133,95 kr. - Bog
- 133,95 kr.
218,95 kr. Discover the world of trees with 'How to Read a Tree' by Tristan Gooley. Published by Hodder And Stoughton Ltd. in 2023, this book is a must-have for nature enthusiasts. The author, renowned for his expertise in natural navigation, takes you on a journey into the heart of the forest. This book, a masterpiece in the genre of nature and environmental studies, teaches you how to understand trees beyond their aesthetic value. Through Gooley's insightful writing, you'll learn how to read a tree's history, understand its role in the ecosystem, and appreciate its beauty in a whole new way. 'How to Read a Tree' is more than just a book; it's a gateway to understanding nature's silent giants. Pick up your copy from Hodder And Stoughton Ltd. and embark on this enlightening journey.
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- 218,95 kr.
288,95 kr. - Bog
- 288,95 kr.
233,95 kr. A rephotographed and redesigned new edition of a Batsford classic, this fascinating book reveals the secrets of traditional coppice craft.
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- 233,95 kr.
228,95 kr. Élisée Reclus’ Et vandløbs historie udkom første gang i 1869. Det er en underlig bog. Halvt poetisk besyngelse af vandløb og natur. Halvt anarko-socialistisk manifest. Grundlæggende består bogens projekt i at beskrive et vandløb fra kilde til hav. Men det er ikke udelukkende en geolog, som taler. Sproget er ikke udelukkende videnskabeligt, selvom ordforrådet er præcist og varieret. Naturen beskrives ikke bare nøgternt og registrerende. Videnskabsmanden har fået selskab af digteren og socialisten. Digteren fortaber sig i naturen og beskriver den indgående ned til mindste detalje. Ikke som et korrektiv til geografen, men som en udvidelse af det videnskabelige blik. Den skal også beskrives sanseligt, som den optræder for det åbne, modtagelige og påvirkelige menneske.I titlen Et vandløbs historie er det tydeligt, at bogen ikke kun er interesseret i en direkte og naturvidenskabelig udlægning af surhedsgrad og vandstand. Vandløbet har en historie, og det indskriver sig dermed også i menneskets evolution og har relevans for den måde, vi indretter vores samfund på. Vi flakser således med Reclus rundt i historien fra stenalderens hulemænd over den romerske hærfører Scipios badeture og videre op til forfatterens samtid, hvor vandløbet indgår i den topmoderne industrialisering. Flere steder bevæger vi os endda ud over samtiden og ender i en socialistisk utopi, hvor arbejderne forenes, og menneskeheden samles i et magtfrit fællesskab.Bogen er i høj grad relevant i dag, fordi den tilbyder os et frisk og bejaende blik på naturen som noget, der ikke ligger uden for os selv. Naturen hos Reclus er ikke den store Anden, som man enten kan passe på eller ødelægge. Den er ikke udelukkende et objekt, men optræder i menneskets historie og kultur som en drivende kraft. Vandløbet er som resten af naturen evigt forbundet med mennesket på godt og ondt, og det løber som en understrøm i bogen, at det er essentielt for mennesket at vedligeholde denne forbindelse.På den led flyder Reclus’ poetiske projekt sammen med hans politiske overbevisning. Den geografisk præcise og poetisk sanselige indoptagelse af naturen bliver en modstandskamp for digteren. Naturen er både et middel til at genoplade batterierne og samle kræfter til den store kamp for frihed og retfærdighed, men den har også en iboende værdi for os som del af vores fælles historie og udvikling.
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- 228,95 kr.
223,95 kr. - Bog
- 223,95 kr.
218,95 kr. Leksikonet henvender sig til små børn, der gerne vil lære mere om vores fantastiske verden. Læs hundredvis af utrolige fakta om klipper, jordskælv, oceaner, vejret, dyrehabitater og klimaændringer.Opdag, hvordan mennesker bruger Jordens ressourcer og hvordan vi kan beskytte vores vidunderlige planet.Bogen er en del af en populær leksikon-serie fra Forlaget Globe, der tilbyder masser af sjov viden til børn fra 5 år.
- Bog
- 218,95 kr.
- Vores fantastiske Verden som du aldrig har set den før
258,95 kr. "Familiens store bog om Jorden" er det ultimative opslagsværk, som ved hjælp af flotte fotos og computer-genererede illustrationer afslører og forklarer alt om Jorden, dens tilblivelse og hvad vi kan gøre for at beskytte den.Få viden om bl.a.VulkanerJordskælvEkstremt vejrLivet på JordenNiveauet og fagligheden er høj, og bogen lægger sig fint i tråd med de andre leksika i samme serie fra Forlaget Globe.
- Bog
- 258,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Discover the intriguing world of wildflowers with this handy pocket guide. Beautifully illustrated throughout, The Little Guide to Wildflowers offers a fresh perspective on identifying the flowers around you. Featuring 40 of the most beautiful flowers from around the world, including the common wildflowers we know and love, as well as the rare and interesting. Each flower has been delicately illustrated by printmaker Tom Frost to capture its individual characteristics, and is accompanied by information about the plant family to which it belongs and where it can be found, plus associated facts and fables. There is also an interactive spotter's guide at the back, where you can check off each flower you find. This informative, practical and beautiful guide is part of a new nature series designed to encourage creativity through exploring the outdoors.
