Økonomi og finans
- How Britain became the servant of tycoons, tax dodgers, kleptocrats and criminals
133,95 - 233,95 kr. - Bog
- 133,95 kr.
- Alt hvad du skal vide om penge og investering i fem enkle trin
248,95 kr. Vil du være økonomisk uafhængig eller bare have lidt ekstra til ferierne? Denne bog guider dig uden tunge finansielle formler igennem fem trin, der gør dig i stand til at investere, så pengene arbejder for dig og dit mål:1. Mobilisering - basale økonomiske mekanismer2. Fremtidsscenarier - din drøm3. Dit udgangspunkt - din aktuelle økonomi4. Valg af retning - kobling af drøm og økonomi5. Implementer din plan - lad pengene arbejdeDen behandler de vigtigste spørgsmål om penge, investeringer, pension, lån, fast ejendom og økonomi. Og den giver konkrete råd og anbefalinger fra 20 af de skarpeste fi nanshjerner i Danmark.Bogen henvender sig til alle i den arbejdsdygtige alder med pension, fast ejendom eller lidt ekstra penge at investere.
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- 248,95 kr.
288,95 kr. When it comes to boosting your portfolio, you've got options!Looking for a new way to flex your investing muscle? Look no further! Options Trading For Dummies offers trusted guidance for anyone ready to jump into the versatile, rewarding world of stock options. And just what are your options options? This book breaks down the most common types of options contracts, helping you select the right strategy for your needs. Learn all about the risk-reward structure of options trading and reduce your risk through smart mixing and matching.Today's markets are more topsy turvy than ever before, but there is also more potential for everyday investors like you to profit, regardless of economic conditions. Options are great for broadening your retirement portfolio or earning a little extra scratch through shorter-term positions. Options Trading For Dummies is your plain-English resource for learning how!* Demystify the world of options contracts and how to trade them, including index, equity, and ETF options* Use technical analysis to create a solid trading strategy that limits your risk* Protect your assets and avoid the pitfalls common to first-time options traders* Learn about covered calls, butterfly positions, and other techniques that can enhance your gainsThinking of trading options, but not sure where to start? This latest edition of Options Trading For Dummies provides you with step-by-step advice for boosting your income under today's market conditions.
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- 288,95 kr.
288,95 kr. - Bog
- 288,95 kr.
233,95 kr. 'If you want to be inspired to build more sustainable organizations, Deep Purpose should be your next read' Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO, Thrive Global'Insightful, practical, and timely' Adam Grant, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Think Again and host of the TED podcast WorkLife'Deep Purpose points to the conversations we must have right now about how to redefine the role of business in society, restore trust, and enhance our license to operate ... Highly recommended' Paul Polman, former CEO, Unilever--------------Distinguished Harvard Business School professor Ranjay Gulati takes readers inside some of the world's most purposeful companies to understand the secrets to their successFew business topics have aroused more skepticism in recent years than the notion of corporate purpose, and for good reason. Too many companies deploy purpose as a promotional vehicle to make themselves feel virtuous and to look good to the outside world. Some have only foggy ideas about what purpose is and conflate it with strategy and other concepts like 'mission', 'vision' and 'values'. Even well-intentioned leaders don't understand purpose's full potential and engage with it half-heartedly and superficially. Having conducted extensive field research and interviewed leadership at purpose-oriented companies including Etsy, Lego and Microsoft, Ranjay Gulati reveals the fatal mistakes leaders unwittingly make when attempting to implement a reason for being. Moreover, he shows how companies can embed purpose much more deeply, delivering impressive performance benefits that reward customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and communities alike. To get this right, leaders must fundamentally change not only how they execute purpose but also how they conceive of and relate to it. They must practice what Gulati calls deep purpose, furthering each organisation's reason for being more intensely, thoughtfully and comprehensively than ever before.As he argues, a deeper engagement with purpose can serve as a radically new operating system, enhancing performance while also delivering meaningful benefits to society. It's the kind of inspired thinking that businesses - and the rest of us - urgently need.--------------- 'Purpose isn't a "e;nice-to-have"e; in the business world anymore. It's a "e;must-have"e;. This comprehensive guide breaks down why cultivating purpose isn't just the right thing for businesses to do - it's the smart thing too.' Carmine Di Sibio, Global Chairman and CEO, EY'Many leaders today strive to align purpose with financial success, but only a few succeed. Gulati analyzes the tough challenges that leaders everywhere must address if they are to save the planet while also delivering strong profits.' Toshiaki Higashihara, Executive Chairman & CEO, Hitachi, Ltd.
