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Økonomi og finans

Ét element som er rigtig vigtigt i enhver virksomhed, det er økonomi. På siden her bliver du budt på et kæmpe udvalg af bøger, som alle har forskellige formål. Men det som alle bøgerne har tilfælles er økonomi og finans. Økonomi og finans kan være svært at begynde ud med, da de inderholder et hav af begreber og termer. Derfor har vi samlet mange bøger, der undersøger alt dette. Udover det finder du også økonomi og finans bøger, som indeholder gode råd til, hvordan du laver den smarte investering eller hvordan du sætter et godt regnskab op. Har du nogensinde undret dig over, hvad likviditetsgrader og afkastningsgrader er for noget? Hvis ja, så har vi en masse bøger omkring dette til dig. Dyk ned i udvalget og find relevante bøger om økonomi og finans her.
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  • - Håndbog i digitalt selvforsvar
    af Freja Wedenborg
    308,95 kr.

    Alt, vi foretager os med computere og mobiltelefoner, kan overvåges og registreres - og bliver det.Det sker dagligt - og alle kan blive udsat for det. Alligevel ved defærreste, hvordan man beskytter sig selv, sine kontakter og sitmateriale.Bogen gennemgår 20 enkle, gratis værktøjer trin for trin og giversamtidig grundlæggende viden om overvågning, sikkerhedsbevidsthed ogjura. Kan bruges af alle, der har brug for at kommunikere fortroligt ogundgå den digitale overvågning. Kildebeskyttelse? Så skal du kryptere!

  • - Transactions, contracts and regulation
    af Tomas Krüger Andersen
    467,95 kr.

    This book provides an introduction to private equity transactions. It describes the transactions, the main kinds of agreements that govern these transactions, the ongoing relations of the parties and the increasing regulation, both public and private, of the private equity sector. The descriptions of the individual transactions cover the stages of private equity funds’ fundraising, the structuring of their investments in portfolio companies, and their subsequent exits from their investments.The Danish edition of this book was the first general presentation of private equity law in Denmark. Likewise this updated English version shows English-speaking readers for the first time how Danish private equity transactions are carried out in an international perspective.The author is an attorney and a partner in PENM Partners, a Danish manager of private equity funds with a focus on emerging markets. He has previously worked as an attorney, first with the Danish law firm Bech-Bruun and subsequently with BankInvest, a leading asset manager and provider of investment funds in the Nordic region, where he advised on the legal aspects of fundraising, investment and exits for a number of private equity funds with investments in Europe, North America and Asia in the areas of biotechnology, IT, clean technology and emerging markets. For a number of years the author has been a member of the legal committee of the Danish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association and he is an external lecturer at the University of Copenhagen. Jannick Nytoft, the Chief Executive Officer of the Danish Venture Capital and Private Equity Association has written the foreword to the book.IndholdsoversigtAbbreviationsForewordIntroductionChapter 1. Introduction to private equityChapter 2. PE FundsChapter 3. Managers of PE fundsChapter 4. Venture capital investmentsChapter 5. BuyoutsChapter 6. ExitsGlossaryBibliographyList of CasesIndex

  • af Kim Füchsel, Martin Lunden, Ole Tjørnelund Thomsen & mfl.
    980,95 kr.

