Økonomi og finans
208,95 kr. Antifragile, a masterpiece by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, is a book that will truly change your perspective. Published in 2014 by Random House LCC US, this book belongs to a genre that blends philosophy, economics, and psychology in a unique and captivating way. Antifragile goes beyond the conventional dichotomy of fragile versus robust. Taleb introduces a third category, 'Antifragile,' things that gain from disorder. The author skillfully guides the reader to understand how we can apply this concept in various aspects of our lives. Antifragile is not just a book, it's a new way of looking at the world. Don't miss out on this enlightening read from one of the most profound thinkers of our time.
- Bog
- 208,95 kr.
108,95 - 198,95 kr. - Bog
- 108,95 kr.
- The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets
198,95 kr. Fooled by Randomness is a standalone book in Nassim Nicholas Taleb's landmark Incerto series, an investigation of opacity, luck, uncertainty, probability, human error, risk, and decision-making in a world we don't understand. The other books in the series are The Black Swan, Antifragile, Skin in the Game, and The Bed of Procrustes.Fooled by Randomness is the word-of-mouth sensation that will change the way you think about business and the world. Nassim Nicholas Taleb-veteran trader, renowned risk expert, polymathic scholar, erudite raconteur, and New York Times bestselling author of The Black Swan-has written a modern classic that turns on its head what we believe about luck and skill. This book is about luck-or more precisely, about how we perceive and deal with luck in life and business. Set against the backdrop of the most conspicuous forum in which luck is mistaken for skill-the world of trading-Fooled by Randomness provides captivating insight into one of the least understood factors in all our lives. Writing in an entertaining narrative style, the author tackles major intellectual issues related to the underestimation of the influence of happenstance on our lives. The book is populated with an array of characters, some of whom have grasped, in their own way, the significance of chance: the baseball legend Yogi Berra; the philosopher of knowledge Karl Popper; the ancient world's wisest man, Solon; the modern financier George Soros; and the Greek voyager Odysseus. We also meet the fictional Nero, who seems to understand the role of randomness in his professional life but falls victim to his own superstitious foolishness. However, the most recognizable character of all remains unnamed-the lucky fool who happens to be in the right place at the right time-he embodies the "survival of the least fit." Such individuals attract devoted followers who believe in their guru's insights and methods. But no one can replicate what is obtained by chance. Are we capable of distinguishing the fortunate charlatan from the genuine visionary? Must we always try to uncover nonexistent messages in random events? It may be impossible to guard ourselves against the vagaries of the goddess Fortuna, but after reading Fooled by Randomness we can be a little better prepared. Named by Fortune One of the Smartest Books of All Time A Financial Times Best Business Book of the Year
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
- A Value-Based Guide to Exceptional Performance
298,95 kr. Get to better, more effective strategy.In nearly every business segment and corner of the world economy, the most successful companies dramatically outperform their rivals. What is their secret? In Better, Simpler Strategy, Harvard Business School professor Felix Oberholzer-Gee shows how these companies achieve more by doing less. At a time when rapid technological change and global competition conspire to upend traditional ways of doing business, these companies pursue radically simplified strategies. At a time when many managers struggle not to drown in vast seas of projects and initiatives, these businesses follow simple rules that help them select the few ideas that truly make a difference.Better, Simpler Strategy provides readers with a simple tool, the value stick, which every organization can use to make its strategy more effective and easier to execute. Based on proven financial mechanics, the value stick helps executives decide where to focus their attention and how to deepen the competitive advantage of their business.How does the value stick work? It provides a way of measuring the two fundamental forces that lead to value creation and increased financial success—the customer's willingness-to-pay and the employee's willingness-to-sell their services to the business. Companies that win, Oberholzer-Gee shows, create value for customers by raising their willingness-to-pay, and they provide value for talent by lowering their willingness-to-sell. The approach, proven in practice, is entirely data driven and uniquely suited to be cascaded throughout the organization.With many useful visuals and examples across industries and geographies, Better, Simpler Strategy explains how these two key measures enable firms to gauge and improve their strategies and operations. Based on the author's sought-after strategy course, this book is your must-have guide for making better strategic decisions.
