Mental velvære
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
- The Power of Passion and Perseverance
148,95 - 173,95 kr. UNLOCK THE KEY TO SUCCESS WITH JP MORGAN'S BEST SUMMER READ OF 2018In this must-read for anyone seeking to succeed, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth takes us on an eye-opening journey to discover the true qualities that lead to outstanding achievement. Winningly personal, insightful and powerful, Grit is a book about what goes through your head when you fall down, and how that not talent or luck makes all the difference. Impressively fresh and original Susan Cain
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- 148,95 kr.
- An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance
128,95 kr. Chess and martial arts champion Josh Waitzkin lays out his battle-tested principles of learning and performance to give readers tools for excellence and success.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
133,95 kr. Now available as an ebook for the first time, the legendary relationships guide that mothers recommend to their daughters, friends give as gifts and brothers steal from their sisters, MEN ARE FROM MARS AND WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS is inarguably the definitive book on having a happy relationship.'A treasure', 'a bible' and 'an heirloom' are some of the words used to describe the book that has saved countless relationships and improved innumerable others. Now repackaged to relate to a new generation of readers, this phenomenal book continues to carry its legacy of understanding and trust into the world.Since its first publication, over a staggering 15 million copies of MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS have sold globally to single men and women looking for guidance on how to find the perfect partner, married couples seeking to strengthen their bond, and divorcees hoping to fathom where it all went wrong.Gray's insights into how to allow your other half to "e;pull away"e; like an elastic band, prevent your emotional baggage from polluting your current relationship, and translate the phrases of the opposite sex are as relevant now as when they were first published.With straightforward, honest writing from that precious male perspective, Gray unlocks the secrets hidden in your partner's words and actions to enable you both to reach true mutual understanding and a lifetime of love. Discover for yourself why thousands believe that MEN ARE FROM MARS, WOMEN ARE FROM VENUS should be mandatory reading for everyone.
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
129,94 kr. “At vokse sammen” er, udover at være en nytænkende og praktisk bog om parforhold, en introduktion til ID Terapi og selvudvikling, som Ole Vadum Dahl har udviklet over de sidste ca. 10 år.ID-metoderne vinder i disse år stærkt frem inden for såvel psykoterapi som indenfor coaching og personlig udvikling. I bogen giver Ole Vadum Dahl praktiske anvisninger på, hvordan, selv vores værste og mest smertefulde parforholdsproblemer kan blive et springbræt til en intens og dybdegående personlig og spirituel udvikling, hvis blot vi betragter frustrationerne, konflikterne og længslerne på en anden måde. Han hævder, at forholdet til den vi elsker i virkeligheden afspejler det forhold vi, på et dybere plan, har til os selv og forklarer, at den grad af kontakt vi har med vores egen sjæl, er afgørende for, hvor dyb en kærlighed og intimitet vi vil have til vores partner. Vi kan derfor ikke skille vores egen udvikling fra partneren og forholdet. Egentlig selvudvikling handler derfor i ordets bedste betydning om at vokse sammen. Den 20. oktober 2006 blev “At vokse sammen” genudgivet på Borgens forlag i Valbygårds-serien. Så det er nu igen muligt at få fat i bogen, efter at den i et stykke tid har været udsolgt fra det tidligere forlag.
- Bog
- 129,94 kr.
248,95 kr. En samtale mellem krop og sind.Vores måde at behandle kroppen på afspejler et langt stykke hen ad vejen vores mentale tilstand og hvordan vi lever livet.Ved hjælp af visuelle sanseindtryk og viden om alignment, kroppens hensigtsmæssige bevægelser; inspireres du i denne bog til at tage en genvej ind i dit sind via kroppen. Kroppens bevægelser skal forstås som et redskab til at føre en kærlig, ærlig og udviklende samtale mellem kroppen og sindet, så du måske bliver bedre til at være dig selv og elske den du er.Louise Fjendbo Jørgensen, som er yogalærer og indehaver af yogastudiet Yogaliving, guider dig til, hvordan Hatha-yoga med dens opmærksomme bevægelser kan påvirke dit sind og den måde du lever dit liv på.Kommunikationen mellem krop og sind understøttes af Joachim Wichmanns sanselige og stemningsfulde billeder af kroppens og naturens former og farver.Med bogen følger adgang til at blive instrueret i alle yogasekvenserne online på
- Bog
- 248,95 kr.
