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  • - The T-Shirts I Love
    af Haruki Murakami
    173,95 kr.

    The international literary icon opens his eclectic closet: Here are photographs of Murakami's extensive and personal T-shirt collection, accompanied by essays that reveal a side of the writer rarely seen by the public.

  • af Philip Oostenbrink
    288,95 kr.

    This book takes the houseplant look outside by exploring the wonders of lush, green, foliage plants that are hardy in the garden. These big-leaved, larger-than-life plants provide year-round impact and small, urban gardens that are well protected are the perfect home for them. Learn how to choose and use exotic plants to make exuberant gardens.

  • - A Year of Growing and Designing With Seasonal Flowers
    af Milli Proust
    218,95 kr.

    From Seed to Bloom is a captivating piece written by the talented Milli Proust. Published recently in 2022 by Quadrille Publishing Ltd, this book is a must-read for all book enthusiasts. The storyline is intriguing and is sure to keep you hooked from the beginning to the end. The author's unique writing style, combined with a captivating plot, sets this book apart in its genre. From Seed to Bloom is more than just a book; it's an experience that takes the reader on a journey of growth and discovery. This book is a testament to Milli Proust's creative genius and is a fine addition to any book collection. Don't miss out on this literary masterpiece. Get your copy today from Quadrille Publishing Ltd.

  • - Inspiring Projects to Create Plus Plant Care Tips & Styling Ideas for Your Own Wild Interior
    af Hilton Carter
    233,95 kr.

    Namechecked as the "LeBron James of plant styling..." by "Good Morning America", Hilton Carter now shows how you can make, style, decorate and care for your own stunning plant-inspired interior with his 25 step-by-step DIY projects and plant hacks.

  • - Using Locally Sourced Materials to Make Mineral and Biological Extracts and Ferments
    af Nigel Palmer
    233,95 kr.

    Revitalize your garden by making your own biologically diverse inoculants and mineral-rich amendments using leaf mold, weeds, eggshells, bones, and other materials available for little or no cost from local woodlands, fields, restaurants, and markets.

  • af Claire Masset
    168,95 kr.

    A celebration of a beloved and uniquely British garden style featuring cottage gardens from around the country. Features gardens created by famous writers including Thomas Hardy, Virginia Woolf and Beatrix Potter.

  • - How to Grow Plants, No Matter Where You Live: Raised Beds * Vertical Gardening * Indoor Edibles * Balconies and Rooftops * Hydroponics
    af Kevin Espiritu
    251,95 kr.

  • - Growing Food for Profit on Leased and Borrowed Land
    af Curtis Allen Stone
    298,95 kr.

    There are twenty million acres of lawns in North America. In their current form, these unproductive expanses of grass represent a significant financial and environmental cost. However, viewed through a different lens, they can also be seen as a tremendous source of opportunity. Access to land is a major barrier for many people who want to enter the agricultural sector, and urban and suburban yards have huge potential for would-be farmers wanting to become part of this growing movement.The Urban Farmer is a comprehensive, hands-on, practical manual to help you learn the techniques and business strategies you need to make a good living growing high-yield, high-value crops right in your own backyard (or someone else's). Major benefits include: Low capital investment and overhead costs Reduced need for expensive infrastructure Easy access to marketsGrowing food in the city means that fresh crops may travel only a few blocks from field to table, making this innovative approach the next logical step in the local food movement. Based on a scalable, easily reproduced business model, The Urban Farmer is your complete guide to minimizing risk and maximizing profit by using intensive production in small leased or borrowed spaces.Curtis Stone is the owner/operator of Green City Acres, a commercial urban farm growing vegetables for farmers markets, restaurants, andretail outlets. During his slower months, Curtis works as a public speaker, teacher, and consultant, sharing his story to inspire a new generation of farmers.

  • - Designing Flowering Meadows from Seed
    af James Hitchmough
    398,95 kr.

