- Bog
- 88,95 kr.
- English Farsi Persian Children's Books
208,95 - 328,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
118,95 kr. I tusindvis af år har æslet knoklet og slæbt for os mennesker. I historiske fortællinger har æslet båret på historiske skikkelser som Jomfru Maria, Jesus og Don Quizjoets ven, Panza. Alligevel har æslet altid stået i skyggen af hesten.Til gengæld har ordet ‘æsel’ sneget sig ind ind i sproget. På dansk findes vendinger som “Pakæsel”, “Æselører” og “Stædig som et æsel”.Men æsler er ikke er spor stædige, men forsigtige. På engelsk er “Donkey” et skældsord, sagt nedsættende til en person, som anses for at være dum. Men et æsel er ikke spor dumt. Det vil du indse, når du går på opdagelse i Birgit Winthers fagbog ‘Æslet’ .Bogen har en fin gennemgang af adfærd med æsler - fra teori til praksis.Vidste du f.eks. at et æsel kan dreje sine lange ører 180 grader? At æsler har en god indvirkning på mennesker med sociale udfordringer? Eller at et æsel kan skryde, så det høres på flere kilometers afstand?Måske har du set George Orwells ‘Animal Farm’? Æslet Benjamin skryder højt og insisterende, da han bliver kørt bort til en uvis skæbne. Det er tegnefilm. Alligevel græder vi og glemmer aldrig Benjamins skryden.Sådan er det med æsler. Har du først mødt et æsel, så glemmer du det ikke: æslets lange ører, den bløde mule, de store brune øjne, æslets rolige væsen, æslets evne til at balancere på de smalleste og stejleste stier med fuld oppakning.Birgit Winthers ‘Æslet’ er en indgang til æslet verden. For hvad ved vi mennesker egentlig om vores slidsomme, til tider lidt langsomme og forsigtige ven?Bogen fortæller ikke kun om æslet, men appelerer også til vores tålmodighed og eftertænksomhed. Måske er langsommelighed og forsigtig anno 2018 ikke den værste dyd?Du behøver ikke at være en “læsehest” for at læse bogen. Du risikere blot at blive klogere end de fleste - hvad æsler angår. Michael Juhl, som til daglig er lærer og læsevejleder på Djurslandskolen, har vejledt i både skrifttype og læsevenlighed. Lixtallet i bogen er 20. Ordene i bogen er valgt, så de er lette at forstå. Mennesker med konkret tankegang og med vanskeligheder indenfor autismespektret vil have stor glæde af at læse bogen eller få bogen læst højt. Billeder og tekst følges ad, så alle billeder er forklaret umiddelbart i teksten. Centrale steder i teksten kan bruges som samtale- eller højtlæsning, hvor den fortællende støtter sig til teksten og peger på billederne. Skrifttypen hedder ”Dyslexie” og er designet i Holland med henblik på at lette læseprocessen for mennesker i skriftsproglige vanskeligheder, som f.eks. ordblinde eller svage læsere. Birgit Winthers “Æslet” er en god fagbog for alle med hang og lyst til at lære det loyale og sympatiske æsel bedre at kende.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Whether you want to dash off a limerick, ponder a sonnet or plot an epic poem, this write-in activity book is here to help. Each page is bursting with tips and inspiration for writing all kinds of poems - and inventing brand new styles too. With links to websites where you can listen to the poems in this book, and find more helpful writing tips.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
178,95 kr. Based on the online channel "TheDadLab". Enables parents to educate their children about science and art, with a range of forty stylishly illustrated activities including the sticky water test and the ultimate magnet game.
- Bog
- 178,95 kr.
108,95 kr. Baby Loves Coding! is an engaging and educational book written by Ruth Spiro and published in 2018 by Charlesbridge Publishing, U.S. This book belongs to the genre of children's literature and is designed to introduce young minds to the fascinating world of coding. Ruth Spiro, renowned for her ability to simplify complex concepts for children, does a remarkable job in this book. Baby Loves Coding! is not just a book; it's an adventure that takes your child into the world of technology and innovation. It's a journey where they learn the basics of coding in the most fun and interactive way. Published by Charlesbridge Publishing, U.S., a publisher known for its commitment to creating books that inspire and inform children, Baby Loves Coding! is a valuable addition to any child's bookshelf.
