kirke med Per Kirkebys glasmosaikker og skulptur på kirkegården, og her er Farsø og Johannes V. Jensen og  himmerlandshistorier.

  • af Jesper Larsen
    298,95 kr.

    En smuk Coffe table book, som viser Danmark fra luften. Bogen er delt op i de 4 årstider. Der er tekst og illustration for hvert billede. Der er et afsnit omkring, hvordan billederne opstår, på Jespers flyveture.Dansk og Engelsk tekst.

  • af Kurt Rodahl Hoppe & Marianne Wirenfeldt Asmussen
    348,95 kr.

    Forfattere skriver ofte deres ord på udvalgte steder. De fleste skriver mange vilkårlige steder, de færreste arbejder livet igennem på det samme sted. Skrivesteder, kunne man kalde dem. Karen Blixen er én blandt meget få forfattere, der har to geografiske lokaliteter uløseligt knyttet til sit navn: Kenya og Danmark. Begge steder er livgivende kilder til hendes værk. Begge steder har sat sine spor direkte og indirekte i bøgerne, men stort set hele hendes litterære værk blev til i arbejdsværelset på Rungstedlund. Det blev hendes sted – Skrivestedet.Bogens forfatter Marianne Wirenfeldt Asmussen har sammen med fotograf Kurt Rodahl Hoppe opsøgt alle stederne, alle detaljerne i Karen Blixens huse i Kenya og Danmark, og søger således at afdække og aftvinge stederne deres betydning, egenart og skønhed. Af og til er de nye farvebilleder bragt i dialog med gamle sort-hvide fotografier fra dengang, Blixen var der, eller de er enkelte steder ledsaget af citater fra forfatterskabet.Skriftdesigner Trine Rask har specialdesignet skriften Karen til denne udgivelse efter studier af Karen Blixens håndskrift. Den benyttes til bogens store citater fra Blixens forfatterskab.Marianne Wirenfeldt Asmussen (f. 1945) er kunsthistoriker og forfatter, grundlægger og tidl. leder af Karen Blixen Museet på Rungstedlund.Kurt Rodahl Hoppe (f. 1961) er fotograf. Har illustreret en lang række bøger om arkitektur og kulturhistorie. I 2017 udgav han fotobogen Bogsteder.

  • - Din guide til større oplevelser og bedre billeder på safari
    af Jakob Wandel
    173,95 kr.

    Safari i Afrika er en oplevelse, mange kun får én gang i livet. Det er derfor vigtigt, at oplevelsen bliver så god som overhovedet muligt. Safarihåndbogen giver dig de informationer, du har brug for, når rejsen skal planlægges. Den hjælper dig igennem alle de overvejelser, du bør gøre dig, inden du tager afsted. Er en pakkerejse en god løsning for dig? Hvornår skal du tage afsted? Hvilke områder skal du besøge? Hvad med børn og ældre? Hvordan undgår du ubehagelige overraskelser undervejs? Spørgsmålene er mange og Safarihåndbogen giver dig svarene. Samtidig forsyner den dig med et væld af uundværlige praktiske oplysninger om det at tage på safari.Målet med Safarihåndbogen er at gøre din safari 50 % bedre, end hvis du planlagde rejsen uden at læse den.Safarihåndbogen er desuden den første bog på dansk, der detaljeret beskriver, hvordan du, som naturfotograf, får det optimale ud af opholdet i den fantastiske afrikanske natur. Ikke alle safarirejsende er ambitiøse naturfotografer. Bogen giver derfor også en lang række tips til, hvordan du får de bedste billeder med hjem med et helt almindeligt kamera. Den danske naturfotograf Jakob Wandel har rejst og fotograferet vilde dyr i store dele af verden og han har flere gange været på safari i Afrika. I Safarihåndbogen giver han sine erfaringer videre, med det ønske at din safari bliver en oplevelse for livet.Rigtig god rejse!

  • af Margot Robbie
    478,95 kr.

    For the press tour following the record-breaking release of Greta Gerwig's award-winning, acclaimed Barbie movie, producer and star Margot Robbie and her stylist Andrew Mukamal immersed themselves in some of Barbie's most iconic outfits and curated vintage pieces, then approached designers, from Giorgio Armani to Donatella Versace, to create looks inspired by the doll-size originals. Many of these looks were not seen as the official Barbie press tour was cut short--so Margot and Andrew worked with renowned fashion photographer Craig McDean to shoot her in the looks exactly as they were curated: Schiaparelli in Los Angeles, Vivienne Westwood in London, vintage Chanel with matching Steamline luggge at the airport, and beyond..