    En praktisk fremstilling af regelsættet om revisors skriftlige erklæringer.Erklæringsstandarderne, som danske revisorer, der er medlemmer af FSR – danske revisorer, skal følge, ændrer sig løbende, og det er derfor altid nødvendigt for en revisor at holde sig opdateret på seneste ændringer.Denne bog retter sig mod løsningen af en række konkrete problemstillinger, som en revisor kan støde på ved afgivelse af erklæringer.Bogen er tænkt som et praktisk værktøj, og fremstillingen falder i to dele:Del I gennemgår kravene til revisors erklæringer, og i den forbindelse behandles en række konkrete problemstillinger, der har vist sig med fortolkningen af erklæringsbekendtgørelsen.Del II indeholder en omfattende eksempelsamling, der illustrerer udformningen af erklæringer inden for store dele af de områder, som revisor må beskæftige sig med efter revisorlovgivningen.Nyt i 4. udgaveFor at understrege tilknytningen til de internationale standarder og tydeliggøre forskellen mellem de forskellige typer erklæringer, er revisionsstandarderne (RS’erne) erstattet af Internationale standarder udgivet af IFAC (De internationale standarder), og de nye standarder skal anvendes med virkning for erklæringer, der udarbejdes 1. juli 2012 eller senere. Endvidere er ISA 700, 705 og 706 samt ISA 800, 805 og 810 endeligt implementeret.MålgruppeBogen tjener som praktisk værktøj for revisorer og andre, som afgiver eller benytter skriftlige erklæringer i henhold til erklæringsbekendtgørelsen.Bogen kan desuden med stor fordel benyttes i undervisningen på revisorkandidatstudiet.Om forfatterneBogens forfattere – Kim Füchsel, Martin Lunden, Ole Tjørnelund Thomsen og Lars Engelund – har dels en baggrund fra Revisorkommissionen og FSR’s revisionstekniske udvalg og dels en praktisk indgangsvinkel som statsautoriserede revisorer.

  • - Den makroøkonomiske teoris oprindelse og udvikling
    af Jesper Jespersen
    269,95 kr.

    Makroøkonomisk teori er kunsten at udarbejde en model, som er relevant for forståelsen af den samfundsøkonomi, som vi rent faktisk lever i. (Keynes, 1937)John Maynard Keynes, 1883-1946, var det 20. århundredes største og mest anerkendte økonom. Han udviklede teorien for makroøkonomisk analyse og principperne bag nationalregnskabet. Afsættet var krisen i 1930erne. Den lange periode med konstant velstandsstigning i efterkrigstiden gjorde overgangsvist Keynes' makroøkonomiske teorier mindre centrale. Den høje arbejdsløshed og den udeblevne vækst i dette århundrede skabte fornyet interesse for Keynes' makroøkonomiske teori og metode.Denne bog giver baggrunden for Keynes' teorier og bringer dem op til en helt aktuel diskussion af bl.a. bæredygtig udvikling, europæisk krise og offentlige budgetunderskud. Der er et åbenbart behov for, at Keynes atter får en central placering i de økonomiske lærebøger og i grundlaget for den økonomiske politik.IndholdsoversigtForordKapitel 1. En oversigtKapitel 2. John Maynard KEYNES (1883-1946)Kapitel 3. Keynes – moralfilosofi og politikKapitel 4. Keynes’ tidlige arbejderKapitel 5. Produktion og beskæftigelse: The General Theory of Employment, Interest and MoneyKapitel 6. Den efterfølgende makroøkonomiske diskussionKapitel 7. Keynes’ visionKapitel 8. Keynes i dagAPPENDIKS 1. LitteraturAPPENDIKS 2. Keynes’ kronologiAPPENDIKS 3. PersongalleriAPPENDIKS 4. Makroøkonomiske skolerEfterskrift: ’Quite wrong or nothing new?’

  • - en introduktion
    af Peter Nielsen, Jesper Jespersen & Hector Estrup
    269,95 kr.

