De Aller-Bedste Bøger - over 12 mio. danske og engelske bøger
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Her på siden har vi samlet en række af bøger, som omhandler diverse faktiske mytologier, som hermed indeholder svar på oldtids kulturens historier. Udforskningen af myter her på siden befinder sig inden for flere arter som både den nordiske, græske, egyptiske og romerske mytologi. Det er også disse arter af mytologien, som oftest er de mest kendte. Hvis du kunne tænke dig, at drage ud på en rejse gennem fortællinger om guder med de utrolige historier om det liv, som de levede, de krige, som de udførte og kærligheden i blandt folket, så er du kommet til det rette sted. Dyk ned i et univers af mytologi traditioner og udforsk den kosmologiske sammenhæng, som befandt sig i tidsalderen. Find din næste rejse i udvalget nedenfor.
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  • af Vilhelm Østergaad
    108,95 kr.

    Liden Kirsten - Marsk Stigs Svend - Ellelille - Jomfru Rigborg - Skatten på Fur - Rusbo Banke - Tove - St. Helene KildeDen danske Literatur har i Folkeviserne og de ældre og nyere Samlinger af historiske Sagn og Folketraditioner en næsten uudtømmelig Skat af Materiale til digterisk Behandling såvel i Dramaets som Novellens Form. Man finder her Side efter Side de prægtigste Motiver, der ofte kun ere nedskrevne i en halv Snes Linier, men yde det mest fristende Stof til Udarbejdelse af vore nationale, historiske og æventyrlige Sagn.

  • - Understanding Our Soul Journey
    af Chris Wilson
    153,95 kr.

  • - Awakening Your Inner Angel & Sidhe
    af Soren Hauge
    183,95 kr.

  • af Philippa Gregory
    134,96 - 233,95 kr.

    228,95 kr.

  • af Lisa Schneidau
    133,95 kr.

    A new collection of botanical British folk tales about plants and wild flowers, journeying through the seasons of the year

  • - Epic Tales
    228,95 kr.

    Lively, stark and formidable, the imagery of Norse mythology storms through this classic collection. The fierce glory of Odin, Thor, Frey, Loki and their fellow gods of Asgard shines here, with all the great adventures, from Yggdrasil, the Tree of Life, to Ragnarok. Each Viking legend is riven with a vitality that speaks to us still.

  • af Mathias Hein Jessen, Benjamin Ask Popp-Madsen, Af Mikkel Flohr & mfl.
    218,95 kr.

  • af Knud Rasmussen
    75,95 - 343,95 kr.

    "Han kørte med stærk fart langvejs ud over havet og fik en stor ø i sigte. Herude opdagede han nogle store spor og genkendte dem straks; det var den enbenede kæmpes. Han slog ind på disse spor og kørte nu i stærkere fart. Han kørte og kørte, kom frem til huset, bandt sine trækdyr ved isfoden og gik op. Han gik ind i huset og traf sin søster siddende alene derinde. Han kendte hende, så snart han så hende. Manden var taget på sælfangst. Først sad han en stund tavs inde i huset, så sagde han til sin søster: "Må jeg have lov til at slå din mand ihjel?." Tredje del i serien af myter og sagn, som polarfosker Knud Rasmussen i sin tid indsamlede fra alle dele af Grønland. Med forord og efterskrift af forfatter og grønlandskender Jørn Riel (f.1931).

  • af Knud Rasmussen
    75,95 - 438,95 kr.

    "De rejste langt og længe, indtil de fik falkeungerne i sigte højt oppe på en vældig klippe; de var lige så store som bjørneunger. Faderen gemte sig i en stendysse, medens drengen gik frem mod reden. Da kom en jættefalk til syne ude fra havet; så stor var den, at den havde en hel bjørn i næbbet. Men så snart den så drengen, slap den bjørnen og kastede sig ned over ham; menneskekød smagte bedre..." Anden del i serien af myter og sagn, som polarforsker Knud Rasmussen i sin tid indsamlede fra alle dele af Grønland. Med forord og efterskrift af forfatter og grønlandskender Jørn Riel (f.1931).