188,95 kr. Better intimate relationships begin with you. Get empowered and change your love life for the better.
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- 188,95 kr.
- og den skjulte lyksalighed i mennesket
248,95 kr. I denneindsigtsfulde og øjenåbnende bog tager Teresa Thaning os med på en rejse ind iskjulte dimensioner af eksistensen, som giver et helt nyt perspektiv på, hvordan vi kan forstå os selv som mennesker. TeresaThaning beskriver, hvordan usædvanlige indre oplevelser ledte til, at denfeminine energi vågnede op fra sit dyb og viste sig i en helt anden form endden, som vi kulturelt har låst det feminine fast i. DEN FEMININEVEJ kommer med helt ny viden om den feminine og den maskuline energi imennesket og beskriver, hvordan det feminine i både mænd og kvinder er blevetmisforstået og kommer til udtryk på en undertrykt og forvrænget måde i os. Bogenindeholder redskaber, der kan transformere livet, så vi kan leve i langt størreharmoni med os selv og omverdenen og få adgang til al den næring, kærlighed ogglæde i livet, som vi ønsker os. TeresaThaning er cand.mag. i musik og har en mastergrad i psykologi. Hun erforfatter, kursusleder og spirituel vejleder og har skrevet fire bestsellerbøger.Hun afholder årligt kurser og retreats for kursister fra Danmark og Norden. @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:-536870145 1107305727 0 0 415 0;}@font-face {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:swiss; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:-536859905 -1073732485 9 0 511 0;}p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {mso-style-unhide:no; mso-style-qformat:yes; mso-style-parent:""; margin:0cm; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;}p.Normaludenindryk, li.Normaludenindryk, div.Normaludenindryk {mso-style-name:"Normal uden indryk"; mso-style-unhide:no; mso-style-qformat:yes; margin:0cm; mso-pagination:widow-orphan; font-size:12.0pt; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;}.MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; mso-default-props:yes; font-family:"Calibri",sans-serif; mso-ascii-font-family:Calibri; mso-ascii-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-fareast-font-family:Calibri; mso-fareast-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-hansi-font-family:Calibri; mso-hansi-theme-font:minor-latin; mso-bidi-font-family:"Times New Roman"; mso-bidi-theme-font:minor-bidi; mso-fareast-language:EN-US;}div.WordSection1 {page:WordSection1;}
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- 248,95 kr.
109,95 - 183,95 kr. - Bog
- 109,95 kr.
133,95 kr. - Bog
- 133,95 kr.
168,95 kr. By using your time, date, and location of birth, Human Design is a system that provides a roadmap built around who you really are and who you came here to be. In this book, world-leading expert Jenna Zoë teaches you how your energy flows and how to live in alignment with your intuition and gifts so that your life happens with ease.
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.
228,95 kr. Supercharge your confidence daily with this guided gratitude journal that is a companion to the global #1 best-seller The High 5 Habit from Mel Robbins, best-selling author, #1 podcast host, and expert on change and motivation. It's time to start believing in yourself again! Unlock The Most Powerful Force In The World: You Use this High 5 journal to help you start your day with clarity, focus, and positivity! The High 5 Daily Journal will help you build a confident mind, body, and spirit with daily productivity prompts, weekly themes, and goal setting exercises designed to make your dreams a reality. Using this motivational journal, you will build the discipline, confidence, and habits you need to know that you can always count on yourself. Face any challenge. Surmount any obstacle. Youâ¿ll see yourself waking up every day, inching closer to what you want, and becoming who you were born to be. The High 5 Daily Journal is... · Backed by Powerful Science: The exercises in this journal are based on research and evidence. These daily practices in confidence, visualization, and mindset will change your brainâ¿s neural pathways and create new habits that will transform every aspect of your life. · The Path to Simple Discipline and Profound Results: These exercises are simple, but over time their impact on your life will be profound. So that you can... · Believe In Your Dreams Again: Your dreams are out there waiting for you. But you need to believe in them and take action. This positive daily journal will train your body, mind, and spirit to both pick up on the clues life is sending you, and cultivate the courage to move toward them. · Celebrate Your Life: Itâ¿s pretty simple: youâ¿re not cheering yourself forward and thatâ¿s holding you back. With this journal, every day youâ¿ll be more present to who you are, what you want, and how you show up. By cheering for yourself and developing the habits to keep cheering no matter what, you will burst through whatâ¿s blocking you. · Take Control and Live with Confidence: By following the steps outlined in this journal, you will tap into your natural confidence and let it flow through your body, enhance your mind, and awaken your spirit. The more you use this journal, the faster confidence becomes a habit. The weekly themes will ground you with intention, and provide control and structure in your life. In this self-care journal, youâ¿ll find the secret to forging a deeper connection with yourself. Even more than productivity, youâ¿ll experience greater transformation the more you use the prompts. They are designed to calm your nervous system, open your mind, and ignite your intuition so it can lead you where youâ¿re meant to go. The High 5 Daily Journal will help your body, mind, and spirit align, your senses come alive, your mind focus, and your heart expand. You will be fully present with High 5 energy.