    Udviklingen i den økonomiske teori er et historisk drama mindst lige så spændende som den "rigtige" historie. Den er befolket med store navne, der danner teoretiske skoler, som ofte ligger i strid med hinanden. Den teoretiske diskussion har gennem århundrederne afspejlet de skiftende økonomiske og politiske konjunkturer. Adam Smith bekæmpede merkantilismen med alle til rådighed stående argumenter. Karl Marx sloges med "vulgær-økonomerne", ligesom neoklassikerne måtte tage en hård tørn, inden de fik accepteret deres matematiske ligevægtsmodeller.Teorihistorien præsenteres med hovedvægten lagt på forholdsvis få, men centrale økonomiske skoler, som vurderes i forhold til hinanden. Skolerne karakteriseres ved nogle få personligheder og disses hovedværker.Den økonomiske teoris historie er skrevet af 3 etablerede økonomer med sigte på at give en kort, men selvstændig fremstilling. Den udgør dog samtidig en nyttig og sammenhængende baggrundsviden ved læsningen af de enkelte bind i serien "Økonomiens Konger".IndholdsoversigtForordKapitel 1. Den økonomiske teoris historie - af Jesper JespersenKapitel 2. Tidligere teorier og klassisk økonomi - af Hector EstrupKapitel 3. Neoklassisk økonomisk teori - af Hector EstrupKapitel 4. Marx og hans efterfølgere - af Af Peter NielsenKapitel 5. Institutionel og evolutionær økonomi - af Peter NielsenKapitel 6. Udviklingen i makroøkonomisk teori:Keynes, keynesianere, monetarister og ny-klassikere - af Jesper JespersenEfterskrift: En kort note om forskningsprogrammerog samfundsøkonomisk metode - af Jesper JespersenEn note om supplerende litteraturStikordsregister

  • af Lionel Barber
    109,95 - 328,95 kr.

  • af Henry Farrell
    138,95 - 288,95 kr.

  • af Dennis Hørmann & Rasmus Munch
    1.169,95 kr.

    Her er vejviseren til alle fonde og legater, der kan søges. Håndbogen bygger bl.a. på udsendt korrektur til tusindvis af fonds- og legatbestyrelser, som årligt har opdateret legatoplysningerne. Hvor, hvornår, hvordan og hvor meget? Korrekte adresser med betingelser, frister, uddelingstidspunkter og legatstørrelser. Hvordan finder man legatet? 12 emneområder. Legaterne er opdelt efter emne, fx sociale formål og sygdomsbekæmpelse, kulturelle formål, rejselegater.

  • af Ove K. Pedersen
    188,95 - 248,95 kr.

    Den danske model har en lang historie. Først som institutionaliseret klassekamp, siden som myte. For det meste lovprist og berømmet, sjældent kritiseret og analyseret."Myten om den danske model" handler om, hvordan overenskomstsystemet har opnået selvstændighed fra de politiske institutioner, men samtidig altid været del af en politisk, endda demokratisk, styreform. I dag er den danske model mere end blot en måde at organisere arbejdsmarkedets parter på. Den skal snarere ses som en vigtig del af en samfundsmodel, hvor parter og politikere til daglig spiller med og mod hinanden. Ove K. Pedersen (f. 1948) er uddannet i statskundskab, har i mange år været professor ved flere danske universiteter samt gæsteprofessor ved udenlandske universiteter: Han er dr.phil. og er forfatter til en lang række bøger på dansk og engelsk, blandt andet den indflydelsesrige "Konkurrencestaten" (2011), "Markedsstaten" (2014) og "The National Origins of Policy Ideas" (2014). Senest er "Reaktionens tid" (2018) udkommet på Informations Forlag.

  • af Karl Polanyi
    133,95 kr.

    Tracing the history of capitalism in England and beyond, Karl Polanyi's landmark 1944 classic brilliantly exposed the myth of laissez-faire economics. From the great transformation that occurred during the industrial revolution onwards, he showed, there has been nothing 'natural' about the market state. Instead, the economy must always be embedded in society, and human needs and relations. Witnessing the 'avalanche of social dislocation' of his time - from the Great Depression, to the rise of fascism and communism and the First and Second World Wars - Polanyi ends with a rallying cry for freedom, and a passionate vision to protect our common humanity.

  • af Ruchir Sharma
    109,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Ilya Strebulaev
    218,95 kr.