  • af Bent Haller
    75,95 - 348,95 kr.

    I "Hævnen" trækker Bent Haller på to kendte, græske skuespil, Aischylos’ "Orestien" og Euripides’ "Elektra", i sin fortælling om kongebørnene Elektra og Orestes. Elektras elskede far, Kong Agamemnon, bliver forrådt af sin kone, dronningen Klyteimenestra og hendes elsker, Aigisthos, da han vender sejrrig hjem fra krigen i Troja. Elektra kalder sin bror Orestes, der har været i landflygtighed, til sig, og på Agamemnons grav sværger de at hævne ham. Det lykkes Orestes at snige sig ind på slottet og dræbe både sin mor og hendes elsker, men Klyteimenstras genfærd vækker de sovende hævngudinder Erinyerne til live, og Orestes og Elektra må søge tilflugt i guden Apollos tempel i Delfi.OM FORFATTERENBent Haller (f. 1946) er en dansk forfatter og billedkunstner. som debuterede i 1976 med romanen "Katamaranen", der handlede om en gruppe børns opvækst i et socialt boligbyggeri. Selvom han har skrevet bøger for voksne, er han dog mest kendt for sin børne- og ungdomsbøger som "Blåfolket" (1986), "Fuglekrigen i Kanøfleskoven" (1990), "Silke" (1991) og "Kaskelotternes sang" (1983), der er hans til dato mest berømte bog. Haller har vundet flere priser for sine romaner, deriblandt Kulturministeriets Børnebogspris i 1978 og Nordisk Børnebogspris i 2000.

  • af Diverse forfattere
    75,95 - 353,95 kr.

    Eventyrsamlingen "1001 nat" omhandler vesirdatteren Sheherezade, som er blevet gift med kong Shahriyar, der er berygtet for at myrde sine hustruer efter bryllupsnatten. I et desperat forsøg på at redde sit liv, begynder Sheherezade at fortælle kongen eventyr, for i det mindste at udskyde den dødsdom, som hun har hængende over hovedet. Bind 2 inderholder blandt andet eventyr om barbaren fra Bagdad og hele seks fortællinger om dennes brødre.

  • af Susanne Jansson
    123,95 - 165,95 kr.

    Der findes steder, hvor de døde aldrig forsvinder. Mossmarken på grænsen mellem Dalsand og Värmland er et øde moselandskab med tågede vidder, krogede fyrretræer og bundløse mosehuller. Engang ofrede man til guderne her, og det siges, at folk stadig forsvinder sporløst, hvis de vover sig ud i tågen. Her slår den unge biolog Nathalie sig ned for at lave feltforsøg til sin afhandling. Snart står det dog klart, at hendes virkelige ærinde i Mossmarken er af langt mere personlig karakter. Da man finder et lig nedsunket i mosen, bliver det en skræmmende anledning til at grave dybt i fortiden – for både politiet og Nathalie selv. Hendes vej krydses af politifotografen Maya, og for dem begge bliver det en rejse indad og ned i mindernes og mosens allerdybeste lag mod chokerende opdagelser og fortrængte sandheder. Offermosen er en atmosfærefyldt krimi om moser, biologi, barndom og død, der griber og fastholder læseren til sidste side. Pressen skriver: »Den intense spænding holdes ved lige hele vejen igennem, og Offermosen er foruden at være velskrevet en fin skildring af et uhyggeligt landskab. En flot debut.« - Københavneravisen »For med sin debutroman skriver Susanne Jansson sig ind i rækken af svenske krimiforfattere, som vi forhåbentlig kommer til at høre mere fra.« – **** Nordjyske Stiftstidende »Krimi med en mystisk mose og en nyligt gravet grav.« – Lokalavisen Nordsjælland »Lovende svensk krimidebut.« - Lektørudtalelse

  • - The True Source of the Holy Grail (Aziloth Books)
    af Jessie Laidlay Weston
    123,95 kr.

    127,95 kr.

