Bøger af Ian Rankin
138,95 kr. Det trækker op til bandekrig mellem den skrupelløse opkomling, Tommy Telford, og byens ukronede gangsterkonge, Big Ger Cafferty. I krigens kølvand følger drab, narko og indsmugling af bosniske piger som sexslaver. Kriminalkommissær John Rebus bliver personligt involveret i flere af sagerne.Samtidig arbejder han på en sag om en pensioneret professor fra universitetet i Edinburgh, der måske i virkeligheden er en eftersøgt krigsforbryder og hovedansvarlig for en grufuld SS-massakre i en fransk landsby i 1944.Da Rebus’ egen datters liv bringes i fare, indgår han en pagt med djævelen, og hans eneste motiv bliver hævn."Fremragende moderne krimi, der bekræfter John Rebus' position som en af de mest fascinerende hovedpersoner i den moderne kriminallitteratur. Rankin fortjener mange læsere."Niels Lillelund, Jyllandsposten"Toppen af britisk krimi-litteratur. De hængtes have bør finde en stor dansk læserskare!"Holger Ruppert, B.T."En effektiv og anbefalelelsesværdig nattesøvnsdræber."Bo Tao Michaëlis, Politiken"Ian Rankin er i en klasse for sig selv. Rebus-bøgerne er anderledes, spændende og ikke til at lægge fra sig."Mie Petersen, Kristeligt Dagblad"Ian Rankin er et af de allerbedste nyere navne i britisk kriminallitteratur."Hans Larsen, Ekstra BladetNiende bog i serien om John Rebus.
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- 138,95 kr.
58,95 - 138,95 kr. Hvem er helgen, og hvem er synder?Rebus er tilbage i Lothian and Borders Police HQ i sin gamle afdeling, men degraderet og med Siobhan Clarke som sin direkte overordnede. De bliver kaldt ud til en banal sag om en trafikulykke. Datteren af en blakket rigmand er eneste tilskadekomne, men var det nu hende, der kørte, og ikke hendes kæreste, som er søn af den skotske justitsminister? Og hvad havde de egentlig gang i? Med folkeafstemningen om skotsk uafhængighed lige om hjørnet bliver sagen hurtigt betændt.Samtidigt genåbner Malcolm Fox en 30-år gammel mordsag, hvor Rebus er kandidat til en plads på anklagebænken. I sine unge dage var Rebus som nyudklækket politimand ansat på en politistation, hvor man gjorde tingene effektivt på den go’e gamle beskidte facon. Med eller uden fløjlshandsker fulgte de deres eget codex fra ‘Skyggebiblen’, som man havde svoret evig troskab og tavshed på. De kaldte sig ‘Helgenerne’ og gled dybere og dybere ind i selvtægtens brutale parallelunivers."... flaben fejler heldigvis ikke noget, og Ian Rankins force er netop den hårdkogte elegance i et raffineret plot ..."♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Bo Tao Michaëlis, Politiken"Det kan bare ikke gøres bedre."Lilly Jensen, Helsingør Dagblad"... formidabelt skrevet, miljøbeskrivelserne er levende ... personerne føles som rigtige mennesker og plottet er veludført. Blandt de mange krimiserier der er ude på markedet, hører Rebus-serien til blandt de bedste, og hovedpersonen John Rebus hæver sig over krimiklicheerne og fremstår som en af genrens mest troværdige protagonister, der lige som sin forfatter ældes som god vin."Jacob Holm Krogsøe, Lektørudtalelse"Man burde kræve, at alle krimiforfattere læste eller rettere nærstuderede skotske Ian Rankin. Ja, måske skulle de ligefrem testes i Rankin-metoden, inden de gav sig i kast med skriveriet og – for flertallets vedkommende – udvandede genren med floskelfyldte, overgearede makværker. Med Ian Rankin får man i alle tilfælde, og ikke mindst i den nye John Rebus-krimi, 'Med hånden på Biblen', den ægte vare, hvor spændingen er høj uden at være pisket op med bloddryppende makaberhed, hvor dialogerne står skarpe uden at være skamskudte, og hvor både underholdningsværdien og hverdagsrealismen er intakt."Mette Reinholdt, Berlingske”Dette er en årgangs-Rebus, og meget bedre fås krimier ikke.”*****Kim Skotte, Politiken (om den engelske udgave)Nittende bog i serien om John Rebus og samtidig fjerde bog i serien om Malcolm Fox