- Bog
- 298,95 kr.
- - for de finansielle uddannelser
339,90 kr. Anvendt statistik for de finansielle uddannelser er en praksisorienteret lærebog med eksempler på brugen af statistik og statistiske begreber inden for den finansielle sektor. I denne 2. udgave er bogen opdateret, let omstrukturet og udbygget med yderligere matematiske forklaringer.Formålet med bogen er at give læseren et godt kendskab til de metoder, hvormed et datamateriale kan bearbejdes, således at der kan udledes statistisk begrundede konklusioner. Bogen har derfor fokus rettet mod de modeller og værktøjer, hvormed forskellige statistiske tests kan udføres. Hovedvægten er lagt på anvendelsen og fortolkningen af hypotesetests og andre teknikker. Lærebogen er rettet mod statistikundervisningen på finansøkonom, finansbachelor, financial controller, akademiuddannelsen i finansiel rådgivning og HD, men også de økonomiske og samfundsvidenskabelige uddannelser, hvor faget statistik indgår.Til bogen hører en hjemmeside, hvor du bl.a. kan finde bogens figurer til download, opgaver og videoer.
- Bog
- 339,90 kr.
- A System for Solving Problems with Greed, Fear, Anger, Confidence, and Discipline
398,95 kr. - Bog
- 398,95 kr.
178,95 kr. Denne bog er til dig, der gerne vil nøjes med at investere i de gode selskaber. Den lærer dig at analysere aktier, også selvom du aldrig har prøvet det før.I bogen lærer du at læse regnskab for de selskaber, der er børsnoterede. Du lærer at identificere de vigtigste tal i et regnskab og se om et selskab tjener flere penge end de bruger, om de har gæld, der tynger, og om de øger deres fortjeneste fra år til år. På basis af det kan du vurdere, om et selskab er en attraktiv investering, som du har lyst til at sætte dine penge i. Du lærer også, hvordan du sammenligner selskaber, som har samme produkt eller tilbyder samme service med henblik på at vælge det bedste.Bogen kan læses af alle, men det kan være en hjælp at kende de mest grundlæggende begreber inden for investering i forvejen. Foruden en grundig introduktion til fundamental aktieanalyse, indeholder bogen også en praktisk dimension, som giver dig en forståelig og konstruktiv skabelon til dine egne analyser.Om forfatterneMartin Gottlob har en imponerende karriere bag sig som aktieanalytiker og bl.a. som chef for Investor Relations i Danske Bank. Martin er pensioneret fra en direktørstilling i A.P. Møller Fonden og besidder i dag en række bestyrelsesposter i dansk finansliv. Bogen er redigeret af Sarah Ophelia Møss, som er sociolog, iværksætter og, ligesom Martin, aktieinvestor.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
178,95 kr. Er du ung, og vil du gerne kunne købe den nyeste telefon, få råd til et sprogskoleophold i udlandet eller har du måske et kørekort, du gerne vil kunne betale selv, ude i horisonten? Så er det vigtigt, at du ved noget om penge og økonomi.I denne bog lærer du alt om netop dette. Du lærer, hvordan du sparer op til de ting, der er vigtige for lige præcis dig, og kommer rundt om alt det, du måtte have behov for at vide om penge, det gælder både lommepenge, fritidsjob, bankkonto og opsparing. Den fortæller også, hvordan du får dine penge til at blive til flere ved at starte med at investere tidligt i livet. Du finder også inspiration gennem en række interviews med andre unge i bogen.Om forfatterenFrederik Olesen læser til dagligt BSc in Business Administration and Project Management på CBS. Det er dog ikke lang tid siden, han selv var i teenagealderen, og han husker tydeligt mange af de tanker om økonomi, uddannelse og fremtidsdrømme, man som ung kan gå rundt med. Frederik