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
- Gæt en Numse
79,95 kr. Der bor masser af numser på bondegården!Se, om du kan gætte hvis numse, der er under de forskellige flapper i denne sjove bog.
- Bog
- 79,95 kr.
128,95 kr. Kan du finde Bamse Bjørn og hans venner, som gemmer sig under flapperne? Pas på, måske popper de lige pludselig frem!Bogens sjove og overraskende pop op-figurer medvirker til at udvikle barnets hukommelse og fantasi, og de styrker interaktionen mellem barn og voksen. Glæd dig til søde overraskelser, lærerige historier og gode stunder for dig og dit barn!
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Hvordan ser det rum ud, der dannes, når præsten træder ind ad døren til en familie, der skal have døbt deres barn? 8 præster reflekterer over dåbssamtalen og tager os med til den. Dåben klæder dig – både af og på. Otte forskellige præster tager os med til dåbssamtale. Med hver deres greb, men med det samme benspænd, nemlig at de ikke må støtte sig til formuleringer fra det teologiske arvegods, når de skal formidle dåben, men skal bruge egne ord og erfaringer. Dermed giver bogen otte forskellige bud på, hvordan der i 2018 kan tales relevant om, hvad dåb og kristendom er ind i de livssammenhænge, som nybagte forældre står i. Dåbssamtalen kender ingen udfaldet af på forhånd; som med enhver fortrolig samtale kommer det an på, hvor vi fører hinanden hen undervejs, hvad og hvor meget parterne hver især er villige til at give af sig selv. Forfatterne her lader os kigge med ind i samtalerummet med bud på, hvad der kan opstå, når folk og kirke mødes og rækker ud mod hinanden. Pressen skriver: Bogen kan bruges som et stort tag-selv-bord med tanker om og billeder på dåb. Man kan spejle sig i de forskellige forfatteres syn på dåben og måder at gå til samtalen på, og deres tanker kan bruges som klangbund for dåbssamtaler og som inspiration til dåbstaler. - Præsteforeningens Blad
108,95 kr. With a tongue-in-cheek approach, this installment in the Baby University board book series teaches about qubits (quantum bits) and why they are so different from, and more useful than, the regular bits of information stored on computers today. Full color.
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
103,95 kr. In this simple introduction to entropy, readers will learn all about the second law of thermodynamics and why things tend to look more random as time passes. Full color.
- Bog
- 103,95 kr.
- Code a Space Adventure Game!
313,95 kr. Program a graphical adventure game in this hands-on, beginner-friendly introduction to coding in the Python language.
- Bog
- 313,95 kr.
98,95 kr. They twinkle in the night sky, but what exactly are stars? Which one's the nearest? Can humans visit a star? Curious little children can lift over 30 flaps to find the answers to these questions and many more in this delightful introduction to stars and the night sky, with simple explanations and gorgeous illustrations on every page.
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
478,95 kr. Sociologi dækker det sociologiske kernestof i samfundsfag på A-niveau. Sociologi er inddelt i seks dele: Teoretiske perspektiver i sociologien Identitet og socialisering Social differentiering og samfundsforandringer Kommunikation, massemedier og politisk meningsdannelse Kulturelle mønstre Sociologisk metode Til bogen hører hjemmesiden www.grundbogsamfundsfag.gyldendal.dk med opgaver og links til hvert kapitel.
- Bog
- 478,95 kr.
518,95 kr. - Bog
- 518,95 kr.
- Bog
- 183,95 kr.
333,95 kr. Exam Board: SQALevel: National 4Subject: ScienceFirst Teaching: September 2013First Exam: June 2014This book is a comprehensive resource for pupils studying National 4 Chemistry which adheres closely to the SQA syllabus. Each section of the book matches a mandatory unit of the syllabus, and each chapter corresponds to a key area. In addition to the core text, the book contains a variety of special features: Activities to consolidate learning and help in preparing for the Added Value Unit Worked examples to demonstrate key processes In-text questions to test knowledge and understanding End-of-chapter questions for homework and assessment Summaries of key facts and concepts Answer section at the back of the book
- Bog
- 333,95 kr.