58,95 - 128,95 kr. En delegation af russiske investorer er i byen, og en kontroversiel russisk lyriker bliver fundet myrdet. I opklaringsarbejdet må Rebus søge at balancere mellem det officielle Skotland, de ambitiøse lokale bankfolk og de mere eller mindre dubiøse russere. Fælles for dem er, at de er farlige at komme for tæt på, og det bliver ikke mindre farligt af, at den lokale storgangster Cafferty tydeligvis har noget med sagen at gøre.Alle presser på for at få lukket sagen hurtigst muligt, men Rebus og Siobhan Clarke er overbeviste om, at der er mere på spil end blot et fejlslagent røveri.Der er kun få dage til, at Rebus skal pensioneres, og kan han nå at binde de løse ender sammen, samtidig med at han bliver anklaget for et overfald og suspenderes?"En superb, spændende og sofistikeret politikrimi fra mesterens hånd."Politiken"Fremragende ... Et klassisk Rebus-plot, som man følger med i med sindet stemt sørgmodigt, i bevidstheden om at det altså er sidste gang." *****Jyllands-Posten"Et smukt farvel og en nydelig svanesang for Rebus." ****Thisted Dagblad"Exit Music er som at miste en god ven. Det er John Rebus Blues." ****Jydske VestkystenSyttende bog i serien om John Rebus
58,95 - 138,95 kr. Mens Rebus kæmper sig gennem endnu en Edinburgh-vinter, bliver han kastet ind i et net af intriger, som rejser flere spørgsmål end svar. Blev Lord Provosts datter kidnappet, eller er der tale om endnu en ung pige, der er stukket af hjemmefra? Hvorfor har et byrådsmedlem først nu travlt med at tilintetgøre dokumenter, som burde være makulerede for længst? Og hvorfor i alverden bliver Rebus inviteret til lerdueskydning hos Mr. Scotland, den højestrangerende embedsmand i landet? Kriminalkommissær John Rebus må se i øjnene, at nogle af hans fjender er hævet over de love, som gælder almindelige dødelige.
58,95 - 138,95 kr. Ingen kan lide ’Klagerne’ – de politifolk, som har til opgave at undersøge andre politifolk. Complaints and Conduct Department hedder afdelingen i Edinburgh, der er politiets specialenhed for interne affærer. Her arbejder Malcolm Fox. Han har netop afsluttet en stor sag om en række brodne kar i korpset og burde egentlig være tilfreds med sig selv.
78,95 - 138,95 kr. Da det engang så fine Central Hotel i Edinburgh brændte ned til grunden, var det gerådet i dybt økonomisk uføre, og årsagen til branden blev aldrig opklaret. Ingen interesserede sig for det gamle fallitbo.Da der fem år senere bliver fundet et forkullet lig i ruinerne med en kugle i kraniet, bliver Rebus nære kollega Brian Holmes sat på sagen. Kort efter bliver Holmes usædvanligt brutalt overfaldet, og mens han kæmper for sit liv, begynder Rebus stik mod sine overordnedes ordrer at interessere sig for den gamle hotelbrand.Rebus finder Brian Holmes' notesbog, der indeholder kryptiske notater om sagen, og mens han langsomt afdækker oplysningerne fra 'den sorte bog' begynder han at lægge brikkerne til et puslespil, som nogle meget magtfulde kræfter med alle midler vil forhindre ham i at lægge."Rebus er jo sin egen, forbrydelserne trives godt i det skotske, og det hele er ganske forrygende og pokkers stemningsfuld læsning fra start til slut."Information"Ian Rankins krimi 'Den sorte bog' er en speget og ganske fremragende affære. ... Rebus er her i 1993 klart et oldebarn af Philip Marlowe, ja hele Rankins stilistiske elan og stilsikre replikker er opdateret og senmoderne Raymond Chandler i kilt og tartan."♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Bo Tao Michaëlis, Politiken"Rankin demonstrerer igen sine mesterlige evner som plotmager. Han håndterer snildt historier om en hjemvendt pædofil-dømt, knivstikkeri ved en slagter, en gammel hotel-og mordbrand, en overvågningsoperation og overfaldet på en kollega."Mogens Rude, Jydske VestkystenFemte bog i serien om John Rebus.