    ';A hopeful and expansive book for the gardener who sees a field as a canvas.' Publishers Weekly James Hitchmough is well-regarded in the design world for his exuberant, colorful, and flower-filled meadows. His signature style can be seen in prominent places like London's Olympic Park and the Botanic Garden at the University of Oxford. Using a distinct technique of sowing meadows from seed, he creates plant communities that mimic the dramatic beauty of natural meadows and offer a succession of blooms over many monthsa technique that can be adapted to work in both large-scale public gardens and smaller residential gardens.Sowing Beautyshows you how to recreate Hitchmough's masterful, romantic style. Youll will learn how to design and sow seed mixes that include a range of plants, both native and exotic, and how to maintain the sown spaces over time. Color photographs show not only the gorgeous finished gardens, but also all the steps along the way.

  • - ved sommerhuset i Vejby Strand
    af Peter Olesen
    198,95 kr.

    Følg Peter Olesen rundt i hans store eventyrhave i Vejby Strand. Bliv inspireret til at give drømmene plads, så du får en vild, anderledes og eventyrlig have.Peter Olesen mangler ikke ord, når han skal beskrive sin store kærlighed: haven ved sommerhuset i Vejby Strand. At have en have er en gave, mener han:»At have en vild have er at have en voksentumleplads, en legeplads, et eksperimentarium, et sted at få afløb for en masse ideer, et sted at afreagere, blive væk, holde sig i form og bevægelse, koble fra, finde ro, falde ned og få godt ondt i ryggen og blive øm og sundt træt i resten af kroppen. Måske ligefrem en gang imellem være så heldig at glemme sig selv og for en stund blive et med naturen«.I bogen fortæller Olesen i tekst og billeder om sommerhushaven, dens brændestabler, gemmesteder, oaser, krinkelkroge, stier, småsøer, havudsigt og selvfølgelig også de 150 rosenbuske.Men det er også en stor opgave at holde en have. Peter Olesen fortæller derfor, hvordan han året klipper og luger og bygger eventyret op, så der altid er noget at gå på opdagelse i.Peter Olesen er journalist, forfatter og foredragsholder. Han har skrevet en lang række bøger.

  • af Nanna Louise Teckemeier & Alexandra af Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg
    181,95 - 298,95 kr.

    Prinsesse Alexandra inviterer på en sjælden havevandring i anlæggene omkring Egeskov Slot og øser ud af sin store viden, som man kan bruge hjemme i sin egen have.Sammen med sin mand, greve Michael Ahlefeldt- Laurvig-Bille, er H.H. Prinsesse Alexandra af Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg ansvarlig for haverne på slottet, og hun har designet og arrangeret flere nye anlæg.I En have for livet får læseren lov til at komme med helt indenfor i de vidunderlige slotshaver med de mange smukke rosen- og staudebede, og undervejs deler prinsessen ud af sin erfaring og viden om havedesign og farvekomposition. Den stammer fra hendes studier inden for blandt andet design samt fra hendes livslange kærlighed til haven og blomsterne, der er nedarvet i familien fra blandt andre prinsessens mor, prinsesse Benedikte, og mormor, dronning Ingrid.Med udgangspunkt i fem populære haverum på Egeskov Slot – Rosenhaven, Den Hvide Have, Dufthaven samt staudehaverne Solens Have og Livets Have – gennemgår prinsessen placering og valg af blomster, farver og dufte og giver samtidig sine personlige og konkrete råd til alle haveejere om anlægning og fornyelse af bede, pasning og pleje. Undervejs giver slotsgartner Peter Bonde Poulsen sit besyv med.Bogen er rigt illustreret med skønne og stemningsfulde fotos og indeholder desuden prinsessens smukke håndmalede bedplaner, der viser, hvordan man selv kan skabe lidt af Egeskovs skønhed i sin egen have.