153,95 kr. Target success in CCEA GCSE History with this proven formula for effective, structured revision; key content coverage is combined with exam preparation tasks and practical tips to create a revision guide that students can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge.
- Bog
- 153,95 kr.
- Mandarin Chinese Practice for Beginners
113,95 kr. Covering the basics of Mandarin such as writing characters and everyday words, and progressing to essential Chinese vocabulary and conversation practice, this workbook makes mastering Chinese enjoyable and easy. It helps you develop and perfect your Mandarin Chinese writing skills.
- Bog
- 113,95 kr.
118,95 kr. An English word book that features a thousand everyday words illustrated with busy scenes and labelled pictures to help children learn key English vocabulary.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
108,95 kr. This book provides your child with a whole year of ready to go activities and support on key Mathematics topics which will be being taught in school from 2014. *Workbooks for home learning or classroom practice *Linked website with additional activities, answers and support for parents. *Developed by teachers.
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
108,95 kr. This book provides your child with a whole year of ready to go activities and support on key Mathematics topics which will be being taught in school from 2014. *Workbooks for home learning or classroom practice *Linked website with additional activities, answers and support for parents. *Developed by teachers.
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
63,95 kr. Peppa Pig: Practise with Peppa: Wipe-Clean First Letters is a delightful book that was first published by Penguin Random House Children's UK on June 5, 2014. This engaging book is authored by the beloved children's character, Peppa Pig. The genre of this book is primarily educational, aiming to help children develop their letter recognition and writing skills. The book is designed with a wipe-clean feature, allowing for repeated practice and endless hours of learning fun. The book is a testament to Peppa Pig's commitment to creating a fun and interactive learning experience for children. Penguin Random House Children's UK, as the publisher, ensures that the book is of high quality and meets the learning needs of children.
- Bog
- 63,95 kr.
- Supports the National Curriculum, Helps Develop Strong Maths Skills
88,95 kr. Helps you spend 10 minutes a day and become a fractions star, including 10-minute timer. This book helps your child understand fractions.
- Bog
- 88,95 kr.
108,95 kr. Write Your Own Story Book is an inspiring piece by Louie Stowell that was first published in 2011 by Usborne Publishing Ltd. This book, which falls under the genre of Children's Books, is a must-have for young, aspiring writers. It provides a unique platform for children to express their creativity and develop their writing skills. The book is filled with tips and tricks for writing stories, including planning and character development. Louie Stowell, known for his engaging writing style, makes the journey of writing one's own story an exciting adventure. This English language book is not just a book, but a tool that unlocks the endless world of imagination in a child's mind. Don't miss the chance to get your hands on this amazing book by Usborne Publishing Ltd.
- Bog
- 108,95 kr.
118,95 kr. Features photographs that reveal the secrets of the micro world, from algae to atoms, dust to DNA and flies' eyes to flu viruses. This title offers practical information on buying and taking care of microscopes, and over 20 step-by-step projects for use with your own microscope.
- Bog
- 118,95 kr.
173,95 kr. Student's Study Book I has been developed for use by teachers, students and independent learners. It is designed to be used in conjunction with Cambridge Latin Course Book I and provides comprehensions, exercises in grammar and vocabulary and further investigations into the Roman civilisation topics studied in Book I.
- Bog
- 173,95 kr.
98,95 kr. Oxford School Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet is an exceptional piece of literature by the renowned author, William Shakespeare. This classic tale of love and tragedy was published by Oxford University Press on the 12th of September, 2008. The book belongs to the genre of drama and romance, and it beautifully captures the timeless story of two young lovers, Romeo and Juliet, whose families are embroiled in a bitter feud. This edition by Oxford School Shakespeare makes the play more accessible to students with its clear and comprehensive notes. The book is a must-have for Shakespeare enthusiasts and students alike. It provides a deeper understanding of the text and the context in which it was written. The publisher, Oxford University Press, is known for its high-quality educational publications, and this book is no exception. It is a valuable addition to any literature lover's collection.
- Bog
- 98,95 kr.
168,95 kr. This annotated edition of "King Richard II" takes a fresh look at the first part of Shakespeare's second tetralogy of history plays, showing how it relates to the other plays in the sequence.
- Bog
- 168,95 kr.