223,95 kr. Ny Rebus-krimiHan har brugt hele sit liv på at bure dem inde. Nu gør han dem selskab! Og når man førster inde, kan man ikke gemme sig.Rebus har skaffet sig mange fjender i den kriminelle underverden gennem en lang politikarriere, og da han selv bliver anbragt i fængsel, cirkler de som gribbe omkring ham.Dage og nætter løber sammen bag de tykke mure, og det er svært at skille ven fra fjende,men gamle vaner forgår ikke så let, og da et mord bliver begået, må Rebus klare hovedet og træde ind i kampen.Han har ikke længere sit politiskilt, sit våben eller sin autoritet, og både vagter og indsatte gemmer på hemmeligheder. Det er en balancegang med livet som indsats, når Rebus skal finde en morder blandt mordere."Igen skriver Rankin i et elegant, glidende sprog med både et rask behageligt tempo og en konkret og kompliceret sandsynlighed. Sat op på gnistrende møder med de implicerede mistænkte, som så at sige hver især får en scene i plot og drama, som til sidst skaber en sørgmunter og spændende helhed."♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Bo Tao Michaëlis, Politiken"
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- 223,95 kr.
278,95 kr. The highly anticipated brand new John Rebus thriller from the iconic Number One bestseller Ian Rankin
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- 278,95 kr.
101,95 kr. DI Rebus is buried under a pile of paperwork but an escalating dispute between the upstart Tommy Telford and Big Ger Cafferty's gang gives Rebus an escape clause. Telford is known to have close links with a Chechen gangster bringing refugees into Britain as prostitutes. When Rebus takes under his wing a distraught Bosnian call girl, it gives him a personal reason to make sure Telford goes back to Paisley and pronto. Then Rebus's daughter is the victim of an all too professional hit-and-run and Rebus knows that there is now nothing he won't do to bring down prime suspect Tommy Telford - even if it means cutting a deal with the devil.
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- 101,95 kr.
198,95 kr. John Rebus spent his life as a detective putting Edinburgh's most deadly criminals behind bars. Now, he's joined them... As new allies and old enemies circle, and the days and nights bleed into each other, even the legendary detective struggles to keep his head. That is, until a murder at midnight in a locked cell presents a new mystery. They say old habits die hard... However, this is a case where the prisoners and the guards are all suspects, and everyone has something to hide. With no badge, no authority and no safety net, Rebus walks a tightrope - with his life on the line. But how do you find a killer in a place full of them?
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- 198,95 kr.
178,95 kr. Publishers Weekly's starred review: "Set in and around colleges and universities, the 17 new stories and one reprint in this top-notch anthology explore the forbidding side of academia. As Block (the Bernie Rhodenbarr mysteries) notes in his droll introduction, each of the varied, well-told tales is "as individual as fingerprints." Among the standouts are David Morrell's devious "Requiem for a Homecoming," in which two alumni cast suspicion on each other while debating a 20-year-old murder; Ian Rankin's riveting "The Reasoners," concerning the cover-up of a murder at a secret society in an ancient British university; and Reed Farrel Coleman's chilling "An Even Three," about a psychopath at a liberal arts college. Elsewhere, themes veer from rivalry, rape, and survival of the fittest, to plagiarism, academic ghostwriting, and unsavory alternative employment beyond the ivy-covered walls. Creepy oddities include Owen King's tale of heroism, "That Golden Way," A.J. Hartley's supernatural "Rounded with a Sleep," and Jane Hamilton's superlative "Writing Maeve Dubinsky," about the appropriation of another person's work. Crime fiction fans won't want to miss this exemplary compilation." Subterranean Press's announcement: "In recent years, colleges and universities have become known for their "trigger warnings" and "safe spaces"-but as the 18 authors who penned stories for this powerful new anthology can tell you, there's plenty of danger still lurking behind the stolid stonework, leather-bound volumes, and thickets of ivy. Award-winning editor Lawrence Block has assembled a Who's Who of literary luminaries and turned them loose on the world of academia, where petty rivalries and grand betrayals inflame relations between professors and students, deans and donors. From Ian Rankin to Joe Lansdale, Seanan McGuire to David Morrell, each author reveals the dark truths and buried secrets that make institutions of higher learning such a hotbed of controversy. You'll encounter plagiarism, sexual misconduct, and brutal competition-not to mention secret societies, cover-ups of murder, and one near-future course of study that makes The Handmaid's Tale look like Mother Goose. So: collect your supplies, plan your schedule, and prepare to pull an all-nighter, because The Darkling Halls of Ivy is required reading."Booklist