  • - Mere natur tættere på
    af Ditte Dahl Lisbjerg, Katrine Turner & Lilli Gruwier
    188,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Kom skridtet videre fra den simple frøblanding med denne bog, der har alt, hvad man skal vide, når man vil have mere biodiversitet i sin have og naturen helt tæt på.Både blandt dyr og planter oplever vi i disse år en artsmæssig tilbagegang, og der er en stigende bevidsthed om, at vi skal give mere plads til den vilde natur. Et godt sted at starte er i sin egen have. I Vildskab i haven har tre eksperter samlet den nyeste viden om biodiversitet i haven og deler ud af deres erfaringer med anlægning og pleje af vilde haver og natur i byen. De gennemgår emner som planter, levesteder, indretning og pleje og viser forskellige haver og konkrete løsninger med fokus på liv og biodiversitet og større mangfoldighed i haven. Følger man bogens enkle principper, kan man selv sætte rammen for, hvordan biodiversiteten kan folde sig helt ud i ens egen have. Bogen er fuld af konkret inspiration, råd og tips, der kan bruges, hvad enten man har en altankasse, en klassisk villahave, en stor naturgrund eller blot gerne vil vide noget om bynatur. Med den kommer man hurtigt i gang med at skabe sit eget lille paradis for biodiversiteten – og for sig selv.

  • - Indretning - planter - tips & tricks
    af Nina Ewald
    253,95 kr.

    I Danmark har vi hundredtusinder af altaner og tagterrasser. Både i nyt og ældre byggeri - og dertil de mange lejligheder, som er blevet renoveret med tilføjelse af altaner til både gården og gaden. For mange mennesker er deres altan/tagterrasse simpelthen en livslinje til det fri. Både altaner og tagterrasser er en integreret del af boligen og skal naturligvis indrettes med omhu og omtanke. Det er næsten de samme principper, der gælder både ude og inde. Når det drejer sig om plantevalget, er der dog større udfordringer højt til vejrs, på grund af vind og vejr. Bogen giver masser af facts, tips og ideer til den helt rigtige indretning – hvad enten man har få eller mange kvadratmeter at boltre sig på og ligegyldigt hvilket verdenshjørne, altanen vender mod. Alle mennesker kan forvandle deres altan/tagterrasse til en pragtfuld oase, tilpasset familiens smag og behov. Bogen er spækket med praktiske og smukke løsninger, som beskrives udførligt i tekst, tegninger og billeder. Den gennemgår de forskellige elementer så som: gulv, vægge & loft, møbler & møblering, planter & plantekasser, årstiderne og meget andet. Enkelte altaner og tagterrasser vises i deres helhed. Bagest i bogen er der adresser, links og litteraturhenvisninger. 327 fotos og illustrationer. Forfatteren Nina Ewald er både uddannet indretningsarkitekt fra Danmarks Designskole og en erfaren havebogsforfatter. Hun har skrevet adskillige bøger om boligindretning og havedesign, og sin viden om ude og inde fletter hun sammen i DESIGN DIN ALTAN OG TAGTERRASSE.

  • - 500 Plants for Temperate Food Forests and Permaculture Gardens
    af Plants for a Future
    298,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Sankey
    288,95 kr.

    The instantly recognizable English cottage garden encapsulates that delightful mix of scented climbers, drifts of flowers inter-mingled with herbs and vegetables, fruit trees and traditional features. Much loved and copied throughout the world, it is uniquely individual. With no strict rules to adhere to, it is a garden style that is both informal and functional, celebrating fragrance, flowers and seasonal interest at its heart. The old cottage style of gardening, that blended planting to create a flowery yet productive plot within a small space, is still highly relevant and easily transferable to today''s modern garden, whether it be a city courtyard or a large garden in the country. Appropriate for gardeners of every level of ability, The English Cottage Garden covers all aspects of designing a cottage-style garden; from choosing the right trees, climbers, shrubs and perennials to creating an authentic cottage feel to the planting It also covers the use of colour within the garden; how features can establish a framework and create focal points; and why companion planting is essential to this style. Illustrated throughout with a wealth of photographs showing gardens, planting combinations, colourful border schemes and individual flowers, this book is an essential read for anyone interested in the quintessential cottage garden.