har desuden en stor passion for investering, aktier og markederne, og han håber, at denne bog kan være med til sikre, at endnu flere unge kommer i gang med at investere.Sarah Ophelia Møss er kommunikatør, sociolog og bestsellerforfatter. Hendes passion er via inkluderende kommunikation at udbrede kendskabet til nye områder, på en måde som alle kan forstå. I 2019 blev Sarah valgt af Berlingske som en af landets 100 mest indflydelsesrige kvinder og bliver ofte anvendt som ekspert i kommunikation om finansiel inklusion af de store danske medier.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
178,95 kr. Denne bog er til dig, der ønsker at få mere luft i budgettet og sætte turbo på din opsparing - uanset hvor mange nuller du har i din månedsløn. Størrelsen på din opsparing handler ikke om størrelsen på din løn, men på de vaner, der præger din hverdag.I bogen får du tips og tricks til, hvordan du nemmest sparer mest op. Den gennemgår hverdagens forbrug på en meget overskuelig facon og kommer med helt konkrete forslag til, hvordan du sparer penge på alt fra bolig, forbrug, mad, transport, tøj og fornøjelser, ofte uden at gå på kompromis med hverken behov eller standarder.Med denne bog bliver du i stand til at sætte ekstra penge ind på opsparingen allerede fra dag ét. På den måde er det let for dig at få råd til alle de ting, som du gerne vil, uanset om det er rejser med familie og venner, tre måneders orlov, et nyt køkken eller en ny bil.Om forfatterenJane Ibsen Piper er uddannet jurist og har de seneste 12 år arbejdet inden for den finansielle sektor. Jane har haft CVR-nummer i flere år ved siden af sit lønmodtagerjob. Hun har skrevet flere bøger, ligesom hun driver blog, podcast og Facebook-fællesskabet ‘Minimalisme og købestop’ med 40.000 medlemmer.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
178,95 - 206,95 kr. Flæskfødevarer skal ikke længere produceres for enhver pris. Produktionen skal bidrage til at løse klimakrisen, ikke forværre den, vende naturens nedtur til optur og forsyne os med fødevarer uden at frembringe livstruende virus. Sundhed, klima og biodiversitet står øverst på dagsordenen for fremtidens agroindustri.Den helt store disruption af den traditionelle agroindustri kommer i løbet af det næste tiår. Vi står over for den dybeste, hurtigste og mest konsekvensskabende forandring af fødevare- og landbrugsproduktionen, siden de første planter og dyr blev domesticeret for 10.000 år siden.Til trods for at vi kan købe stort set alle fødevarer til lavere priser fra udlandet, fortsætter vi med at højglanspolere myten om Danmark som et landbrugsland. Erhvervet selv går til yderligheder, som når Tulip i Randers sender sine svin til Tyskland for at få dem opskåret af østarbejdere på sulteløn, for derefter at reimportere de samme svin, nu forklædt som Tulip Danish Bacon.Vi holder stadig fast ved masseproduktionen af billigt flæsk og mælk i stedet for at bevæge os opad i værdikæden, som et højtudviklet land burde være i stand til. Ikke mindst økonomien taler for at ophøre med en 120 årgammel tradition for at eksportere bacon og smør til lave udsalgspriser.At det blev netop coronavirus, der lagde en hel verden ned, betragter virologerne som en tilfældighed. Den næste pandemi er allerede under opsejling, og det bliver en influenza A-virus. Med al sandsynlighed vil den spredes fra svinefabrikkerne, og ingen kan forudsige, hvor dødelig den kan blive. Sidst den ramte verden, kostede den 500.000 mennesker livet. Prisen for billigt flæsk kan blive skæbnesvanger høj, hvis vi tøver for længe. Velkommen til fremtidens bedste landmænd.
