233,95 kr. Contains everything you need to know about the development and survival of life on Earth. This book includes detailed comparative anatomy, evolutionary legacies, and the breakthrough theories of eminent scientists.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
288,95 kr. - Bog
- 288,95 kr.
228,95 kr. This is the first book to explore how to use permaculture design and principles for people, to restore personal, social and planetary well-being. People and Permaculture widens the definition of permaculture from being mostly about land based systems to taking it right into the heart of our own lives, relationships and society. It is for anyone who thought permaculture wasn't for them because they didn't have a garden. It is for anyone who wants to improve their ability to care for themselves, their friends and family and for the Earth. People and Permaculture transforms the context of permaculture making it relevant to everyone. It covers tools and techniques we can use in our own lives, investigates ways of creating harmony in our relationships and groups, and forges a wider vision for our social systems. It further explores how to expand our feelings of connection across the globe and finally focuses on how we can manifest a positive future with the use of a new design framework specifically created for people-based designs. Part 1 - contains a detailed introduction to permaculture design and principles as applied to people. Part 2 - looks at the tools and techniques we can use in our own lives; how we can transform our internal landscape, enhance our well-being and be at our best. Part 3 - investigates ways of creating harmony in our relationships and groups, through our communication and decision making. Part 4 - explores a wider vision for our social systems, in particular health and education. Part 5 - moves on to explore how to expand our feelings of connection across the globe. Part 6 - focuses on how we can manifest a positive future with the use of a new design framework specifically created for people-based designs. Full of stories, interviews and personal anecdotes from permaculture people and beyond and with over 50 practical activities, readers are empowered and given practical tools to initiate positive change in their lives. People & Permaculture is a practical and holistic guide to creating a sustainable world.
- Bog
- 228,95 kr.
233,95 kr. Due to the level of detail, the images are best viewed on a tablet.All the techniques you need to become an expert navigator.The Ultimate Navigation Manual is a unique guide to finding your way on land - from the basic principles right up to the advanced technology of GPS. Designed to allow even the absolute beginner to find their way anywhere in the world, it also develops a unique confidence in navigation - with or without technical aids.With a preface by Sir Ranulph Fiennes, contents will also include:Environmental clues - Using the natural environment to navigateMaps - An introduction to the different types of mapsThe Compass and North - How compasses work, how to use them and how to choose the right oneMap and Compass Navigation - twenty-five easy-to-learn skills are describedRelocation Procedures - What to do when lost, dealing with well-known relocation procedures and some ground-breaking new onesStellar Navigation - Simple methods that are easy to learnGNSS (GPS) Navigation - Why Global Satellite Navigation Systems are the most significant advance in navigation since the invention of the magnetic compass; details all of the systems now available, including the American GPSSpecialist environments and equipment - Which techniques are best, where and how to use them in environments such as the Arctic, coastal areas, desert regions, jungles or forests, mountains and urban areasWritten by one of the world's leading search and rescue consultants designed to emphasise navigation problems - this is the ultimate guide to not losing your way.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
178,95 kr. From the crops that have fed billions of people over the centuries to the plants highly regarded for their medicinal qualities, this fascinating offering from garden expert Bill Laws unearths the stories behind some of the world's best-known plants.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
- the private life of an English field
133,95 kr. _________________'BRITAIN'S FINEST LIVING NATURE WRITER' - THE TIMESWINNER OF THE THWAITES WAINWRIGHT PRIZE 2015What really goes on in the long grass?Meadowland gives an unique and intimate account of an English meadow's life from January to December, together with its biography.
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
- A Guide to the Edible Plants of Britain
458,95 kr. At any time, in any place, food is there for the taking - if only we knew how and where to look. Many of these plants - nettles, dandelions, fat hen, sorrel - grow so profusely they are considered a nuisance. Foraging was something our ancestors did instinctively - this book truly connects us with our past and our future.
- Bog
- 458,95 kr.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
- Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinctions
233,95 kr. Why have island ecosystems always suffered such high rates of extinction? Over the past eight years, David Quammen has followed the threads of island biogeography on a globe-encircling journey of discovery.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
- A Practical and Philosophical Guide to Building a Cob Cottage
363,95 kr. Use the oldest, most available materials imaginableYearth, clay, sand, straw, and waterYand blend them to redefine the future (and past) of building.
- Bog
- 363,95 kr.
218,95 - 288,95 kr. The definitive, fully-illustrated guide to the trees of Britain and non-Mediterranean Europe.
- Bog
- 218,95 kr.
68,95 kr. Klimaforandringernes konsekvenser er i dag tydeligere end nogensinde før. Men hvordan bør vi handle i forhold til klimaforandringerne? Hvordan bør klimabyrden fordeles? Og hvem bærer ansvaret? Klima og etik belyser de etiske perspektiver af klimaforandringerne. Bogen har forord af Connie Hedegaard
- Bog
- 68,95 kr.