    Laxdaela saga is a 13th century Icelandic saga, telling the story of the people in the Breiðafjörður area from the late 9th century to the early 11th century. The saga tells of a love triangle between Guðrún Ósvífrsdóttir, Kjartan Ólafsson and Bolli Þorleiksson. Kjartan and Bolli are two lads who are close friends but they both love Guðrún which causes hatred between them and results in tragedy. Numerous ancient manuscripts contain this saga, dating back to the fourteenth century and it is second only to the Njáls saga in the number of medieval manuscripts preserved. Laxd¿la saga is a popular story because of its poetic beauty and pathetic sentiment.This version contains an illustration and the original marginal sub-headings interweaved in the text.

  • - The Authorized Edition
    af Tanis Ann Helliwell
    158,95 kr.

    An astonishing true story about one woman''s journey to Ireland where she lived in a cottage with leprechauns. These seldom-seen beings taught her about the evolution of elementals-the race to which leprechauns, faeries, elves, trolls belong. They explained the importance of humans and elementals working together for the betterment of both of their races and the Earth."Tanis Helliwell is a spiritual evocateur and deep seer who opens us up to other voice...other realms..." Jean Houston, author Search for the Beloved"This delightful book is not only great fun to read, but makes most interesting and intelligent suggestions about the reality and work of this particular branch of the nature world. It can help us open our minds to fascinating dimensions that do exist on the planet." Dorothy MacLean, co-founder of Findhorn and author of To Hear the Angels Sing"Opening this book opens a door in the imagination. Whether you take it as fact or fiction, this book carries a message of planetary priorities." Julia Cameron, An Artist''s WayTanis Helliwell, M.Ed., is the founder of The International Institute for Transformation (IIT). She has experienced and later worked with elementals, angels, and master teachers on other planes since childhood. Living on the sea coast north of Vancouver, Canada, she is the author of Pilgrimage with the Leprechauns, Take Your Soul to Work, Embraced by Love, and Decoding Your Destiny: Keys to Humanity''s Spiritual Evolution.

  • af J.T. Geissinger
    128,95 kr.

  • af Richard Schenkman
    143,95 kr.

    Richard Schenkman / 6m, 3f / Drama / Unit Set After history professor John Oldman unexpectedly resigns from the University, his startled colleagues impulsively invite themselves to his home, pressing him for an explanation. But they're shocked to hear his reason for premature retirement: John claims he must move on because he is immortal, and cannot stay in one place for more than ten years without his secret being discovered. Tempers rise and emotions flow as John's fellow professors attem

  • - Exploring the Myths, Folklore and Legends of the pre-eminent Celtic Hag Goddess
    af Sorita D'Este
    143,95 kr.

  • af Lafcado Hearn
    128,95 - 187,95 kr.

  • - Appalachian Mountain Stories
    af David S Rains
    119,95 kr.

    A collection of stories from the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky, The Shaman's Daughter touches on everything from baptisms and funerals to love and hate--no subject is off limits. You can practically hear the Southern accent of the characters, as author David S. Rains provides an uncensored look into his life. And the hilarity ensues, whether it's Mama hitting a neighbor over the head with an old wagon axle, David visiting his first whorehouse, or Mike blowing up his grandmother while trying to cure a dog of mange. The darkly comical stories in The Shaman's Daughter will have you laughing until you cry!The dog was running in larger and larger circles as the fuse burned shorter and shorter. Suddenly old Sarge turned and made a beeline for the house, to get under the porch where he always slept. "He's going to the house, he's going to get under the porch. Good Lord almighty, Granny is on the porch by herself. Good God! Granny, Granny, get away." Mike screamed as loud as he could holler.Granny, of course, couldn't hear anything, and especially from so far away. Plus, she was tied up. Granny just kept rocking, and talking to herself.--from the short story "Granny and Old Sarge"

  • - A Novel of Arthur
    af Bernard Cornwell
    138,95 kr.