- Evolution and Dynamics
362,95 - 1.633,95 kr. This fully revised fifth edition continues to offer the authoritative introduction to today's global political economy and its historical context. O'Brien and Williams move beyond the traditional three-paradigm perspective to show how these theories can be applied and their efficacy in tackling key developments and issues. In doing so, the authors offer an all-encompassing analysis of the multiple theories, themes, and issues to create a comprehensive guide to the topic. The authors first trace the evolution of the global economy from its roots in fifteenth century through the Industrial Revolution, to the post-1945 world order. They then proceed to explore in more detail the dynamics of today's global political economy, providing systematic coverage of the key spheres of activity, from trade, production and finance to social divisions, development, the environment, ideas, security and governance. This edition includes new material on the Greek financial crisis and the changing role of the BRICS countries in global governance, as these developments upset the dominance of the US and Europe in the world economy today. Supported by multiple boxed exhibits, further reading links, and a fully-featured companion website, this text is designed to be as accessible as possible. Online, students will find essay and multiple choice questions, podcasts and videos, timelines, and other materials to help consolidate learning.
- Bog
- 362,95 kr.
- How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to Make Them Pay
163,95 - 253,95 kr. A searing examination of a key driver of American inequality-the tax system.
- Bog
- 163,95 kr.
- The pursuit of success, love and what it all means
188,95 kr. Scott Galloway is a professor at New York University¿s Stern School of Business, where he teaches brand strategy and digital marketing to second-year MBA students. A serial entre¿preneur, he has founded nine firms, including L2, Red Envelope, and Prophet. In 2012, he was named one of the 'World¿s 50 Best Busi¿ness School Professors' by Poets & Quants. His weekly YouTube series, 'Winners and Losers', has generated tens of millions of views.
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.
- Venture Capital-and How to Get It
233,95 kr. Im Tal der Windmühlen haben die Bewohner das Wünschen verlernt, denn sie besitzen Maschinen, die ihnen auf Knopfdruck perfekte Momente vorgaukeln. Nur Anna, die Schneiderin, hat sich das Träumen bewahrt. Und so glaubt sie ganz fest daran, dass Sie einem Riesen seinen Herzenswunsch erfüllen kann: Er möchte fliegen! Doch wie verhilft man einem Riesen dazu, schwerelos zu schweben wie eine Feder?Die farbgewaltigen Illustrationen zu Noelia Blancos fantastischer Geschichte stammen von der Argentinierin Valeria Docampo, Illustratorin des Bilderbuch-Bestsellers Die große Wörterfabrik. Auch für Im Garten der Pusteblumen setzt sie auf intensive und atmosphärische Bilder.
- Bog
- 233,95 kr.
- så tager vi økonomien tilbage
173,95 kr. ”Vi lever i en økonomi, som vi ikke længere forstår, som vi ikke længere bestemmer over, og som ikke længere virker og er bæredygtig. Sådan kan det ikke blive ved at gå. Og sådan behøver det ikke at være. Hvis økonomien bliver genstand for demokratisk forvaltning, er det muligt at undgå forværrede kriser, konflikter og sammenbrud. Hvis mennesker har indsigt i økonomiens spilleregler og samtidig adgang til at påvirke de økonomiske processer og strukturer, kan det hindres, at snævre og kortsynede interesser driver udviklingen endnu mere på afveje. Det handler om at tage økonomien tilbage. Om igen at gøre det muligt for almindelige mennesker at forstå, hvad det handler om.”– Jørgen Steen Nielsen fra bogens indledningFørst lærer vi økonomerne at kende, så ændrer vi økonomien tegner portrætter af 30 af den økonomiske videnskabs mest ind ydelsesrige og interessante tænkere samt introducerer til økonomiens nøglebegreber.Jørgen Steen Nielsen er uddannet biolog, tidligere chefredaktør på Information og i dag miljømedarbejder på avisen. Forfatter til en række bøger herunder Fra frihedens slagmarker (2004), Den store omstilling (2012) og Hvad skal vi med landbruget? (2016)Sebastian Gjerding er journalist på Information og uddannet cand.comm. fra Roskilde Universitet. Medforfatter til bogen Forklædt som nazist (2010)Nikola Nedeljkovic Gøttsche er journaliststuderende og har tidligere studeret statskundskab ved Københavns Universitet
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
163,95 kr. - Bog
- 163,95 kr.