    FINANCIAL TIMES BUSINESS BOOK OF THE MONTH 'Full of powerful, practical lessons on changing how we think and act.'Eric Schmidt, former CEO and Chairman of Google'Many principles mentioned in the book helped us build Zoom, and they will help you as well.'Eric S. Yuan, founder and CEO, ZoomInspired by venture capitalists' unique way of thinking, The Venture Mindset offers a transformative playbook for delivering results in a rapidly changing world from a top Stanford professor and a technology executive.Venture capitalists are known for their extraordinary ability to spot opportunities. They know how to identify emerging trends, how to bring new industries into being, and when to hold them and when to fold. Their unique way of thinking has made them the force behind world-changing companies such as Amazon, Google, Moderna, SpaceX, and Zoom. Stanford Professor Ilya Strebulaev has devoted two decades to studying VCs' counterintuitive approaches to decision-making and the reasons behind the successes and failures of corporate innovations. Alex Dang has witnessed up close how VCs' thinking and mechanisms can create successful businesses at companies like Amazon and McKinsey. Combining their insight and extensive experience, they present nine distinct principles that will help you make better decisions, transform your business, and achieve remarkable results, no matter your industry. In The Venture Mindset, you'll learn:- One question VCs ask that will change the way you evaluate opportunities- Why you should encourage dissent and be wary of consensus- The number one killer of innovation in traditional corporate environments- Why it's crucial to learn when to 'pull the plug' on initiatives- Why failure is not just an option, but a necessity Packed with entertaining stories and scientific precision, The Venture Mindset is a must-read for anyone who wants to be better equipped for the era of uncertainty when industry, company, and career can be disrupted overnight. The Venture Mindset will teach you more than how to simply survive. It'll teach you how to win big.

  • af Scott Galloway
    188,95 kr.

    'You need this book.' Steven Bartlett, author of The Diary of a CEOThe world is changing. It's time for a new financial playbook.In this must-have guide to optimizing your life for wealth, success and happiness, you'll learn:¿ how to find and follow your talent¿ what small steps you can take now that pay big returns later¿ how to develop better financial habitsBursting with practical, game-changing advice from one of the world's most popular business school professors, The Algebra of Wealth is the practical guidebook you need to win today's wealth game.Today's workers have more opportunities and mobility than any previous generation. They also face unprecedented challenges, including inflation, labour and housing shortages, and climate volatility.Even the notion of 'retirement' is undergoing a profound rethink, as our lifespans extend and our relationship with work evolves. In this environment, the tried-and-true financial advice our parents followed no longer applies.In The Algebra of Wealth, Galloway lays bare the rules of financial success in today's economy. In characteristic unvarnished, no-BS style, he explains you what you need to know in order to improve your chances of achieving economic security no matter what.

  • af Ed Conway
    138,95 kr.

    'A compelling narrative of the human story' TIM MARSHALL, author of Prisoners of Geography'Lively, rich and exciting... full of surprises' PETER FRANKOPAN, author of The Silk Roads_____________Sand, salt, iron, copper, oil and lithium. They built our world, and they will transform our future.These are the six most crucial substances in human history. They took us from the Dark Ages to the present day. They power our computers and phones, build our homes and offices, and create life-saving medicines. But most of us take them completely for granted.In Material World, Ed Conway travels the globe - from the sweltering depths of the deepest mine in Europe, to spotless silicon chip factories in Taiwan, to the eerie green pools where lithium originates - to uncover a secret world we rarely see. Revealing the true marvel of these substances, he follows the mind-boggling journeys, miraculous processes and little-known companies that turn the raw materials we all need into products of astonishing complexity.As we wrestle with climate change, energy crises and the threat of new global conflict, Conway shows why these substances matter more than ever before, and how the hidden battle to control them will shape our geopolitical future. This is the story of civilisation - our ambitions and glory, innovations and appetites - from a new perspective: literally from the ground up.

  • af Joseph Stiglitz
    278,95 kr.

