- Toward a New Psychology of Climate Action
348,95 kr. Today, about 98 percent of scientists affirm that climate change is human made, and about 2 percent still question it. Despite that overwhelming majority, though, about half the population of rich countries, like ours, choose to believe the 2 percent. And, paradoxically, this large camp of deniers grows even larger as more and more alarming proof of climate change has cropped up over the last decades. This disconnect has both climate scientists and activists scratching their heads, growing anxious, and responding, usually, by repeating more facts to "win" the argument. But, the more climate facts pile up, the greater the resistance to them grows, and the harder it becomes to enact measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare communities for the inevitable change ahead. Is humanity up to the task? It is a catch-22 that starts, says psychologist and climate expert Per Espen Stoknes, from an inadequate understanding of the way most humans think, act, and live in the world around them. With dozens of examples, he shows how to retell the story of climate change and apply communication strategies more fit for the task.
- Bog
- 348,95 kr.
- The Creation of Flowing Forms in Water and Air
258,95 kr. Why does water always take a winding course in streams and rivers? Do common principles and rhythms underlie its movement - whether it be in the sea, in a plant, or even in the blood of a human being? In this seminal and thought-provoking work, the laws apparent in the subtle patterns of water in movement are shown to be the same as those perceptible in the shaping of bones, muscles and a myriad of other forms in nature. Fully illustrated, Sensitive Chaos reveals the unifying forces that underlie all living things. The author observes and explains such phenomena as the flight of birds, the formation of internal organs such as the heart, eye and ear, as well as mountain ranges and river deltas, weather and space patterns, and even the formation of the human embryo. A perennial bestseller since publication, Sensitive Chaos is an essential book for anyone interested in the mysteries of life on earth. THEODOR SCHWENK (1910-1986) was a pioneer in water research. He founded the Institute for Flow Sciences for the scientific study of water's movement and its life-promoting forces. A prolific writer and lecturer, he contributed original insights to the production of homeopathic and anthroposophic medicines, developed 'drop-pictures' for analysing water quality and methods for healing polluted and 'dead' water.
- Bog
- 258,95 kr.
- Rewilding the Land, Sea and Human Life
133,95 kr. How many of us sometimes feel that we are scratching at the walls of this life, seeking to find our way into a wider space beyond? That our mild, polite existence sometimes seems to crush the breath out of us? This book deals with these questions.
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
- the powerful, prescient book that predicted the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic.
153,95 kr. First, a horse in Brisbane falls ill: fever, swelling, bloody froth. Then thirteen others drop dead. The foreman at the stables becomes ill and the trainer dies. This title tracks these infections to their source and asks what we can do to prevent some new pandemic spreading across the face of the earth.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- Humanistiske perspektiver på klimaforandringer
179,95 kr. Antologien Klima og Mennesker adresserer et af de absolut mest aktuelle emner i vor tid: Klimaet, klimaforandringerne og klimadebatten. Hvor forskningen omkring klimaet som udgangspunkt har taget afsæt i naturvidenskabelige metoder og målinger, betragter denne bog emnet ud fra en humanistisk optik – fra menneskets synspunkt.Den ser bl.a. på, hvilke mytologier, forestillinger og fortællinger mennesket gør brug af, når vi skal tale om og forstå klimaforandringerne og ikke mindst de konsekvenser, de har for den menneskelige tilværelse. Hvordan er isbjørnen f.eks. kommet til at spille mytisk-ikonisk rolle i klimadebatten, hvor den af kunstnere, politikere og miljøbevægelser bringes i spil som et symbol på den arktiske naturs potentielle forsvinden i en verden med klimaforandringer?Antologien består af tre dele: Første del omhandler vores kulturelle og historiske forudsætninger for at forstå og respondere på klimaforandringer. I andel del behandles de kulturelle repræsentationer og fortolkninger af klimaet, der findes i bl.a. litteraturen, kunsten og massemedierne. Sidste del handler om klima og praksis – her undersøges det, hvordan forskellige initiativer, som har til hensigt at reducere vores CO₂-aftryk, opfattes af de mennesker, der er involverede.Antologiens ni artikler er skrevet af forskere fra et bredt spektrum af det humanistiske felt. Samlet giver artiklerne et bud på en humanistisk klimaforskning, der kan skabe nye rammer for vores måde at forstå og reflektere over de klimatiske forandringer.Mikkel Sørensen er cand. mag i arkæologi og ph.d. i arktisk arkæologi, lektor ved Saxo-instituttet på Københavns Universitet. Fra 2005-2009 ansat på Nationalmuseets center for Grønlandsforskning, hvor han har deltaget i det tværvidenskabelige GeoArk-forskningsprojekt.Mikkel Fugl Eskjær er cand.mag. og ph.d. i Film- pg medievidenskab, lektor ved Institut for Kommunikation på Aalborg Universitet. Han er bl.a. forfatter til bogen 'Film som kommunikationsmedie'.