Starred Review by Connie Fletcher: "Mystery maven Block, author of multiple series, is also the winner of an Edgar and a Grand Master Award from the Mystery Writers of America. Here, wearing his editor's hat, he assembles a collection of 18 short stories set in the often-fraught world of academia. The authors included, many of them well known, such as Ian Rankin, John Lescroart, and Peter Lovesey, take full advantage of campus scenery, in all its tree-filled, neo-Gothic glory. They also exploit the seething resentments and strange office politics of faculty and the power imbalances between faculty and students. For example, David Morrell's "Requiem for a Homecoming" uses a conversation between two alums about the fatal stabbing of a female student 20 years before to set up a wallop of a reveal. Other highlights include Reed Farrel Coleman's "An Even Three," which stars a bitter and possibly homicidal professor, and Ian Rankin's "The Reasoners," which showcases an eerie secret society. Readers who want more in this vein should check out the late Amanda Cross' academic mysteries as well as Julie Schumacher's Dear Committee Members (2014) and The Shakespeare Requirement (2018). An outstanding anthology."Thomas Pluck for Criminal Element: ""Short version: The Darkling Halls of Ivy is another great anthology edited by Lawrence Block, with everything from hitmen to witchery and publish or perish taken to the extreme, a delightfully enjoyable read for both those who miss their college days as well as those who look back with loathing."
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- 178,95 kr.
108,95 kr. - Bog
- 108,95 kr.
468,95 kr. "John Rebus stands accused: on trial for a crime that could put him behind bars for the rest of his life. But what drove a good man to cross the line? Detective Inspector Siobhan Clarke may well find out. Clarke is tasked with the city's most explosive case in years, an infamous cop, at the center of decades of misconduct, has gone missing. Finding him will expose not only her superiors, but her mentor John Rebus. And Rebus himself may not have her own interests at heart, as the repayment of a past debt places him in the crosshairs of both crime lords and his police brethren. One way or another, a reckoning is coming - and John Rebus may be hearing the call for last orders"--
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- 468,95 kr.
238,95 - 243,95 kr. John Rebus er anklaget for en forbrydelse, og han kan ende i spjældet på livstid. Gik han for vidt? Rebus har før taget loven i egen hånd, men det ser ikke ud til, at det kommer til at ske igen – spillereglerne har ændret sig.Samtidig står Siobhan Clarke over for den mest eksplosive sag i årevis. En korrupt betjent er forsvundet og med ham også beviser, som kan vælte hele byens politistyrke. Der er et opgør på vej, og det ser ud, som om der også bliver gjort op med Rebus.Det skrev pressen om ‘En sang til dystre tider’:"Igen skriver Rankin i et elegant, glidende sprog med både et rask behageligt tempo og en konkret og kompliceret sandsynlighed. Sat op på gnistrende møder med de implicerede mistænkte, som så at sige hver især får en scene i plot og drama, som til sidst skaber en sørgmunter og spændende helhed."♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥Bo Tao Michaëlis, Politiken
198,95 kr. A Good Hanging contains twelve remarkable, gritty stories starring Detective Inspector John Rebus in his home city of Edinburgh, as only Ian Rankin can portray it: not just the tearooms and cobbled streets of the tourist brochures, but a modern urban metropolis with a full range of criminals and their victims--blackmailers, peeping Toms, and more than one kind of murderer. It's a city like any other, a city that gives birth to crimes of passion, accidents, and long-hidden jealousy, and a city in which criminal minds find it all too easy to fade into the shadows. As dedicated readers of the series well know, nobody is better equipped to delve into Edinburgh's back alleys and smoky pubs than Rebus, and no one better able to illuminate his world than Ian Rankin.
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- 198,95 kr.
258,95 kr. On the eve of the first Scottish parliament in three hundred years, Edinburgh is a city rife with political passions and expectations. Queensbury House, the home of Scotland's new rulers, falls in the middle of John Rebus' turf, keeping him busy with ceremonial tasks. That quickly changes, however, when a long-dead body is discovered in a Queensbury House fireplace, a homeless man throws himself off a bridge - leaving behind a suitcase full of cash - and an up-and-coming politician is found murdered. The links between the three deaths lead Rebus to a confrontation with one of Edinburgh's most notorious criminals, a man he thought he'd put in jail for life. Someone's going to make a lot of money out of Scotland's independence - and, as Inspector Rebus knows all too well, where there's big money at stake, darkness gathers.Set in Darkness is another chilling and intelligent crime novel from master of the genre Ian Rankin.