- Bog
- 228,95 kr.
- Embrace Discomfort To Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self
243,95 kr. Embark on a riveting journey with 'The Comfort Crisis' by Michael Easter. Published in 2021 by Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale, this book is a captivating addition to the non-fiction genre. The book challenges our modern-day comforts and encourages us to step out of our comfort zones to lead a more fulfilling life. Easter's masterful storytelling and in-depth research make this book a must-read. Don't miss out on this enlightening publication from Potter/Ten Speed/Harmony/Rodale.
- Bog
- 243,95 kr.
- 12 hemmeligheder til et lykkeligt liv som single
218,95 kr. "Elsker mig for evigt" giver singlekvinder 12 letforståelige psykologiske redskaber og personlige beretninger fra stærke singler som inspiration til et lækkert singleliv med mere livskvalitet, glæde og mod. Bogen handler ikke om at finde en kæreste, men om hvordan singlekvinder lærer at elske sig selv og være mere sig selv. Og på den måde handler den alligevel om at finde en kæreste. For med den nye, frie livsstil, som denne bog vil inspirere og give værktøjerne til at leve, vil mændene også kigge mere. En smilende og livsglad singlekvinde med masser af interesser, venner, planer og lyst til livet, som klarer sig fremragende uden en mand, virker nemlig bare så vanvittigt mere tiltrækkende end den desperate sofakartoffel, der spiser endnu en pose slik, mens hun ser nok en genudsendelse af "De unge mødre" og venter på, at en mand kommer og redder hende fra det "usle" singleliv. Hvorfor er der brug for denne bog? Ca. 1,6 mio. danskere bor alene, og der er flere singler end nogensinde før både i Danmark og resten af verden, men mange - især kvinder - er ulykkelige, fordi de går og drømmer om en mand, men glemmer, at singlelivet også kan være et fantastisk liv, hvis man finder ud af at leve det. Og tør leve det fuldt ud. Efter hvert af de 12 kapitler fortæller 12 seje kvinder om deres erfaringer med at være singler. Om nedturene og opturene. Bl.a. fortæller realitystjernen Susan K. Nielsen kendt fra Paradise Hotel, den kendte sexolog Katrine Berling og undertøjsmodel Sabina Rocchin om deres erfaringer med singlelivet. Fælles for de tre og de andre kvinder i bogen er, at de har fundet frem til, at en kæreste er en ekstra godbid i deres liv - ikke hele deres liv. Desuden fortæller Signe Fjord fra om at blive solomor med en sæddonor - et valg flere singlekvinder i dag tager. Om forfatterne: Bogens 12 kapitler er baseret på psykolog Mette Holms faglige viden og erfaringer med at behandle ulykkelige singlekvinder i sit terapirum. Mette Holm er en flittigt brugt ekspert og klummeskribent i magasiner og dagblade, ligesom hun er vært på TV-programmet ”Indre og ydre skønhed” på DK4. Pia Damsgaard Bach er journalist og kvinden bag livsstilsmagasinet for singler,, ligesom hun er klummeskribent om singleliv hos Alt for Damerne, BT mm. Hun har selv været single i 8 år, og er gået fra at være ulykkelig og kærestehungrende til glad single. Igennem bogen krydrer Pia Damsgaard Bach teorien med anekdoter og erfaringer fra sin egen rejse mod et godt liv som single.
78,95 kr. - Bog
- 78,95 kr.