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- 233,95 kr.
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- 98,95 kr.
- How Rising Inequality Distorts the Global Economy and Threatens International Peace
183,95 kr. A provocative look at how today's trade conflicts are caused by governments promoting the interests of elites at the expense of workers
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- 183,95 kr.
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- 163,95 kr.
193,95 kr. Udbytteguiden er en praktisk håndbog, der oplyser om investeringsmulighederne indenfor udbytteaktier samt de fordele, private personer kan opnå ved at investere fremfor at spekulere. Bogen afdækker en generel introduktion til udbytteaktier som koncept, porteføljestrategier, udbyttebeskatningen, et overblik over markedernes udbytteaktier samt hvordan man som privatperson kan opnå en stigende grad af økonomisk uafhængighed og frihed ved at handle efter omtanke fremfor impulser. Udbytteguiden følger sin søsterbog - Økonomisk Frihed - ved at give læseren et nemt og enkelt overblik over verdenen af udbytteaktier uden at læseren skal grave sig igennem flere hundrede sider i form af tung investeringslitteratur.
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- 193,95 kr.
- The Future of the System That Rules the World
191,95 - 246,95 kr. For the first time in history, the globe is dominated by one economic system. Capitalism prevails because it delivers prosperity and meets desires for autonomy. But it also is unstable and morally defective. Surveying the varieties and futures of capitalism, Branko Milanovic offers creative solutions to improve a system that isn't going anywhere.
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- 191,95 kr.
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- 133,95 kr.
- How the World's Greatest Investors Win in Markets and Life
173,95 - 318,95 kr. - Bog
- 173,95 kr.
- The First 5,000 Years, Updated and Expanded
298,95 kr. The classic work on debt, now is a special tenth anniversary edition with a new introduction by Thomas Piketty Before there was money, there was debt. Every economics textbook says the same thing: Money was invented to replace onerous and complicated barter systems—to relieve ancient people from having to haul their goods to market. The problem with this version of history? There’s not a shred of evidence to support it.Here anthropologist David Graeber presents a stunning reversal of conventional wisdom. He shows that for more than 5,000 years, since the beginnings of the first agrarian empires, humans have used elaborate credit systems to buy and sell goods—that is, long before the invention of coins or cash. It is in this era, Graeber argues, that we also first encounter a society divided into debtors and creditors. Graeber shows that arguments about debt and debt forgiveness have been at the center of political debates from Italy to China, as well as sparking innumerable insurrections. He also brilliantly demonstrates that the language of the ancient works of law and religion (words like “guilt,” “sin,” and “redemption”) derive in large part from ancient debates about debt, and shape even our most basic ideas of right and wrong. We are still fighting these battles today without knowing it. Debt: The First 5,000 Years is a fascinating chronicle of this little known history—as well as how it has defined human history. It shows how debt has defined our human past, and what that means for our economic future.
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- 298,95 kr.
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- 178,95 kr.
- Ten Rules for Thinking Differently About Numbers
133,95 kr. Factfulness meets How to Be Right in this major new book from globally bestselling economist Tim Harford
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- 133,95 kr.
- How Dirty Money is Conquering the World
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- 133,95 kr.
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- 153,95 kr.