178,95 - 1.973,95 kr. Yuval Noah Harari udforsker i denne nervepirrende bog 21 aktuelle emner. Han undersøger, hvordan man som kollektiv og som individ kan forstå og håndtere nutidens konstante og forvirrende forandringer. Hvordan kan vi beskytte os mod atomkrig, naturkatastrofer og ny teknologi? Hvad kan vi gøre ved fake news-epidemien eller terrortruslen? Hvad bør vi lære vores børn? Er vi overhovedet stadig i stand til at forstå den verden, vi har skabt? 21 ting du bør vide om det 21. århundrede er en udforskning af, hvad det betyder at være menneske i en forvirrende tidsalder.
- Langs stranden
138,95 kr. Stenjagt, som alle kan deltage iAlle de sten, vi finder på stranden i dag, er blevet transporteret hertil af gletsjere under istiden. Bag hver eneste strandsten gemmer sig mangemillioner eller milliarder års skabelseshistorie, der fører langt, langt tilbage i Jordens urtid. Nogle sten er resultatet at urgamle processer dybt, dybt inde i Jordens indre, mens andre for eksempel kan være dannet på en gammel havbund og indeholde fossiler af fortidens dyr.I denne bog fortæller geolog og museumsinspektør ved Geomuseum Faxe, Jesper Milàn, enkelt og overskueligt Jordens og stenenes historie.Bogen indeholder også en gennemgang af de sten, man typisk finder på de danske strande: sandsten, konglomerater, skifer, lerjernsten, kalksten, cementsten, granitter, basalter, diabaser, porfyrer, ignimbritter, gnejser, øjegnejser, amfibolitter, hornfelser, sten med sprækker og knusninger, breccier, flintesten, pyritter, kvarts og kvartssten og endelig rav, der har gjort sig fortjent til at være med, fordi det findes blandt strandstenene.Foruden gode fotos, der gør det nemt at identificere de forskelligebjergarter, er bogen forsynet med oversigter og kort, der illustrerer stenenes fascinerende historie.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
- Langs stranden
138,95 kr. 2. udgave med opdateringer og justeret layoutFOSSILJAGT LANGS KYSTEN Mellem sten og opskyl på stranden kan der pludselig dukke en lille skat op – et ravstykke, et forstenet søpindsvin, et vættelys eller hvis man er rigtig heldig - en forstenet tand fra en haj. Det er eventyrligt at finde spor efter dyr, der er millioner af år gamle, bare ved at være opmærksom på, hvad der ligger mellem stenene på stranden. Med lige dele viden og god fantasi kan man tænke sig tilbage til den fjerne fortid, hvor de forstenede dyr var levende. I denne bog fortælles om de mest almindelige fossiler, man kan finde langs med strandene i Danmark og i udvalgte råstofgrave. Ved Stevns- og Møns Klinter, på Bornholm, på Fur, langs Vestkysten, i Gram Lergrav og mange andre steder – i alt er 27 specielt gode lokaliteter omtalt. Med vellignende tegninger af dyrene, som de så ud, da de var levende samt en række fotos og tegninger af fossiler, som man typisk finder dem, er der en god mulighed for at se, hvilket fortidigt dyr eller plante, man har fundet. Jesper Milàn, museumsinspektør ved Geomuseum Faxe, har skrevet teksten - og Lykke Bianca har tegnet alle de smukke tegninger.
- Bog
- 138,95 kr.
153,95 kr. En smukt illustreret guide til et udvalg af Danmarks svampe. Bogen præsenterer en samling af detaljerede udgaver af de mest populære svampe, som vil interessere både kunstinteresserede og svampeelskere. Her er nyttig information om svampe, man kan spise og om de typiske varianter, vi kender fra de danske skove. En lille bog om svampe er lavet i et praktisk format, der er lige til at stikke i lommen og tage med ud på svampeturen.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- Your Comprehensive Guide to Long-Term Survival Skills, Preparedness, Shelter Building, Water Purification, Foraging, Food Procurement and Self-Reliance in the Wild
130,95 kr. Embark on a Journey of Unparalleled Wilderness Mastery!In the face of nature's unpredictability, equip yourself with the definitive guide to not just surviving, but thriving in the great outdoors. Introducing "Wilderness Long-Term Survival Guide" - the indispensable companion for those who seek to conquer the wild with unwavering confidence and self-reliance.
- Bog
- 130,95 kr.
283,95 kr. "Located in the Arctic Ocean near the North Pole, Svalbard is a unique archipelago that boasts stunning wintry landscapes, endangered Arctic animals, and awe-inspiring natural phenomena. Since 2015, Cecilia has called this beautiful and remote location home. Along with her partner, Christoffer, and her dog, Grim, she has adjusted to life at the top of the world--where polar bears roam free and northern lights shine bright. With evocative text and spectacular photography, Cecilia shares the joys and challenges of adapting to an inhospitable climate. Her story begins in the darkness of polar night, and the allure of her remote location is revealed gradually as sunlight returns months later. Through personal stories and firsthand advice, Cecilia offers insight for anyone seeking to thrive in unusual living conditions."--Provided by publisher.