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- 118,95 kr.
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
243,95 kr. This is a photographic guide to 136 East African plants with important medicinal applications. This fully revised edition of the book first published in 2010 features 600 photographs; updated species accounts; medicinal uses and remedies; and the pharmacological properties and chemistry of the various plant parts.
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- 243,95 kr.
178,95 kr. Mushrooms meet the tarot in this enchanting divination deck that captures the beauty and mystery of fungi. With cards derived from the traditional Rider Waite deck, Midnight Magic can be used for readings as well as a way to showcase one’s love for the ever-popular mushrooms.
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- 178,95 kr.
333,95 kr. This affordable, illuminating softcover atlas features essential maps of the world and its regions, vivid graphics illustrating timely issues of the day, and flags and facts on all 195 countries around the globe.
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- 333,95 kr.
361,95 kr. "Lions lead intricate lives. They hunt together, raise cubs together, and defend territories together. But though life at the top of the food chain may mean that lions have little to fear from other species - they can easily dominate every other carnivore in their midst - they still must constantly safeguard against the threat posed by other lions. Each day is dominated by the demands of raising a family while protecting themselves against enemies endowed with the same strengths and skills. Biologist Craig Packer has spent his career studying the African lion, one of the most fascinating animals on earth. In this book, he synthesizes his decades of research in the Serengeti into an up-to-date portrait of the African lion, and reveals how he and his colleagues have come to understand this creature's behavior, ecology, and conservation. Packer opens the book by providing readers with background on lions' territory, daily behavior, lifespan, and physiology. From there he delves more deeply into lion society, illustrating the complexity of lion life from cub rearing and foraging to competition with other lions. In the final chapters, Packer zooms out to summarize what is known about lion ecological abundance and distribution as well as their conservation status. Not surprisingly, lions are increasingly threatened; however, Packer ends his book on a hopeful note, pointing to programs that are successfully protecting lion populations"--
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- 361,95 kr.
343,95 kr. Chickens are many things: sources of meat and eggs, lovable pets, amusing images on merchandise, and a source of comfort at the end of a hard day. Whether we're considering joining the growing flock of backyard chicken-keepers or simply cheered by leafing through images of gorgeous poultry, our love for chickens is strong.
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- 343,95 kr.
83,95 kr. These 31 summer scenes will delight colorists yearning for year-round sunshine! Original designs include seascapes, blooming gardens, and idyllic farm vistas as well as romantic picnics, sunsets, and a beach wedding.
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- 83,95 kr.
288,95 kr. "A guide to minerals, gems, and rocks with 800 color photos, important mineralogical properties, use, and occurrence, and information on similar minerals and their differentiation. Identifies over 700 minerals, gems, and rocks using the proven classification: streak color, degree of hardness, and origin"--Adapted from back cover.
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- 288,95 kr.
298,95 kr. Reeling from a crisis of hope, lifelong activist Andrew Boyd seeks out today's leading climate thinkers, from collapse-psychologist Jamey Hecht to Indigenous botanist Robin Wall Kimmerer. "If it's the end of the world, now what?" he asks, as he steers us through our climate angst in search of a "better catastrophe."
- Bog
- 298,95 kr.
138,95 kr. A stroll through the forest with stunning photographs and a moving meditation on the secret life of trees
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- 138,95 kr.
313,95 - 358,95 kr. - Bog
- 313,95 kr.
373,95 kr. Shara Hughes (geb. 1981 in Atlanta, lebt und arbeitet in New York) bezeichnet ihre Bilder und Zeichnungen als psychologische oder erfundene Landschaften. Ihre Steilküsten, Flussläufe, Sonnenuntergänge und üppigen Gärten, die oft von abstrakten Mustern eingerahmt werden, zeugen von märchenhaften Orten und paradiesischen Stimmungen. Die Gemälde nutzen, wie der New Yorker schrieb, "alle möglichen Tricks, um zu verführen, und schaffen es dennoch, als arglose Visionen von gar nicht so fernen Welten zu erscheinen". Mit Ölfarbe, Pinsel, Spachtel und Spray zelebriert die Künstlerin die Malerei an sich und zitiert dabei nicht selten die Meister anderer Kunstepochen.
- Bog
- 373,95 kr.