  • Spar 15%
    af Susanne Mertz
    338,95 kr.

    Susanne Mertz er fotograf og livsvidne til tiden og stjernerne fra 1970’erne frem til i dag. Bogen er den første samlede præsentation af Susanne Mertz’ fotografiske værker – og første gang hun selv sætter ord på sit liv og arbejde i bogform. I bogen skildres et fascinerende stykke danmarkshistorie side om side med portrætfotos af store danske skuespillere, forfattere og musikere som Kim Larsen, Gitte Hænning, Tove Ditlevsen og Jytte Abildstrøm.Susanne Mertz er bl.a. kendt som Gasolin’s "hoffotograf" og dannede i 1970'erne par med bandets trommeslager. Selv Bob Dylan har for nylig brugt et af hendes billeder, som selvfølgelig er med i bogen.Susanne Mertz var en integreret del af det kreative miljø på Christianshavn i 1970’erne og 1980’erne, hvor bl.a. Gasolin’ huserede, og hun har især været en flittigt benyttet fotograf i den danske musik- og teaterbranche. Denne bog er ikke kun er en vigtig samling af Susanne Mertz’ værker, men et unikt billede af Danmark i forvandling gennem flere årtier.

  • af Alex Webb
    458,95 kr.

    A contemporary reimagining of Alex Webb¿s long out-of-print, limited edition book Dislocations. Recognised as a pioneer of colour photography, Alex Webb is able to juxtapose gesture, colour and contrasting cultural tensions into a single beguiling frame, resulting in evocative images that elevate fractured and multilayered meanings. His book Dislocations, first published in 1998 as a limited edition accordion book with Canon Laser prints (then considered state of the art), brings together pictures from the many disparate locations over Webb¿s oeuvre, meditating on the act of photography as a form of dislocation in itself. Spurred by the pandemic, and its world of closed borders and disrupted travel, Webb reconsidered the impossibility of creating this series of images: the result is this reimagined edition of Dislocations, which includes new photographs taken in the twenty-five years since the original. This characteristically exquisite book brings a fresh perspective to Webb¿s expansive catalogue, and speaks to the palpable sense of dislocation in our time.

  • af Brigitte Lardinois
    1.398,95 kr.

    Magnum Magnum showcases the best of Magnum members, celebrating the vision, imagination, and brilliance of both the acknowledged greats of photography in the twentieth century and the modern masters and rising stars of our time.

  • af Rico Pfirstinger
    313,95 kr.

    Learn all you need to master your Fuji X-T5 camera!

  • af David D. Busch
    428,95 kr.

    David Busch's Canon EOS R6 II Guide to Digital Photography is your all-in-one comprehensive resource and reference for the exciting new Canon EOS R6 II full-frame mirrorless camera. The EOS R6 II boasts continuous shooting up to 40 frames per second, in-body image stabilization, and a 24 MP sensor. Its upgraded autofocus subject recognition now provides lightning-fast tracking of people, animals, motor sports vehicles, aircraft, and trains. Three available adapters make it easy to supplement your R-mount lenses with a broad selection of legacy Canon EF and EF-S optics. The EOS R6 II has wireless connectivity to allow linking the camera to a computer and iOS or Android smart devices, high-definition 4K and Full HD movie-making capabilities, and a versatile swiveling touch screen LCD. With this book in hand, you can quickly apply all these advanced features to your digital photography, while boosting your creativity to take great photographs with your Canon EOS R6 II.Filled with detailed how-to steps and full-color illustrations, David Busch's Canon EOS R6 II Guide to Digital Photography covers all this upscale camera's features in depth, from taking your first photos through advanced details of setup, exposure, lens selection, lighting, and more, and relates each feature to specific photographic techniques and situations. Also included is the handy EOS R6 II "roadmap" chapter, an easy-to-use visual guide to the camera's features and controls. Learn when to use each option and, more importantly, when not to use them, by following the author's recommended settings for every menu entry. With best-selling photographer and mentor David Busch as your guide, you'll quickly have full creative mastery of your camera's capabilities, whether you're shooting on the job, as an advanced enthusiast, or are just out for fun. Start building your knowledge and confidence, while bringing your vision to light with the Canon EOS R6 II today.