521,95 kr. Lær at læse og vurdere en årsrapport Årsrapporten er en af de centrale kilder til information om en virksomhed, og det er derfor væsentligt at kende årsregnskabsreglerne og regnskabsvæsenets opgaver. Denne bog er skrevet som en hjælp til ledere med overordnet ansvar for en organisations årsregnskab, men som ikke har regnskabsmæssig baggrund. Bogen giver en overkommelig og alligevel grundig indføring i årsregnskab, årsrapport og virksomhedsanalyse. Bogens 1. del beskriver de enkelte elementer i en årsrapport med fokus på virksomhedsregnskabets opbygning. Bogens 2. del handler om virksomhedsanalyse og giver eksempler på modeller og metoder, ud fra hvilke virksomhedens regnskab kan analyseres. Bogen giver en viden, som er nyttig ved f.eks.:Forhandling om f.eks. kreditgivningKøb af ejerandele i virksomhederAflønning af ledelsenÅrsrapporten som middel til at informere virksomhedens samarbejdspartnereFremskaffelse af informationer om en virksomheds økonomi, som ikke er tilgængelige i årsrapportenMålgruppe Bogen henvender sig til personer uden forkundskaber i regnskabsvæsen, der i kraft af deres job har behov for kunne vurdere, formidle – og ikke mindst varetage ledelsesansvaret for – en virksomheds årsrapport. Desuden kan bogen med fordel læses af folk, der har et vist kendskab til regnskab, da man trænes i at bruge og forstå de relevante ordvalg, metoder og begreber, der anvendes ved udarbejdelse, læsning og analyse af årsrapporter. Bogen har fokus på beslutningstagere og studerende på de videregående uddannelser. Nyt i 6. udgave Siden 5. udgave i 2008 har flere lovændringer nødvendiggjort en ny udgave af bogen. Foruden den nødvendige opdatering er der foretaget væsentlige ændringer i bogen, og flere afsnit om virksomhedsanalyse er blevet udvidet, herunder ved at inddrage flere metoder og beskrive metodernes begrænsninger. Om forfatterne Forfatterne er Jørgen Ravn Elkjær, lektor ved RUC, cand.polit., cand.merc. med revision som speciale, HD og Ph.D., og Kristian Hjulsager, kontorchef, cand.polit., redaktør af økonomiske lærebøger og censor ved de erhvervsøkonomiske uddannelser.
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- 521,95 kr.
388,95 - 428,95 kr. Den praksisorienterede lærebog fokuserer på de enkelte branchers produktsortiment og sparringsmuligheder i forhold til erhvervskunder. Bogen er rettet mod de merkantile, finansielle uddannelser, fx finansøkonom, financial controller og finansbachelor. Denne 4. udgave er revideret og opdateret, ikke mindst hvad angår hvidvask. Bogen behandler de vigtigste produkter og den sparring, der efterspørges af erhvervslivet, fx i forhold til finansiering af anlægsinvesteringer og drift samt hjælp til styring af finansielle risici samt risici på anlæg og driften. Bogen begynder med en introduktion til bankernes rolle. Derefter behandles opstart og overtagelse af virksomheder og virksomhedsformerne. I kapitel 4 gennemgås kort skat og moms. Derefter tages der fat på analyse, kreditvurdering og finansiering samt risikostyring i 11 kapitler: Regnskabsanalyse Strategi og virksomhedsanalyse Kreditvurdering Kreditvurdering – når strategien svigter Likviditet og driftsfinansiering Anlægsfinansiering Risikostyring af anlægsaktiver Risikostyring af omsætningsaktiver Risikostyring af finansielle risici (passiver) Bankvirksomhed og risikostyring Finansiel rådgivning – erhverv afsluttes med et kapitel om bekæmpelse af hvidvask og terrorfinansiering.
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- 388,95 kr.
- The Future of Transnational NGOs
508,95 kr. Between Power and Irrelevance explores why the gap between transnational NGOs' rhetoric and reality exists and what TNGOs can do to close it. The book argues that TNGOs need to change the fundamental conditions under which they operate by bringing their own "forms and norms" into better alignment with their ambitions and strategies.
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- 508,95 kr.
- The Political Economy of Saving the Planet
153,95 kr. "An inquiry into how to build the political force to make a global green new deal a reality"--
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- 153,95 kr.