- 2,600 Stickers to Decorate, Organize, and Brighten Your Planner
138,95 kr. So. Many. Planner Stickers. is an innovative and exciting book brought to you by the creative minds of Pipsticks (R)+Workman (R). Published in 2019 by Workman Publishing, this book is a unique addition to any collection. As the title suggests, it is brimming with planner stickers, making it a must-have for enthusiasts of this genre. The book is written in English, and it beautifully encapsulates the essence of its genre. The author, Pipsticks (R)+Workman (R), has done a remarkable job, and their expertise is evident on every page. So. Many. Planner Stickers. is not just a book; it's an experience that takes you on a journey through the world of planner stickers. It's a must-read for anyone interested in this field. Published by Workman Publishing, this book is the perfect blend of quality content and beautiful presentation. Don't miss out on this incredible book!
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
- Bog
- 328,95 kr.
89,94 kr. THE NEW YORK TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLERTHE SUNDAY TIMES NUMBER ONE BESTSELLERSHORTLISTED FOR THE WELLCOME BOOK PRIZE 2017 'Finishing this book and then forgetting about it is simply not an option...Unmissable' New York TimesAt the age of thirty-six, on the verge of completing a decade s training as a neurosurgeon, Paul Kalanithi was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. One day he was a doctor treating the dying, the next he was a patient struggling to live. When Breath Becomes Air chronicles Kalanithi s transformation from a medical student asking what makes a virtuous and meaningful life into a neurosurgeon working in the core of human identity the brain and finally into a patient and a new father.What makes life worth living in the face of death? What do you do when when life is catastrophically interrupted? What does it mean to have a child as your own life fades away? Paul Kalanithi died while working on this profoundly moving book, yet his words live on as a guide to us all. When Breath Becomes Air is a life-affirming reflection on facing our mortality and on the relationship between doctor and patient, from a gifted writer who became both.
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- 89,94 kr.
133,95 kr. A Japanese-inspired guide to living a happier, more fulfilled life.Japonisme explores the Japanese art of findingcontentment and includes practical tips and tricksto live a happier, healthier, more thoughtful life.What is your ikigai (purpose)? How do you practice mindfulness in the unpredictability and chaos of everyday life?From shinrinyoku (forest bathing), calligraphy, ikebana(fl ower arranging) to tea ceremonies and their approach tofood, the Japanese have found contentment through traditions,philosophies, and the practice of art. This book shows how we can all incorporate aspects of Japonisme into our daily lives.Enhance your lifestyle and enrich your mind by looking at lifethrough the lens of wabi-sabi (the transient nature of life),kintsugi (repairing broken ceramics with gold) or kaizen(habit-forming techniques), in an accessible, practical way.
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
- Build the Perfect Career, Step by Step
133,95 kr. Designing Your Life is an inspiring book by Dave Evans. Published by Vintage Publishing in 2017, the book falls under the self-help genre. This book is more than just a read, it's a journey that encourages you to rethink your life and career. It provides practical, actionable tools and exercises to help you design your life in a way that is most meaningful to you. The author, Dave Evans, uses his expertise to guide you through the process of building a satisfying, joyful life. Designing Your Life is a must-read for anyone looking to make a change or find direction in their life. Published by Vintage Publishing, it's a testament to their commitment to publishing books that make a difference in people's lives.
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
153,95 kr. This is a book you will cherish for a lifetime, for within its pages Deepak Chopra offers a life-altering perspective on the attainment of success. Filled with timeless wisdom, the essence of his teachings is distilled into seven simple, yet powerful principles that can easily be applied to create success and abundance in all areas of your life.
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- 153,95 kr.
168,95 - 228,95 kr. - Bog
- 168,95 kr.
278,95 kr. Step into the enlightening world of 'The Body Code' by Bradley Nelson. Published recently in 2023 by Random House UK Ltd, this book is a fascinating journey into the realm of self-discovery. As a pioneer in the genre of self-help and personal growth, Nelson has once again proven his mastery in understanding the human psyche. 'The Body Code' is not just a book; it's a guide to unlocking your potential, a key to understanding your own body and mind. The author's insightful narrative and thought-provoking ideas will captivate you from the first page to the last. Don't miss out on this masterpiece from one of the most respected authors in the field.
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- 278,95 kr.