- Bog
- 283,95 kr.
153,95 - 228,95 kr. - Bog
- 153,95 kr.
188,95 kr. A compendium of sounds from this world and beyond, from the author of A New Map of Wonders and The Book of Barely Imagined Beings.
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
533,95 kr. This exciting new tree selection guide marks a step change in approach that will lead to successful outcomes for trees and a better environment for future generations. Gardens and green spaces are good for the health of humans and the wider environment and trees play a vital role in this. In the past, trees have been selected primarily for their ornamental value but these essential life-giving plants have the potential to deliver a vast array of ecosystem benefits, but only if we plant the right tree in the right place. To combat the damaging effects of climate change we need mature trees and species diversity, which means careful selection for site and function. International tree expert Henrik Sjöman along with garden designer and passionate advocate for the environment Arit Anderson identified the need for a new kind of selection guide that focuses on the hidden benefits of trees and dedicated themselves to this visionary new resource. Easily accessible text, backed by the latest scientific research, describes the multiple benefits mature trees bring to towns and cities including storing carbon, slowing down rainfall and cooling buildings. We learn that some trees excel at particular functions and how to select trees for specific conditions such as droughts and storms. The A-Z is a unique selection of more than 500 trees chosen for their resilience and a range of other criteria that will ensure their contribution to our future gardens and landscapes. A quick-reference Tree Selection Table completes the resource and will spark the tree selection process.
- Bog
- 533,95 kr.
210,95 kr. Abe and Dan, two widowers who have found solace in each other's company, hear rumours of a fine fishing creek in upstate New York, one hiding a terrible secret.
- Bog
- 210,95 kr.
168,95 - 198,95 kr. - Bog
- 168,95 kr.
178,95 kr. In Mystical Mushrooms, explore the magical properties, mythological connections, and symbolic qualities of ever-intriguing fungi.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
398,95 kr. Die spektakulären Fjorde Norwegens, die Tundra und die heiteren Wälder Schwedens, zauberhafte Seen in Finnland, Vulkane und Mondlandschaften auf Island, das Inlandeis Grönlands - die nordischen Länder bieten eine atemberaubende Vielfalt an Landschaften und endlose Möglichkeiten zum Wandern. Wanderlust Skandinavien lädt mit einer großen Auswahl und einem ansprechenden Mix an Wanderwegen dazu ein ein in diese unverwechselbare Wildnis zu erkunden. Auf in den Norden!
- Bog
- 398,95 kr.
343,95 kr. - Bog
- 343,95 kr.
208,95 kr. When Paul Rosolie, a restless eighteen-year-old hungry for adventure, embarked on a journey to the western Amazon in 2006, he didn't know that it would transform his life. In the Madre de Dios ("Mother of God") region of Peru, where the Amazon River begins, the cloud forests of the Andes converge with the lowland Amazon rain forest to create the most biodiverse wilderness on the planet.In a true story of adventure and discovery that spans more than nine years, Rosolie takes us into the most inaccessible reaches of the Amazon. Along the way, he encounters massive snakes, isolated tribes, prowling jaguars, giant anteaters, and much more in the Wild West of the natural world. It is a journey into the last great wilderness that ultimately asks the question of our time: How much longer will these places exist? The primordial depths of the Madre de Dios are in grave danger.Mother of God is the story of an amazing odyssey into the heart of the wildest place on earth. But as Rosolie delves deeper into the heart of the jungle, he finds things he never imagined could exist. And as the legendary explorer Percy Fawcett warned, "The few remaining unknown places of the world exact a price for their secrets."
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
133,95 kr. - Bog
- 133,95 kr.
109,95 - 153,95 kr. - Bog
- 109,95 kr.
133,95 - 233,95 kr. THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER 'Unapologetically optimistic and bracingly realistic, this is the most inspiring book on ';ethical living' I've ever read.' Oliver Burkeman, Guardian ';A monumental event.' Rutger Bregman, author of Humankind ';A book of great daring, clarity, insight and imagination. To be simultaneously so realistic and so optimistic, and always so damn readable well that is a miracle for which he should be greatly applauded.' Stephen Fry Humanity is in its infancy. Our future could last for millions of years or it could end tomorrow. Astonishing numbers of people could lead lives of great happiness or unimaginable suffering, or never live at all, depending on what we choose to do today. As we approach a critical juncture in our history, we can make profound moral decisions about how humanity's course plays out. We can create positive change on behalf of future generations, to prevent the use of catastrophic weapons and maintain peace between the world's great powers. We can improve our moral values, navigating the rise of AI and climate change more fairly for generations to come. The challenges we face are enormous. But so is the influence we have. If we choose wisely, our distant descendants will look back on us fondly, knowing we did everything we could to give them a world that is beautiful and just.
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.