    A major reappraisal, by the Nobel-prizewinning economist, of the relationship between capitalism and freedomDespite its manifest failures, the narrative of neoliberalism retains its grip on the public mind and the policies of governments all over the world. By this narrative, less regulation and more 'animal spirits' capitalism produces not only greater prosperity, but more freedom for individuals in society - and is therefore morally better.But, in The Road to Freedom Stiglitz asks, whose freedom are we - should we be - thinking about? What happens when one person's freedom comes at the expense of another's? Should the freedoms of corporations be allowed to impinge upon those of individuals in the ways they now do?Taking on giants of neoliberalism such as Hayek and Friedman and examining how public opinion is formed, Stiglitz reclaims the language of freedom from the right to show that far from 'free' - unregulated - markets promoting growth and enterprise, they in fact reduce it, lessening economic opportunities for majorities and siphoning wealth from the many to the few - both individuals and countries. He shows how neoliberal economics and its implied moral system have impacted our legal and social freedoms in surprising ways, from property and intellectual rights, to education and social media.Stiglitz's eye, as always, is on how we might create the true human flourishing which should be the great aim of our economic and social system, and offers an alternative to that prevailing today. The Road to Freedom offers a powerful re-evaluation of democracy, economics and what constitutes a good society-and provides a roadmap of how we might achieve it.

  • af Peter C. Oppenheimer
    291,95 kr.

    Any Happy Returns is a sister book to The Long Good Buy, focused on longer term secular trends in economies and markets, the factors that drive them and their influence on prospective returns, for example de-globalisation, higher cost of capital, demographics, geo-politics, etc.

  • af Michael Gatto
    848,95 kr.

    PRAISE FOR THE CREDIT INVESTOR'S HANDBOOK "Credit analysis is an underappreciated skill that is essential for investing a cross all asset classes, private and public. Michael's book is an incredibly detailed, step-by-step 'how-to' manual for analyzing credit investments, from performing to distressed, and understanding the complexities of the bankruptcy process." --Joyce Chang, Chair of Global Research, JP Morgan "While there are many books on investing in equities, until now, there were virtually no comprehensive books on investing in debt. The Credit Investor's Handbook fills this gap. While the book is focused on the debt markets, its analytical approach is extremely relevant to equities investors. Furthermore, Michael's use of real-life examples and humor make it an enjoyable read. The Credit Investor's Handbook is a 'must-read'for anyone pursuing a career in research, investment banking, capital allocation, and, most importantly, investing in an ever-evolving global marketplace." --Mario Gabelli, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Gabelli Funds "The Credit Investor's Handbook is an extraordinarily comprehensive look at credit investment strategies. It is chock full of rich examples that are bound to be useful in assessing the credit excesses that will undoubtedly unravel in the years ahead. I wish someone had handed me a copy when I came into the business." --Seth A. Klarman, CEO and Portfolio Manager, The Baupost Group "When I got my pre-publication copy of The Credit Investor's Handbook, I turned first to the chapters on distressed debt investing. I found a very helpful, logically organized introduction to the process and some fascinating 'warstories.'Like all good investment books, The Handbook doesn't purport to be a how-to that will yield easy profits, but it does a great job of explaining the elements that must be mastered." --Howard Marks, Co-Chairman, Oaktree Capital Management "Michael's excellent book, The Credit Investor's Handbook, is like a traditional bank's training program on steroids. It offers the same kind of detailed, real-life grounding in financial analysis that was critical to my early success on Wall Street. The book teaches you the practical skills needed to succeed and steers you away from academic theories that don't work in the real world of credit markets. Michael is a great teacher with the unique ability to breakdown complex analysis into simple steps, making it easy to learn. He also brings the same passion and terrific sense of humor he uses in his classroom to the pages of this textbook. I highly recommend it as a 'must-read'for all up-and-coming credit analysts." --Harvey Schwartz, CEO of the Carlyle Group

  • - Videregående uddannelser
    af Lars Krogh Jensen & Peer Vestergaard Pedersen
    428,95 kr.