- How the Technology Behind Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies is Changing the World
133,95 kr. THE DEFINITIVE BOOK ON HOW THE TECHNOLOGY BEHIND BITCOIN AND CRYPTOCURRENCY IS CHANGING THE WORLD. 'Blockchain Revolution is a highly readable introduction to a bamboozling but increasingly important field' - Guardian Blockchain is the ingeniously simple technology that powers Bitcoin. But it is much more than that, too. It is a public ledger to which everyone has access, but which no single person controls. It allows for companies and individuals to collaborate with an unprecedented degree of trust and transparency. It is cryptographically secure, but fundamentally open. And soon it will be everywhere. In Blockchain Revolution, Don and Alex Tapscott reveal: how this game-changing technology will shape the future of the world economy how it will improve everything from healthcare records to online voting, and from insurance claims to artist royalty paymentsBrilliantly researched and highly accessible, this is the essential text on the next major paradigm shift. Read it, or be left behind. -----'This book has had an enormous impact on the evolution of blockchain in the world' Satya Nadella, CEO, Microsoft 'Spectacular. Mind-blowing in its expansiveness and profundity' Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple 'Iconic' Clay Christensen, author of The Innovator's Dilemma 'Occasionally a book comes along that changes the global discourse. This is likely to be one of those books.' Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum
- Bog
- 133,95 kr.
88,95 - 98,95 kr. - Bog
- 88,95 kr.
- Vintage Minis
83,95 kr. LITTLE BOOKS. A series of short books by the world's greatest writers on the experiences that make us humanAlso in the Vintage Minis series:Home by Salman RushdieBabies by Anne EnrightEating by Nigella LawsonDrinking by John Cheever
- Bog
- 83,95 kr.
- Bog
- 656,95 kr.
- gennembrud, storhed og stagnation
269,95 kr. Anders Lundkvist skildrer i Dansk kapitalisme 250 års økonomisk historie.Forhistorien begynder i slutningen af 1700-tallet med afviklingen af feudalismen og fortsætter med kapitalismens gennembrud med industrialiseringen i slutningen af 1800-tallet. Efter en diskussion af, hvorledes en folkelig økonomisk selvforvaltning (andelsbevægelsen) dominerede i årene fra 1880’erne til omkring første verdenskrig og udgjorde et alternativ, analyserer forfatteren, hvordan kapitalismen langsomt udbygges frem mod slutningen af 1950’erne. Derefter fulgte velfærdskapitalismen eller velfærdsstaten, hvor den offentlige sektor og en demokratisk styring af økonomien fremstod som en alternativ økonomisk model. Velfærdskapitalismen forblev imidlertid et intermezzo, fra 1980erne og frem afløst af en kras nyliberalisme og en gennemgribende globalisering. Klart markeret med Reagan og Thatcher. Og af de hjemlige aktørers bemærkelsesværdige accept heraf.En ændring af magtforholdene i samfundene kan, vurderer Lundkvist, ændre forholdene og skabe mulighed for radikale ændringer, hvis og når kapitalismens nuværende stagnation udvikler sig til en permanent krise. I serien Indsigt og utopi.
- Bog
- 269,95 kr.