    From Bernard Cornwell. the creator of the No. 1 bestselling Sharpe novels. Arthur seeks peace, with the aid of his sword Excaliber . . . After rebellions and betrayals by those he believed loved him most, Arthur looks at his most weak. His Saxon enemies decide to strike before he regains his strength, plunging Britain into war. It will require all Arthur's leadership and military cunning to win this last battle.But in this final struggle of the warlord, the intrigues of Mordred, now the adult heir to the throne of Britain, and the dark magic of the priestess Nimue could conspire to bring about Arthur's downfall. Even his trusty blade Excaliber may not be sharp enough to save him . . .Bernard Cornwell concludes The Warlord Chronicles, bringing the Arthurian legend to thrilling new life.'A powerful and dramatic retelling of the Arthurian legend' Sharon Penman'Of all the books I have written these are my favourites' Bernard Cornwell

  • af Robin Hobb
    133,95 kr.

    A collection of novellas and stories from one of the most critically acclaimed authors in the fantasy genre, Robin Hobb. Including work written under her pseudonym, Megan Lindholm.Bingtown heiresses rub shoulders in this wonderful collection with vampires and alien musicians, tramps and feral cats.In The Homecoming, Lady Carillion Carrock and a number of other Jamaillian nobles are sailing to the Cursed Shores. Their journey is not by choice: for plotting against the Satrap, their wealth has been confiscated and they have been exiled. Until now, Carillion has done nothing but lead a life of privilege. She believes they are bound for wondrous cities, cities where ancient kings and queens dusted their skin with gold and wore jewels above their eyes. But when she is marooned by the ship's unscrupulous captain, she will soon discover the grim reality of what survival in the Rain Wilds entails.The Silver Lady is a would-be writer, ekeing out a dull existence by working in a Sears store. The one day a man comes in: fortyish, pleasant-looking. Nothing out of the ordinary. Except he says his name is Merlin, and he's about to change her life.Rosemary got involved with the wrong man. Pell is lazy, good for nothing, a bully. Her best friend Hilia knew it and so did her tom cat, Marmalade. But love is blind: Rosemary had Pell's baby, renovated the cottage his grandfather left in his will, turned its land to good use; and then he left her for another woman. Now he's back, and something must be done...

  • af Neil Gaiman
    48,95 kr.

    A NEVERWHERE short story from 'one of the best fabulists of our age' Financial Times

  • - A Translation and Commentary, Together with Sellic Spell
    af J. R. R. Tolkien
    108,95 - 848,95 kr.

    The translation of Beowulf by J.R.R. Tolkien was an early work, very distinctive in its mode, completed in 1926: he returned to it later to make hasty corrections, but seems never to have considered its publication.

  • - Reading the Ancient Egyptian Amduat
    af Andreas Schweizer
    548,95 kr.

    Schweizer guides the reader through the Amduat, offering a psychological interpretation of its principal textual and iconographic elements. He draws on Jungian archetypes to identify similar expressions about the afterlife in other world cultures.

  • - Stories of the Greek Gods and Heroes Vividly Retold
    af Robin Waterfield
    138,95 kr.

    The Greek myths contain some of the most thrilling, romantic and unforgettable stories in all human history - and here they are brought to life in a vivid retelling.

  • af J. R. R. Tolkien
    138,95 kr.

    After 75 years, The Hobbit translated for the first time into Latin. Fascinating for Latin learners and for Tolkien fans of all ages.In foramine terrae habitabat hobbitus. ('In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit.')The Hobbit, published 75 years ago, has become one of the world's most popular classic stories, appealing to adults as much as to the children for whom J.R.R. Tolkien first wrote the book. Translated worldwide into more than 60 modern languages, now Hobbitus Ille is finally published in Latin, and will be of interest to all those who are studying the language, whether at school or at a higher level.In the great tradition of publishing famous children's books in Latin, professional classicist and lifelong Tolkien fan Mark Walker provides a deft translation of the entire book. His attention to detail, including the transformation of Tolkien's songs and verses into classical Latin metres, will fascinate and entertain readers of all ability, even those with only a minimal acquaintance with the language.