  • - Sowing, Spacing, Planting, Picking, Watering and More
    af Charles Dowding
    268,95 kr.

    How to garden easily and effectively, based on the author's 40 years of growing vegetables. Advice on setting up your garden and planning what to grow, ways to sow and to save seeds, planting, spacing, watering, and harvesting. Plus details of succession planting, winter gardening, and how to use covers for early cropping and pest protection.

  • - A Practical Guide to Creating a Paradise for Pollinators
    af Dave Goulson
    198,95 kr.

    ''Go on, have a flutter! Take a few tips from the new book by biologist Dave Goulson and it''s a safe bet that beautiful butterflies will start gathering in your garden'' Daily MailFrom the Sunday Times bestselling author of A Sting In The Tale comes this practical guide to creating a paradise for pollinators.There are twenty six different species of bumblebees to be found in the UK, of around 250 species worldwide. Bumblebees are among the most important of our insects; these superb pollinators ensure that wildflowers set seed and reappear each year, and that our vegetable and fruit crops give us bountiful harvests. With the decline in the populations of our wild bees, these beloved creatures need looking after more than ever. Gardening for Bumblebees shows you how you can provide a refuge for bumblebees to feed, breed and thrive. No matter how large or small your space is, Dave Goulson shows you how you can make a pollinator-friendly haven. In this book you will learn the best trees, shrubs and flowers for pollinators, how to create the perfect nest and breeding site, and the best ways to control pests. Gardening For Bumblebees will encourage and inspire gardeners and allotmenters alike to make their patch more bee friendly. Praise for Dave Goulson''Ideal for filling the garden with a happy hum''Tiffany Daneff, Country Life''Goulson reminds himself that he ''began studying bumblebees not because they are important pollinators but because they are fascinating, because they behave in interesting and mysterious ways, and because they are rather loveable'' Hannah Rosefield, Literary Review

  • af Carolyn Mullet
    368,95 kr.

    A lavish gift book that provides a sneak peek into the most spectacular private gardens of Europe.

  • af Patrick Whitefield
    568,95 kr.

    This critically acclaimed and definitive permaculture design book was the inspiration that BBC22s Brigit Strawbridge (of It's Not Easy Being Green) needed to attend her first permaculture design course with Patrick Whitefield, setting her and her family off on a voyage of discovery which is helping to introduce and inspire others. Already hailed in the UK, Europe and America as definitive, and reprinted by popular demand, The Earth Care Manual offers an inspirational yet practical vision of a sustainable future invaluable to those new to the subject as well as to the experienced practitioner. The permaculture movement started in the 1970s as a sustainable alternative to modern industrial agriculture, taking its inspiration from natural ecosystems. It initially placed an emphasis on gardening, with proponents of permaculture since expanding on its principles; addressing all subjects vital to sustainability, from building and community design to food, energy, water, microclimate and shelter. All of these topics and more are addressed in The Earth Care Manual, demonstrating that permaculture is an interconnecting framework linking a diversity of green ideas. Its aims are a low input, high output efficient use of resources - and genuine sustainability. The Earth Care Manual gives a vision of a sustainable future and the practical steps we can take towards it, both large and small, urban and rural. Written by Patrick Whitefield, one of Europe's foremost teachers and practitioners of temperate permaculture, it explains in depth how to apply permaculture to any situation, from the smallest of buildings or apartments, to houses, gardens, orchards, farms and woodlands.

  • - Living Happily Ever After with Plants
    af Igor Josifovic
    288,95 kr.