- How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger - Second Edition with a new chapter by the author
218,95 kr. In April 1956, a refitted oil tanker carried fifty-eight shipping containers from Newark to Houston. From that modest beginning, container shipping developed into a huge industry that made the boom in global trade possible. The Box tells the dramatic story of the container's creation, the decade of struggle before it was widely adopted, and the sweeping economic consequences of the sharp fall in transportation costs that containerization brought about. But the container didn't just happen. Its adoption required huge sums of money, both from private investors and from ports that aspired to be on the leading edge of a new technology. It required years of high-stakes bargaining with two of the titans of organized labor, Harry Bridges and Teddy Gleason, as well as delicate negotiations on standards that made it possible for almost any container to travel on any truck or train or ship. Ultimately, it took McLean's success in supplying U.S. forces in Vietnam to persuade the world of the container's potential. Drawing on previously neglected sources, economist Marc Levinson shows how the container transformed economic geography, devastating traditional ports such as New York and London and fueling the growth of previously obscure ones, such as Oakland. By making shipping so cheap that industry could locate factories far from its customers, the container paved the way for Asia to become the world's workshop and brought consumers a previously unimaginable variety of low-cost products from around the globe. Published in hardcover on the fiftieth anniversary of the first container voyage, this is the first comprehensive history of the shipping container. Now with a new chapter, The Box tells the dramatic story of how the drive and imagination of an iconoclastic entrepreneur turned containerization from an impractical idea into a phenomenon that transformed economic geography, slashed transportation costs, and made the boom in global trade possible.
- Bog
- 218,95 kr.
- Big Ideas Simply Explained
177,95 - 233,95 kr. All the big ideas, simply explained - an innovative and accessible guide to economicsBring economics to life with The Economics Book, an essential guide to more that 100 of the big ideas in economic theory and practice covering everything from ancient theories right up to cutting-edge modern developments.From Aristotle to John Maynard Keynes and beyond, all the greatest economists and their theories are featured and the innovative graphics, step-by-step summaries and mind maps help clarify hard-to-grasp concepts.The Economics Book is perfect for economic students and anyone who has an interest in how economies work.
- Bog
- 177,95 kr.
- What the Rich Invest in, That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not!
188,95 kr. - Bog
- 188,95 kr.
- Second Edition
213,95 kr. Explains why fallacies abound in economic thinking and why they have such political staying power. This title describes the essential types of fallacies - the zero-sum fallacy, which assumes that one person's gain is another's equal loss; the 'fallacy of composition', the assumption that what is true of the part is true of the whole; and, more.
- Bog
- 213,95 kr.
- Hedge Funds and the Making of the New Elite
198,95 kr. The first book of its kind: a fascinating and entertaining examination of hedge funds todayShortlisted for the Financial Times/Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year AwardThe New York Times bestseller
- Bog
- 198,95 kr.
- A Fractal View of Risk, Ruin and Reward
148,95 kr. Includes material on the market crisis. This book presents models where the complex gyrations of the FTSE 100 and exchange rates can be reduced to straightforward formulae that yield a much more accurate description of the risks involved.
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
- The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy
223,95 kr. This chilling, fascinating new book is the first fully to get to grips with how Hitler's Nazi empire REALLY functioned. There was no aspect of Nazi power untouched by economics - it was Hitler's obsession and the reason the Nazis came to power in the first place. The Second World War was fought, in Hitler's view, to create a European Empire strong enough to take on the United States - a last chance for Europe to dig itself in before being swept away by the USA's ever greater power. But, as THE WAGES OF DESTRUCTION makes clear, Hitler was never remotely strong enough to beat either Britain or the Soviet Union - and never even had a serious plan as to how he might defeat the USA. It took years of fighting and the deaths of millions of people to destroy the Third Reich, but effectively World War II in Europe was fought in pursuit of a fantasy: the years in which Western Europe could settle the world's fate were, by 1939, long past. This is a major book by a major author and will provoke an enormous amount of controversy and debate.
- Bog
- 223,95 kr.
243,95 kr. Addresses various concerns in the market environment. This title features Tharp's 17-step trading model. It also addresses reward to risk multiples, as well as insightful interviews with top traders, and includes examples and charts.
- Bog
- 243,95 kr.
- The Art of Winning an Unfair Game
188,95 - 278,95 kr. "This delightfully written, lesson-laden book deserves a place of its own in the Baseball Hall of Fame." -Forbes
- Bog
- 188,95 kr.