- Bog
- 179,95 kr.
165,95 kr. Hvor stor er en elefant? Hvor hurtigt kan en gepard løbe? Hvor gammel bliver en struds og hvor meget luft kan der være i en giraflunge? Alt dette og meget mere kan du få svar på i denne bog flotte bog med 184 farverige sider om Afrikas fantastiske dyre - og fugleliv med spændende fakta om deres liv og færden.Læs om de store vandringer fra Serengeti til Masai Mara og tilbage igen, hvor gnuer og zebraer på deres farefulde færd konstant må vogte sig for rovdyrene. Eller lær fuglens krop at kende og dens færden i krat og skov, hvor nogle fugle jager levende bytte og andre æder ådsler.Forfatter og ingeniør Mogens Boman har skrevet denne flotte og lærerige bog om de vilde dyr og fugle i Afrika. Han er forfatter til flere faglitterære bøger til både børn og voksne og er senest udkommet med håndbogen Safari i Afrika. Bogen indeholder beskrivelser af vilde dyr og spøjse fugle, leksikonafsnit med ordlister samt klassifikation af dyrene i faregrupper. Teksten er velegnet til højtlæsning og opslagsbog samt som selvstændig læsning til børn fra 11-12 år.
- Bog
- 165,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Hvert år udkommer denne smukke kalender med botaniske illustrationer, som havefolk og andre kan have glæde af året igennem.Haveselskabet Kalender 2025 indeholder et udvalg af smukke illustrationer udført af Christian Gottlieb Geissler (1729–1814) fra Royal Horticultural Society’s Lindley Collections i London – verdens største samling af botaniske kunstværker.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
138,95 kr. A radical rewriting of the future for all women approaching their mid and elder years.'There can be a perverse pleasure, as well as a sense of rightness and beauty, in insisting on flowering just when the world expects you to become quiet and diminish.' Sharon BlackieFor any woman over 50 who has ever asked 'What now? How do I wish to age?' comes a life-changing new book showing how your second half may be your most dynamic yet.Rich with the combination of myth, landscape and eco-feminism that took her earlier work If Women Rose Rooted to cult status, Hagitude reclaims the mid-years as a liberating, alchemical moment - from which to shift into your chosen, authentic and fulfilling future. Drawing inspiration from mythic figures and archetypes ranging from the wise woman and the creatrix to the henwife and the trickster, as well as modern mentors, Sharon Blackie plots a liberating new path into elderhood.Hagitude is a radical rewriting of the future for all women in their mid and elder years, its pages rich with possibility, the promise of adventure and influence, and an emphasis on a woman's value and impact in the second half of life.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
213,95 kr. New from the author of acclaimed bestseller The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs ("A masterpiece of science writing" ?Washington Post) and ?one of the stars of modern paleontology? (National Geographic), a sweeping and revelatory history of mammals, illuminating the lost story of the extraordinary family tree that led to us We humans are the inheritors of a dynasty that has reigned over the planet for nearly 66 million years, through fiery cataclysm and ice ages: the mammals. Our lineage includes saber-toothed tigers, woolly mammoths, armadillos the size of a car, cave bears three times the weight of a grizzly, clever scurriers that outlasted Tyrannosaurus rex, and even other types of humans, like Neanderthals. Indeed humankind and many of the beloved fellow mammals we share the planet with today?lions, whales, dogs?represent only the few survivors of a sprawling and astonishing family tree that has been pruned by time and mass extinctions. How did we get here?In his acclaimed bestseller The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs?hailed