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- 258,95 kr.
253,95 kr. Ian Rankin's John Rebus, arguably the most realistic detective in crime fiction, is a brilliant but troubled man. When a young woman goes missing near his native Edinburgh, Scotland, Rebus finds himself just one small cog in the huge wheel of an inquiry set in motion by her powerfully rich father. Struggling to deal with both his own often-terrifying inner demons as well as the monstrous bureaucracy of the investigative team, Rebus finds himself drawn again and again into the case, desperately searching for the girl's salvation, as well as his own. In time Rebus uncovers two leads: one, a carved wooden doll stuffed tightly into a tiny casket, and the other the missing girl's possible involvement in a dark, disturbing Internet-based role-playing game. He enlists the help of the tech-savvy DC Siobhan Clarke, who is young enough to know her way around the net, but who may not be old and wise enough to avoid potentially deadly pitfalls and traps. Meanwhile, Rebus tracks down stories of similar caskets and dolls turning up in the area deep into Edinburgh's past, some stretching back to a time when body-snatchers turned into brutal killers.As Rebus and Clarke delve deeper and deeper into these perilous and obscure worlds, ancient and modern evils begin to converge and soon Rebus finds he's besieged by an impenetrable mass of secrets, lies, and deadly deceit that only he can make sense of. In The Falls, a brilliant addition to an award-winning series, both John Rebus and his creator, Ian Rankin, are at the top of their intense and satisfying form.
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- 253,95 kr.
253,95 kr. A chilling glimpse into the darkest extremes of human cruelty, The Hanging Garden is a page-turning literary thriller. This ninth entry in Ian Rankin's award-winning series confirms his reputation as a writer of rare and lasting gifts.Drugs. Extortion. Slavery. Organized crime is fighting for a hold on Inspector John Rebus's peaceful Scotland. And when Rebus rescues a young Bosnian girl forced into prostitution, he breaks a policeman's golden rule to never get personally involved in a case. Add to that the hunt for an elderly Nazi accused of slaughtering an entire French village, and Rebus wonders just how evil humans can be. Until his own daughter is mortally injured as a gangland warning for him to back off. Then even a dedicated cop like Rebus might make a deal with the devil to find the culprit. Not for justice. For revenge.
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- 253,95 kr.
293,95 kr. It may be Inspector Rebus' toughest case ever in Let It Bleed, from brilliant crime writer Ian Rankin. In the dark days and biting windstorms of an Edinburgh winter, two drop-out kids dive off the towering Forth Road Bridge. A civic office is spattered by a grisly gun-blast. Two suicides and a murder that just don't add up, unless John Rebus can crunch the numbers. Following a trail that snakes through stark alleys and sad bars, shredded files and lacerated lives, Rebus finds himself up against an airtight, murderous conglomerate on the make in every arena of power. It's leeching the life and soul out of his city and, if it can, him too...
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- 293,95 kr.
268,95 kr. Bible John killed three women, and took three souvenirs. Johnny Bible killed to steal his namesake's glory. Oilman Allan Mitchelson died for his principles. And convict Lenny Spaven died just to prove a point. "Bible John" terrorized Glasgow in the sixties and seventies, murdering three women he met in a local ballroom--and he was never caught. Now a copycat is at work. Nicknamed "Bible Johnny" by the media, he is a new menace with violent ambitions. The Bible Johnny case would be perfect for Inspector John Rebus, but after a run-in with a crooked senior officer, he's been shunted aside to one of Edinburgh's toughest suburbs, where he investigates the murder of an off-duty oilman. His investigation takes him north to the oil rigs of Aberdeen, where he meets the Bible Johnny media circus head-on. Suddenly caught in the glare of the television cameras and in the middle of more than one investigation, Rebus must proceed with caution: One mistake could mean an unpleasant and not particularly speedy death, or, worse still, losing his job. Written with Ian Rankin's signature wit, style and intricacy, Black and Blue is a novel of uncommon and unforgettable intrigue.
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- 268,95 kr.
183,95 kr. - Bog
- 183,95 kr.