    En praksisnær bog, der via teoretiske modeller, bl.a. fra logistik, organisation og ledelse, flytter indkøb fra en omkostning i virksomheden til en værdiskabende funktion. Bogen giver et bud på løsning af indkøbsprocessen på alle niveauer i virksomheden og viser, hvor dybt integreret indkøb er i virksomheden.Bogen henvender sig bredt til videregående uddannelser samt alle personer i erhvervslivet, der ønsker at forstå eller arbejde med indkøb på alle niveauer i virksomheden.

  • af Bernie Sanders
    128,95 kr.

    It's OK to be Angry About Capitalism is a compelling work by Bernie Sanders. Published by Penguin Books Ltd (UK) in 2023, this book delves into the genre of socio-economic critique with a unique perspective. Sanders, known for his outspoken views on capitalism, provides an insightful and thought-provoking read. The book explores the inherent flaws of capitalism and encourages readers to question and challenge the status quo. Sanders' strong voice and clear narrative make this book a must-read for anyone interested in understanding the complexities of our current economic system. Published by Penguin Books Ltd (UK), this book is a valuable addition to any reader's collection.

  • af Johan Norberg
    218,95 - 268,95 kr.

  • af William J. Bernstein
    285,95 kr.

    This new edition of the bestselling guide brings sophisticated investors-including institutional and individual investors, investment bankers, and those who want to follow in the footsteps of legends like John Bogle-up to date on ETFs, risk management, neuropsychological investing concepts, and moreSince its original publication two decades ago, The Four Pillars of Investing has become a classic guide for serious investors. The practicalities of investing, however, have changed dramatically, particularly pertaining to ETFs, and thinking has evolved about a host of key issues, such as lifecycle finance, the nature of risk, and basic finance and neuropsychological concepts. This new edition has been fully updated to address all these issues.Retired neurologist and hugely popular finance author William Bernstein applies his trademark informal writing style to help you become more self-sufficient and make better-informed investment decisions. He walks you through the "four pillars" of investing:The Theory of Investing: "Do not expect high returns without risks."The History of Investing: "About once every generation, the markets go barking mad. If you are unprepared, you are sure to fail."The Psychology of Investing: "Your greatest investment enemy is the face staring back at you in the window."The Business of Investing: "The investment industry wants to make you poor and stupid. Don't let them."You'll learn how to build a solid foundation for investing by focusing on these four essential lessons, each of which builds upon the other. The Four Pillars of Investing includes practical investing advice based on fascinating history lessons from the market, exercises to determine risk tolerance as an investor, and easy-to-understand explanations of risk and reward in the capital markets.This unmatched resource provides the tools you need to construct a high-performance portfolio-without the help of a financial adviser.

  • af Steven Levitsky
    188,95 kr.

    An urgent follow-up to international bestseller HOW DEMOCRACIES DIE. In this razor-sharp analysis of one of the most important issues facing us today, leading Harvard professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt draw on their combined expertise of over 40 years to offer a dire warning about right-wing efforts to undermine multiracial democracy.

  • af Malcom Harris
    233,95 - 343,95 kr.

  • af Kate Tarling
    208,95 kr.

    All organizations are becoming service organizations. But most weren't built to deliver services successfully end-to-end, and the human, operational and financial impacts are abundantly clear. In the digital era the stakes are even higher, given how rapidly services change. Yet default working practices (governance, planning, funding, leadership, reporting, programme and team structures) inside large organizations haven't changed. Rather than modernize just one service at a time, it's the underlying organizational conditions that need to be transformed - anything less is futile. The Service Organization is the result of years of research and consulting, as well as dozens of interviews with executives. It explores significant challenges that leaders will recognize, and turns them into solvable puzzles by providing practical advice and tools that reimagine what the organization does from the perspective of its customers - and it organizes the activity needed to deliver the best outcomes. This book is for everyone involved, from designers to technologists and from operational staff to policymakers and leaders. It includes surprisingly simple and doable, but non-obvious, steps that don't depend on seniority or pay band and that are typically overlooked by even the most progressive professions, teams and companies. Kate Tarling sets a bold, ambitious and practical agenda for all service organizations. Her book is full of behind-the-scenes examples from the global companies, public sector bodies and non-profits that are now delivering and leading successful services. It shows how to reinvent organizations so they rely not just on 'transforming technology' but on putting the success of their services at the heart of how they operate.