as ?the ultimate dinosaur biography? by Scientific American?American paleontologist Steve Brusatte enchanted readers with his definitive his - tory of the dinosaurs. Now, picking up the narrative in the ashes of the extinction event that doomed T-rex and its kind, Brusatte explores the remarkable story of the family of animals that inherited the Earth?mammals? and brilliantly reveals that their story is every bit as fascinating and complex as that of the dinosaurs.Beginning with the earliest days of our lineage some 325 million years ago, Brusatte charts how mammals survived the asteroid that claimed the dinosaurs and made the world their own, becoming the astonishingly diverse range of animals that dominate today's Earth. Brusatte also brings alive the lost worlds mammals inhabited through time, from ice ages to volcanic catastrophes. Entwined in this story is the detective work he and other scientists have done to piece together our understanding using fossil clues and cutting-edge technology.A sterling example of scientific storytelling by one of our finest young researchers, The Rise and Reign of the Mammals illustrates how this incredible history laid the foundation for today's world, for us, and our future.
- Bog
- 213,95 kr.
- Integrating Science and Traditional Wisdom to Find Our Place in the Universe
173,95 kr. - Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- A Celebration of Plants Around the World
143,95 - 198,95 kr. Did you know that the rubber in your shoes came from a tree? Ever wondered where your breakfast cereal is grown? Have you remembered to thank a bee today for the food you ate for dinner last night?
- Bog
- 143,95 kr.
- The Curious Tale of the Lego Lost at Sea
218,95 kr. , In 1997 sixty-two containers fell off the cargo ship Tokio Express after it was hit by a rogue wave off the coast of Cornwall, including one container filled with nearly five million pieces of Lego, much of it sea themed. In the months that followed, beachcombers started to find Lego washed up on beaches across the south west coast. Among the pieces they discovered were octopuses, sea grass, spear guns, life rafts, scuba tanks, cutlasses, flippers and dragons. The pieces are still washing up today.,
- Bog
- 218,95 kr.
206,95 kr. Verden går nye tider i møde, og i Danmark gør vi meget for at sikre en bedre fremtid for kloden.Lad vejen være fuld af sjove oplevelser og go’ smag. Lær at trylle dine rester om til gæstemad. Glem at handle ind, og skab magi alligevel. Fyld dit køkken med glæde, energi og gode råvarer, både dem du kan købe, men også dem du finder i haven, grøftekanten, skoven og havet.Liselotte Kira Gregers Andersen, alias Kokken på Kanten, er kulinarisk fritænker og specialist i skæve vinkler, og i denne bog får du indblik i hendes verden, hvor bananskræller, mælkebøttehjerter og vandmelonskal ender på tallerkenen side om side med danske bælgfrugter, tang og sæsongrønt i helt ualmindeligt almindelige retter … scenen er din.Go bananas!
223,95 kr. "A rare gift: an inspiring tale about trees, trauma and the very purpose of life." -Andrew Nikiforuk, author of Empire of the Beetle Diana Beresford-Kroeger-a world-recognized botanist and medical biochemist-has revolutionized our understanding of the natural world with her startling insights into the hidden life of trees. In this riveting memoir, she uncovers the roots of her discoveries in her extraordinary childhood in Ireland. Soon after, her brilliant mind bloomed into an illustrious scientific career that melds the intricacies of the natural world with the truths of traditional Celtic wisdom. To Speak for the Trees uniquely blends the story of Beresford-Kroeger's incredible life and her outstanding achievement as a scientist. It elegantly shows us how forests can not only heal us as people but can also help save the planet.