- 20 evighedsbuketter, du selv kan lave
223,95 kr. Lær at beherske det gamle håndværk at tørre og sammensætte tørrede blomster, planter og græsser, og skab dine egne moderne evighedsbuketter. Følg de enkle vejledninger for at skabe bogens betagende buketter, eller tilpas dem efter egne ønsker.Uanset om du vil nytænke uanselige blomsterstande til en korsagebuket, du kan gemme, eller friske dit interiør op med overdådige blomsterarrangementer, kan du ved hjælp af denne bog nyde dine yndlingsblomster året rundt og opdage skønheden ved holdbare og bæredygtige buketter.ANGELA MAYNARD har elsket planter, lige siden hun som lille pige udforskede Londons parker. Hun afholder workshops for brands som Toastand the Crafts Council, hvor formålet er at lære deltagerne at anvende mindfulness i hverdagen og styrke forbindelsen til naturen ved at lave buketter og kranse af tørrede blomster eller dyrke byhaver. Hun laver også guidede ture i naturen året rundt. Derudover har Angela Maynard skrevet artikler for The Financial Times, The Telegraph, Living etc, Homes & Gardens med flere.
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- 223,95 kr.
188,95 kr. Featuring a wealth of illustrations, a fungi-filled tour of the importance of mushrooms, from the enchanted forests of folklore to their role in sustaining life on earth. Mushrooms hold a peculiar place in our culture: we love them and despise them, fear them and misunderstand them. They can be downright delicious or deadly poisonous, cute as buttons, or utterly grotesque. These strange organisms hold great symbolism in our myths and legends. In this book, Nicholas P. Money tells the utterly fascinating story of mushrooms and the ways we have interacted with these fungi throughout history. Whether they have populated the landscapes of fairytales, lent splendid umami to our dishes, or steered us into deep hallucinations, mushrooms have affected humanity from the earliest beginnings of our species. As Money explains, mushrooms are not self-contained organisms like animals and plants. Rather, they are the fruiting bodies of large--sometimes extremely large--colonies of mycelial threads that spread underground and permeate rotting vegetation. Because these colonies decompose organic matter, they are of extraordinary ecological value and have a huge effect on the health of the environment. From sustaining plant growth and spinning the carbon cycle to causing hay fever and affecting the weather, mushrooms affect just about everything we do. Money tells the stories of the eccentric pioneers of mycology, delights in culinary powerhouses like porcini and morels, and considers the value of medicinal mushrooms. This book takes us on a tour of the cultural and scientific importance of mushrooms, from the enchanted forests of folklore to the role of these fungi in sustaining life on earth.
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- 188,95 kr.
298,95 kr. - Bog
- 298,95 kr.
175,95 kr. The predators that can hunt, kill and eat us occupy a unique place in the human psyche. In this book, Adam Hart looks at our relationship with these animals from a conservation perspective.Whether it's lions in Africa, tigers in India or sharks in the world's oceans, we are fascinated by - and often terrified of - predators. Animals that can hunt, kill, and eat us occupy a unique place in the human psyche, and for good reason. Predation forms a big part of our evolutionary history, but in the modern world there are many people who live alongside animals that can, and sometimes do, make them prey.In The Deadly Balance, biologist Adam Hart explores the complex relationships we have with predators, and investigates what happens when humans become prey. From big cats to army ants, via snakes, bears, wolves, crocodiles, piranhas and more, Hart busts some myths and explores the science behind such encounters. Despite their fearsome and often wildly exaggerated reputations, these animals have far more to fear from us than we do from them. By probing the latest conservation science, Hart explores how we might both conserve the world's predators and live safely alongside them.
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- 175,95 kr.
148,95 kr. - Bog
- 148,95 kr.
305,95 - 361,95 kr. - Bog
- 305,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Evocative, funny and poignant, this is the third volume of memoirs from James Herriot who inspired the television series All Creatures Great and Small
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- 118,95 kr.
278,95 kr. Capture the splendor of sea life with this alluring collection of stickers. Enjoy over a thousand vintage drawings that portray the majestic beauty of the ocean and the simple pleasure of a day at the beach. Detailed illustrations of shells, fish, and coral unveil spectacular marine life found on the seashore and on the seabed.This lavishly bound hardback book with decorative foil is the perfect gift for crafters, scrapbookers, and those who enjoy beautiful imagery of sea life.Use these beautiful stickers to decorate your personal items or simply enjoy this book as an exquisite keepsake.
- Bog
- 278,95 kr.
123,95 kr. If you've been told it's too late to start prepping ...If you've been told it's too expensive to start prepping ...If you think most prepping guides are too complicated ...If you have little ones, not just yourself to think of ...If you think most preppers seem, well-a little obsessive ...THIS is the prepping guide for you!PREPPER PARENTS! is a brief, easy-to-understand guide designed to walk you through preparedness for everything from short-term natural disasters to long-term economic collapse. This guide uses flagged action items as well as common sense tips to help you decide on a plan for you and your family. You'll see checklists to follow for getting a bug-out bag stocked on a budget, defense, heat and shelter, medical and dental supplies, personal hygiene, finance and bartering and much more! Chapters on food and water will teach you quickly how to achieve a clean, drinkable water supply and which food items taste best, carry lightest and store longest. Filled with special ideas for parents with children, this guide is your starting place for common sense readiness.
- Bog
- 123,95 kr.