258,95 kr. At være spirituel er at tro på, at der findes mere end det, vi kan se. Det er fornemmelsen af, at der er en mening med livet, og at vi alle er forbundet til universet, naturen og andre mennesker på et dybere plan. Men hvordan kan man helt konkret bruge det spirituelle i sit eget liv?I "Alt det, vi ikke ser" introducerer Annasophia Petri Holm dig til spiritualitetens verden og til, hvordan du kommer i kontakt med din spirituelle side. Den giver dig spirituelle perspektiver på livet og et overblik over forskellige spirituelle retninger og metoder til, hvordan du kan opleve mere glæde, kærlighed og forbindelse i dit liv.Gennem bogen får du også praktiske tilgange til at bruge astrologi, tarotkort, amuletter, manifestation og meditationsteknikker – alt sammen uddybet med baggrundsviden og eksempler.Annasophia Petri Holm er uddannet TV- og medietilrettelægger fra Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole, DMJX. Derudover er hun uddannet yogalærer og astrolog. Annasophia står bag de to podcasts "Det spirituelle hjørne" og "Det astrologiske hjørne".
188,95 kr. Polysecure is a compelling book penned by the talented Jessica Fern. Published in 2022 by Scribe Publications, this book is a must-read for all book lovers. With the genre yet to be disclosed, one thing is for sure, Jessica Fern's eloquent writing style will captivate you from the first page. The book 'Polysecure' is a testament to Fern's prowess as an author, and the publication year of 2022 only adds to its freshness and relevance. The book is brought to you by Scribe Publications, a publisher renowned for their selection of thought-provoking and engaging titles. Written in English, 'Polysecure' is a book that promises an unforgettable literary journey.
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
228,95 kr. How to Meet Your Self is an enriching book penned by Nicole Lepera. Published by Orion Publishing Co in 2022, it offers readers a unique journey of self-discovery. The genre of the book is a blend of self-help and psychology, providing insightful and practical advice on how to truly meet and understand oneself. Lepera's writing style is engaging and thought-provoking, making it a must-read for anyone seeking personal growth. The book is a testament to Lepera's expertise and her commitment to helping others in their journey of self-discovery. Published by the renowned Orion Publishing Co, the book is a valuable addition to any reader's collection.
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- 228,95 kr.
133,95 kr. From the indie rockstar of Japanese Breakfast fame, and author of the viral 2018 &i>New Yorker&/i> essay that shares the title of this book, an unflinching, powerful memoir about growing up Korean-American, losing her mother, and forging her own identity.
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- 133,95 kr.
248,95 kr. De fleste mennesker opfatter et parforhold som et lukket kredsløb, hvor de to parter ikke har intime relationer og sex med andre end hinanden. Men passer det mon til alle, og hvad stiller man op, hvis det ikke gør? KÆRLIGHEDSKONTRAKTEN guider jer som par til at finde præcis den definition på samlivet, som passer bedst til jer. Det kan være en friere, men stadig forpligtende aftale, der ikke sætter kærlighed, eventuelt ægteskab og børn over styr.Hvordan bevarer og styrker man kærligheden, hvordan håndterer man jalousi, hvordan sætter man nye grænser, hvordan trækker man i land igen, hvordan gebærder man sig i forhold til omverdenen?KÆRLIGHEDSKONTRAKTEN er en refleksion- og guidebog, der også rummer erfaringer fra mænd og kvinder om deres tanker og udfordringer med åbne forhold.SARA SKAARUP er sexolog og journalist. Hun har de seneste ti år rådgivet folk i forhold til ikke-monogame relationer og deltager jævnligt i debat i medierne.
- Putting Ancient Wisdom to the Test of Modern Science
143,95 kr. Every culture rests on a bedrock of folk wisdom handed down through generations. The pronouncements of philosophers are homespun by our grandmothers, and find their way into our common sense: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. Happiness comes from within. But are these 'truths' really true? Today we all seem to prefer to cling to the notion that a little bit more money, love or success will make us truly happy. Are we wrong?In The Happiness Hypothesis, psychologist Jonathan Haidt exposes traditional wisdom to the scrutiny of modern science, delivering startling insights. We learn that virtue is often not its own reward, why extroverts really are happier than introverts, and why conscious thought is not as important as we might like to think...Drawing on the rich inspiration of both philosophy and science, The Happiness Hypothesis is a remarkable, original and provocative book - ancient wisdom in our time.
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- 143,95 kr.
128,95 - 213,95 kr. - Bog
- 128,95 kr.