  • af Jane Ibsen Piper
    98,95 - 138,95 kr.

    Vil du gerne ændre dine forbrugsvaner og få de nye vaner til at sidde fast? Vi undrer os ofte over, hvor pengene bliver af, og mange af os kæmper med at spare op til vores drømme. Men hvis vi tager magten over vores penge tilbage, vil vi opdage, at vi har flere til rådighed, end vi troede. Det gælder om at lægge en plan for pengene og få dem til at arbejde for at skabe dine drømme, så du ikke blot følger andres drømme og andres planer.Her får du 28 daglige udfordringer, der sender dig ud i alle kroge af din økonomi. Du bliver klogere på din pengehistorie og klar til at se dit reelle forbrug i øjnene. Det er kun, når vi erkender tingenes tilstand, at vi kan ændre noget. Uanset om du blot trænger til en genstart af tidligere gode forbrugsvaner eller en helt ny måde at tænke på dine penge, så er du kommet til det rette sted.Bogen er en del af serien 28 dage til …, som er sat i verden for at hjælpe os med at ændre noget af det sværeste, nemlig vores vaner.Om forfatterJane Ibsen Piper er uddannet jurist og har de seneste 12 år arbejdet inden for den finansielle sektor. Jane har haft CVR-nummer i flere år ved siden af sit lønmodtagerjob. Hun har skrevet flere bøger, ligesom hun driver blog, podcast og Facebook-fællesskabet ‘Minimalisme og købestop’ med 40.000 medlemmer.E-bogen er lavet i fixed format

  • af Rebecca Giblin
    133,95 kr.

    A FINANCIAL TIMES BOOK OF THE YEARA call to action for the creative class and labour movement to rally against the power of Big Tech and Big Media.Corporate concentration has breached the stratosphere, as have corporate profits. An ever-expanding constellation of industries are now monopolies (where sellers have excessive power over buyers) or monopsonies (where buyers hold the whip hand over sellers) - or both.Scholar Rebecca Giblin and writer and activist Cory Doctorow argue we're in a new era of 'chokepoint capitalism', with exploitative businesses creating insurmountable barriers to competition that enable them to capture value that should rightfully go to others. All workers are weakened by this, but the problem is especially well illustrated by the plight of creative workers. From Amazon's use of digital rights management and bundling to radically change the economics of book publishing, to Google and Facebook's siphoning away of ad revenues from news media, and the Big Three record labels' use of inordinately long contracts to up their own margins at the cost of artists, chokepoints are everywhere.By analysing book publishing and news, live music and music streaming, screenwriting, radio, and more, Giblin and Doctorow deftly show how powerful corporations construct 'anti-competitive flywheels' designed to lock in users and suppliers, make their markets hostile to new entrants, and then force workers and suppliers to accept unfairly low prices.Chokepoint Capitalism is a call to workers of all sectors to unite to help smash these chokepoints and take back the power and profit that's being heisted away - before it's too late.

  • af Kristen Ghodsee
    198,95 - 233,95 kr.

  • af Ha-Joon Chang
    133,95 - 223,95 kr.

  • af Adam Smith
    614,95 kr.

    The Wealth of Nations offers one of the first collected descriptions of what builds nations' wealth, and is a fundamental work in classical economics. Smith explores such broad topics as the division of labour, productivity, and free markets.

  • af Nouriel Roubini
    143,95 - 198,95 kr.