    This new book by the authors of the bestselling Urban Jungle addresses the lifechanging magic of living with and caring for plants. Aimed at a wider audience than typical houseplant books, each chapter combines easily digestible plant knowledge, style guidance via real home interiors, and inspiring advice for using plants to increase energy, creativity, and wellbeing and to attract love and prosperity.

  • af Willoughby Arevalo
    298,95 kr.

    "e;Offering clear and comprehensive instructions for low-tech growing for a range of budgets, interests, and scales, this book offers practical inspiration and a sense that "e;hey, I can do this!"e; -- DANIELLE STEVENSON, owner, DIY FungiDIY Mushroom Cultivation is full of proven, reliable, low-cost techniques for home-scale cultivation that eliminate the need for a clean-air lab space to grow various mushrooms and their mycelium.Beautiful full-color photos and step-by-step instructions accompany a foundation of mushroom biology and ecology to support a holistic understanding of the practice. Growing techniques are applicable year-round, for any space from house to apartment, and for any climate, budget, or goal. Techniques include:Setting up a home growing spaceInexpensive, simple DIY equipmentCulture creation from mushroom tissue or sporesGrowing and using liquid cultures and grain spawnGrowing mushrooms on waste streams Indoor fruitingOutdoor mushroom gardens and logsHarvesting, processing, tinctures, and cooking.Whether you hunt mushrooms or dream about growing and working with them but feel constrained by a small living space, DIY Mushroom Cultivation is the ideal guide for getting started in the fascinating and delicious world of fungiculture.

  • - Projects & Plans for a Stylish Garden
    af Matthew Keightley
    313,95 kr.

    An inspirational sourcebook for all those who want a beautifully designed garden, curated by Chelsea Flower Show award-winner Matthew Keightley, with photography by celebrated garden photographer Marianne Majerus.

  • - The Essential Guide to Propagating and Sharing Houseplants
    af Caro Langton
    188,95 kr.

    Learn how to grow and nurture new plants from old

  • af Sophie Walker
    683,95 kr.

    An in-depth exploration spanning 800 years of the art, essence, and enduring impact of the Japanese garden

  • - Grow, Cook, Use & Store Your Harvest
    af Stephanie Hafferty
    248,95 kr.

    No dig experts, Charles Dowding and Stephanie Hafferty, explain how to set up a no dig garden. They describe how to: Make compost, enrich soil, harvest and prepare food and make natural beauty and cleaning products and garden preparations.

  • - Creating Japanese Design and Detail in the Western Garden
    af Yoko Kawaguchi
    178,95 kr.

    As a reformatted edition, this beautifully illustrated book provides an inspirational and practical introduction to the traditions of Japanese Zen gardens, using natural materials such as wood, bamboo, rocks and pebbles.

  • af Craig LeHoullier
    213,95 kr.

    Contains everything a tomato-growing enthusiast needs to know about growing over 200 varieties of tomatoes - how to sow seeds, plant, cultivate, and collect seeds. This book also offers a comprehensive guide to pests and diseases of tomatoes.

  • - The complete guide to planting, picking and preserving chillies
    af Kay Maguire
    178,95 kr.

    From the author of the award-winning RHS Grow Your Own Crops in Pots, RHS Red Hot Chilli Grower is an informative and inspirational guide aimed at anyone who fancies giving chilli growing a go.

  • - An A-Z of Healing Plants and Home Remedies
    af Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
    188,95 kr.

    The Gardener's Companion to Medicinal Plants is a captivating book authored by Jason Irving. Published in 2017 by Frances Lincoln Publishers Ltd, this book has found its niche in the genre of medicinal plants and gardening. The book is a beautiful illustration of how nature's bounty can be used for healing and health benefits. It's a treasure trove for those interested in exploring the medicinal properties of plants, right from their own garden. The author, with his expertise and passion for nature, has created a guide that is not only informative but also visually appealing. This book makes a perfect companion for every gardener who wishes to delve into the world of medicinal plants. It's not just a book, it's a journey into the heart of nature guided by Jason Irving.