223,95 kr. Gregor Jack has it all: young, wealthy, and charming, he's a highly respected member of Parliament, with a beautiful wife--and a closet bursting with skeletons. When he's caught in a police raid on an Edinburgh brothel, his house of cards begins to topple. Enter Detective John Rebus: he smells a set-up. When Jack's flamboyant wife Elizabeth disappears, Rebus uncovers a full-house of orgies, drunken parties, an incestuous "Pack" of deceitful chums...and ultimately Elizabeth's badly beaten body. Now Rebus is on a new quest--to find a killer who holds all the cards. Strip Jack is a stellar entry in Ian Rankin's Inspector Rebus series, which The New York Times calls "A superior series."
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- 223,95 kr.
198,95 kr. Knots and Crosses introduces gifted mystery novelist Ian Rankin, a fascinating locale and the most compellingly complex detective hero at work today.Inspector John Rebus: His city is being terrorized by a baffling series of murders...and he's tied to a maniac by an invisible knot of blood. Once John Rebus served in Britain's elite SAS. Now he's an Edinburgh cop who hides from his memories, misses promotions and ignores a series of crank letters. But as the ghoulish killings mount and the tabloid headlines scream, Rebus cannot stop the feverish shrieks from within his own mind. Because he isn't just one cop trying to catch a killer, he's the man who's got all the pieces to the puzzle....
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- 198,95 kr.
238,95 kr. From a beautiful city's darkest side to the private sanctums of the upper crust, Rebus is seeking the perfect hiding place for a killer, in Hide and Seek, the second novel in the series from Ian Rankin.At night the summer sky stays light over Edinburgh. But in a shadowy, crumbling housing development, a junkie lies dead of an overdose, his bruised body surrounded by signs of Satanic worship. Inspector Rebus could call the death and accident--but won't. Instead, he tracks down a violent-tempered young woman who knew the dead boy and heard him cry out his terrifying last words: "Hide! Hide!" Now, with the help of a bright, conflicted young detective, Rebus is following the girl through a brutal world of bad deals, bad dope and bad company.
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- 238,95 kr.
208,95 kr. - Bog
- 208,95 kr.
198,95 kr. - Bog
- 198,95 kr.
228,95 kr. This selection in Scottish Gaelic from Ian Rankin's crime stories is taken from the collections A GOOD HANGING (1992) and BEGGARS BANQUET (2002). Playback, The Dean Curse, Seeing Things, Auld Lang Syne and The Gentlemen's Club - and Trip Trap, Facing the Music, Window of Opportunity, No Sanity Clause and Someone Got to Eddie.
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- 228,95 kr.
108,95 - 233,95 kr. In this scorching crime hook-up, number one bestseller Ian Rankin and Scottish crime-writing legend William McIlvanney join forces for the first ever case of DI Laidlaw, Glasgow's original gritty detective
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- 108,95 kr.
198,95 kr. Sometimes murder is the easy way out...A brilliant Rebus novel from the No.1 bestselling author of A SONG FOR THE DARK TIMES.'Britain's No.1 crime writer' Daily Mirror'Ian Rankin is a genius' Lee ChildA mugging gone wrong ... or murder?A dissident Russian poet is found dead - at the same time a delegation of Russian businessmen arrives in town. For some, it is crucial that the case is closed quickly, clinically and with the minimum of attention.But DI Rebus and DS Siobhan Clarke believe this is something more than a random attack - especially after a particularly nasty second killing. Then, a brutal and premeditated assault on a local gangster puts Rebus in the frame - and he may not survive long enough to solve anything...
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- 198,95 kr.
198,95 kr. Special edition of the award-winning Rebus novel from the No.1 bestselling author of A SONG FOR THE DARK TIMES - includes exclusive extra material.'Britain's best crime novelist' DAILY EXPRESS'Ian Rankin is a genius' Lee ChildIn the 1960s, the infamous Bible John terrorised Scotland when he murdered three women, taking three souvenirs. Thirty years later, a copycat is at work, dubbed Johnny Bible. DI John Rebus's unconventional methods have got him in trouble before - now he's taken away from the inquiry and sent to investigate the killing of an off-duty oilman. But when his case clashes head-on with the Johnny Bible killings, he finds himself in the glare of a fearful media, whilst under the scrutiny of an internal enquiry. Just one mistake is likely to mean losing his job - and quite possibly his life.
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- 198,95 kr.