- Bog
- 223,95 kr.
- Liv, død, kunst og kærlighed
289,95 kr. Rebecca Wragg Sykes’ bog "Neandertaler – Liv, død, kunst og kærlighed" er selve bogen om, hvad vi ved – og det er alligevel meget – om neandertalerne. Rebecca Sykes, en ung britisk forsker, hvis bog Kindred er blevet en international bestseller. Hendes bog tog anmelderne med storm – bl.a. skrev Sunday Times: ’One of the best books of 2020’.Rebecca Sykes er arkæolog, ph.d. fra University of Sheffield i 2010, og har viet sit liv til studiet af neandertalerne. Med videnskaben i hånden gør hun neandertalernes verden levende og går i detaljer med deres åndsliv og sexliv. Sykes gør dem nærværende ved at vise, at de ligesom os var primært højrehåndede, hun formår at uddrage, hvad vi kan sige om det at være barn for 100.000 år siden, om neandertalernes nomade- og huleliv, om deres kost og også om, hvad vi ved om den første og den allersidste neandertaler.Rebecca Sykes har erklæret, at hendes store formidlingsforbillede er Jean Auel, forfatteren til de populære bøger Hulebjørnens klan. Sykes formår selv at levendegøre neandertalernes verden i en letlæst stil, der også har mindelser af det bedste fra National Geographic.Neandertalerne er det moderne menneskes, homo sapiens, nærmeste slægtninge, og de uddøde for cirka 40.000-30.000 år siden. Neandertalerne forsvandt fra jordens overflade efter at have være en del af det eurasiske landskab i mere end 300.000 år. Men de har efterladt et genetisk aftryk i os, idet mellem 2 og 3 procent af vores DNA stammer fra dem. Den store interesse for vores slægtninge krones lige nu af en stor udstilling på Moesgaard Museum, ’Neandertaler – i mammutjægernes land’.
- Bog
- 289,95 kr.
233,95 kr. 'If you want to be inspired to build more sustainable organizations, Deep Purpose should be your next read' Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO, Thrive Global'Insightful, practical, and timely' Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again and host of the TED podcast WorkLife'Deep Purpose points to the conversations we must have right now about how to redefine the role of business in society, restore trust, and enhance our license to operate ... Highly recommended' Paul Polman, former CEO, Unilever--------------Distinguished Harvard Business School professor Ranjay Gulati takes readers inside some of the world's most purposeful companies to understand the secrets to their successFew business topics have aroused more skepticism in recent years than the notion of corporate purpose, and for good reason. Too many companies deploy purpose as a promotional vehicle to make themselves feel virtuous and to look good to the outside world. Some have only foggy ideas about what purpose is and conflate it with strategy and other concepts like 'mission', 'vision' and 'values'. Even well-intentioned leaders don't understand purpose's full potential and engage with it half-heartedly and superficially. Having conducted extensive field research and interviewed leadership at purpose-oriented companies including Etsy, Lego and Microsoft, Ranjay Gulati reveals the fatal mistakes leaders unwittingly make when attempting to implement a reason for being. Moreover, he shows how companies can embed purpose much more deeply, delivering impressive performance benefits that reward customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and communities alike. To get this right, leaders must fundamentally change not only how they execute purpose but also how they conceive of and relate to it. They must practice what Gulati calls deep purpose, furthering each organisation's reason for being more intensely, thoughtfully and comprehensively than ever before.As he argues, a deeper engagement with purpose can serve as a radically new operating system, enhancing performance while also delivering meaningful benefits to society. It's the kind of inspired thinking that businesses - and the rest of us - urgently need.--------------- 'Purpose isn't a "e;nice-to-have"e; in the business world anymore. It's a "e;must-have"e;. This comprehensive guide breaks down why cultivating purpose isn't just the right thing for businesses to do - it's the smart thing too.' Carmine Di Sibio, Global Chairman and CEO, EY'Many leaders today strive to align purpose with financial success, but only a few succeed. Gulati analyzes the tough challenges that leaders everywhere must address if they are to save the planet while also delivering strong profits.' Toshiaki Higashihara, Executive Chairman & CEO, Hitachi, Ltd.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
- A Seasonal, Zero-waste Guide to Cooking with Vegetables
288,95 - 383,95 kr. - Bog
- 288,95 kr.