- 1929, The Great Depression, and the Bankers who Broke the World
133,95 kr. THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE. The current financial crisis has only one parallel: the Wall Street Crash of 1929 and subsequent Great Depression of the 1930s, which crippled the future of an entire generation and set the stage for the horrors of the Second World War.
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- 133,95 kr.
118,95 - 700,95 kr. - Bog
- 118,95 kr.
792,95 kr. Microeconomics and Behaviour, third edition, is an accessible yet intellectually challenging and engaging textbook for students.It develops core analytical and technical tools and embeds them in a collection of real-world examples and applications to illuminatethe power and versatility of the economic way of thinking.With this approach, students develop economic intuition and are stimulated to think more deeply about the technical tools they learn,and to find more interesting ways to apply them. This enables students to not just understand microeconomics, but to think likeeconomists themselves, and to develop a lasting interest in the discipline.Key Features. Fully updated chapters, including new and expanded material on international labour markets, the gig economy,behavioural game theory and nudge theory.. Extensive pedagogical features such as examples, key terms and definitions, in-chapter exercises, chapter summaries,and review questions and problems.. Economic Naturalist examples that show how economic principles can be used to explain experiences and observationsof everyday life. New examples include: "Why do firms benefit from the gig economy?", "Why is self-checkout becomingthe norm in shops?", and "Why do online retailers have flagship stores?".Connect® ResourcesAvailable with McGraw-Hill Education's Connect®, the well-established online learning platform, which helps faculty andinstitutions improve student outcomes and course delivery efficiency. In addition to maths tutorials and SmartBook, the awardwinningadaptive reading experience, the new Connect® features for this edition include:. Economic Application Based Activities that provide students with valuable practice, using problem solving skills to applytheir knowledge to realistic scenarios. Students progress from understanding basic concepts to using their knowledge toanalyse complex scenarios and solve problems.. Economic Naturalist graphing questions which have been newly developed to complement this key pedagogical featurefrom the textbook.. Interactive Graphs that help students see the relevance of the subject matter by providing visual displays of real data forstudents to manipulate. All graphs are accompanied by assignable assessment questions and feedback for students.To learn more, visit mheducation.co.uk/connect
- Bog
- 792,95 kr.
- A Beginner's Manual for Day Trading Currency - Proven Money-Making Strategies
168,95 kr. - Bog
- 168,95 kr.
178,95 kr. Uncertainty pervades the big decisions we all make in our lives. How much should we pay into our pensions each month? Should we take regular exercise? Expand the business? Change our strategy? Enter a trade agreement? Take an expensive holiday?We do not know what the future will hold. But we must make decisions anyway. So we crave certainties which cannot exist and invent knowledge we cannot have. But humans are successful because they have adapted to an environment that they understand only imperfectly. Throughout history we have developed a variety of ways of coping with the radical uncertainty that defines our lives.This incisive and eye-opening book draws on biography, history, mathematics, economics and philosophy to highlight the most successful - and most short-sighted - methods of dealing with an unknowable future Ultimately, the authors argue, the prevalent method of our age falls short, giving us a false understanding of our power to make predictions, leading to many of the problems we experience today.Tightly argued, provocative and written with wit and flair, Radical Uncertainty is at once an exploration of the limits of numbers and a celebration of human instinct and wisdom.
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- 178,95 kr.
- How the European Union Rules the World
286,95 - 622,95 kr. The Brussels Effect offers a novel account of the EU by challenging the view that it is a declining world power. Anu Bradford explains how the EU exerts global influence through its ability to unilaterally regulate the global marketplace without the need to engage in neither international cooperation nor coercion.
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- 286,95 kr.
634,95 kr. Developed in cooperation with the IB, our bestselling Course Book has been revised and updated to provide the most comprehensive support for the new DP Economics syllabus, for first teaching in September 2020.
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- 634,95 kr.
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- 611,95 kr.
- No Gimmicks, Luck, or Trust Fund Required
188,95 kr. From two leaders of the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement, a bold, contrarian guide to retiring at any age, with a reproducible formula to financial independence
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- 188,95 kr.