- On the Danger of Fossil Fascism
233,95 kr. Rising temperatures and the rise of the far right. What disasters happen when they meet?
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
- Bog
- 343,95 kr.
233,95 kr. Netflix and podcasting superstars The Minimalists have written a guide to decluttering your life so that you canprioritize the relationships that matter most.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
98,95 kr. In twenty short books, Penguin brings you the classics of the environmental movement.Provocative and playful, All Art is Ecological explores the strangeness of living in an age of mass extinction, and shows us that emotions and experience are the basis for a deep philosophical engagement with ecology.Over the past 75 years, a new canon has emerged. As life on Earth has become irrevocably altered by humans, visionary thinkers around the world have raised their voices to defend the planet, and affirm our place at the heart of its restoration. Their words have endured through the decades, becoming the classics of a movement. Together, these books show the richness of environmental thought, and point the way to a fairer, saner, greener world.
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Create a healthy, happy home with 100 design ideas to support your physical and mental well-being.Using the latest evidence and research in well-being and Biophilic Design, learn how to transform every space in your home to create a restorative and nurturing environment. Discover the many benefits of connecting to nature, maximising natural light, improving air quality, and the right way to add colour, texture, and pattern to create spaces that improve relaxation, recuperation, social connections, and sleep.Together with the research team at Oliver Heath Design, including sustainability expert Victoria Jackson, psychologist Eden Goode, and designer Jo Baston, Oliver has devised each solution with easy implementation in mind. Whatever your budget and whether you rent or own your property you can use these stylish fun and affordable ideas to make your home a sanctuary.Inside the pages of this home decor book, you'll discover how to detoxify your home by making small changes. It includes: - 100 tried-and-tested practical solutions for improving your living space - even if you are on a budget or renting!- Stylish, fun and affordable interior design tips based on the latest research in sustainable, biophilic design- Introducing colour, pattern and texture to your home, adapting and creating zones, as well as bringing the outdoors in and maintaining your houseplants- Clear chapters organised by solution including Light, Sleep, Sound, Warmth and Air The ideas and solutions included in this book have been devised with easy implementation in mind. Optimise lighting in your home by using reflective surfaces for a brighter space, follow a ventilation checklist to replenish the air in your home and remove pollutants, or unlock the powers of a tech-free bedroom for a better night's sleep.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
- My Nature Journal
173,95 kr. Things of such magnitude deserve respect and understanding. They deserve to be remembered...
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
98,95 kr. The climate crisis is here. Our chance to stop it has come and gone, but this doesn't have to mean the world is ending.
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
- The Political Economy of Saving the Planet
153,95 kr. "An inquiry into how to build the political force to make a global green new deal a reality"--
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- A reference guide to over 375 plant and animal fossils from around the globe and how to identify them, with over 950 photographs and artworks
178,95 kr. New and updated edition 2019: A guide to fossils of the world and fossil hunting, including how to plan a field trip, with a fully illustrated directory of more than 375 fossils.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
- Tales from a life without technology
138,95 kr. It was 11pm when I checked my email for the last time and turned off my phone for what I hoped would be forever.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.