Bøger af Elton John
188,95 kr. I sin første og eneste autoriserede selvbiografi løfter musikikonet Elton John sløret for sandheden om sit helt usædvanlige liv. Mig er en ærlig, bevægende og vanvittigt underholdende historie om en af de mest succesfulde og langtidsholdbare singer/songwriters nogensinde. Elton John, der oprindeligt er døbt Reginald Dwight, var en lille genert dreng, der voksede op i en London-forstad og drømte om at blive popstjerne. Og det blev han. Allerede som 23-årig var han på sin første koncertturné i USA, hvor han i tætsiddende sølv-hotpants mødte et lamslået publikum. Elton John var ankommet, og musikverdenen skulle aldrig blive den samme igen. Elton Johns liv har været fuldt af drama.Fra de første tidlige afslag fra pladeselskaber på sange skrevet i samarbejde med den senere mangeårige sangskriverpartner Bernie Taupin til et liv som superstar på toppen af de internationale hitlister, et liv, der spandt fuldstændigt ud af kontrol. Fra et halvhjertet forsøg på at drukne sig selv i sin swimmingpool i Los Angeles til diskodans med the Queen, fra venskaberne med John Lennon, Freddie Mercury og George Michael til arbejdet med at stifte sin egen AIDS Foundation. I mange af årene i kombination med et seriøst stofmisbrug. Det er også stærk læsning, når Elton skriver om at blive clean og ændre sit liv, om at finde kærligheden med David Furnish og om at blive far. Varmt, ydmygt og åbent fortæller han om sin musik, sine forhold, sine passioner og sine fejltagelser. Dette er en historie, der vil sidde længe i læseren, efter at bogen er slut – fortalt af en levende musiklegende.
523,95 kr. "In this lavish celebration authored by the icon himself, Elton John shares his fondest memories, most unforgettable moments, and previously untold stories of his record-breaking final tour. Readers will get a behind-the-scenes glimpse into every aspect of this globe-spanning spectacle, including Elton's legendary touring wardrobe by Gucci, official photography, and more. As the tour weaves across the world, Elton reaches back in time to reflect on key moments from his life on the road while sharing never-before-seen images, costumes, and memorabilia. Join Elton on his remarkable, career-affirming farewell"--
- Bog
- 523,95 kr.
278,95 kr. BESTSELLER DEL NEW YORK TIMESLa primera y única autobiografía de Elton John.Un retrato sincero, alegre y profundo del compositor y cantante con la más larga y exitosa trayectoria musical de la historia.Reginald Dwight, su verdadero nombre, fue un chico tímido con gafas a lo Buddy Holly que creció en Pinner, un pequeño municipio a las afueras de Londres, y soñaba en convertirse en una estrella del pop. Con solo veintitrés años dio su primer concierto en Estados Unidos, ante un público sorprendido por su insólito aspecto: un mono amarillo chillón, una camiseta estampada de estrellas y un par de botas aladas. Elton John había llegado y el mundo de la música jamás volvería a ser el mismo.Su vida está repleta de momentos dramáticos, desde el rechazo que sufrieron sus primeros trabajos con su colaborador y letrista Bernie Taupin hasta la locura que le envolvió cuando era una superestrella que dominaba las listas de ventas, pasando por su flirteo con el suicidio en la piscina de su residencia en Los Ángeles, por la noche en que bailó con la reina de Inglaterra en el castillo de Windsor, por su amistad con John Lennon, Freddie Mercury y George Michael, o por su decisión de montar una fundación contra el sida. Mientras tanto, Elton escondía una adicción que lo atrapó durante más de una década.En Yo, Elton también escribe de manera inspiradora sobre su proceso de rehabilitación y cómo cambió de vida, sobre cómo encontró el amor en los brazos de David Furnish y se convirtió en padre. Su voz en este libro es cálida, modesta y franca, y nos habla de su música y de las personas que entraron en su vida, de sus pasiones y de sus errores. Esta historia permanecerá contigo para siempre, de la mano de una leyenda viva.«Lo mejor del rock and roll es que alguien como yo puede convertirse en una estrella.»ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONINSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERIn his first and only official autobiography, music icon Elton John reveals the truth about his extraordinary life, from his rollercoaster lifestyle as shown in the film Rocketman, to becoming a living legend.Christened Reginald Dwight, he was a shy boy with Buddy Holly glasses who grew up in the London suburb of Pinner and dreamed of becoming a pop star. By the age of twenty-three he was performing his first gig in America, facing an astonished audience in his bright yellow dungarees, a star-spangled T-shirt, and boots with wings. Elton John had arrived and the music world would never be the same again.His life has been full of drama, from the early rejection of his work with song-writing partner Bernie Taupin to spinning out of control as a chart-topping superstar; from half-heartedly trying to drown himself in his LA swimming pool to disco-dancing with Princess Diana and Queen Elizabeth; from friendships with John Lennon, Freddie Mercury, and George Michael to setting up his AIDS Foundation to conquering Broadway with Aida, The Lion King, and Billy Elliot the Musical. All the while Elton was hiding a drug addiction that would grip him for over a decade.In Me, Elton also writes powerfully about getting clean and changing his life, about finding love with David Furnish and becoming a father. In a voice that is warm, humble, and open, this is Elton on his music and his relationships, his passions and his mistakes. This is a story that will stay with you by a living legend.
- Bog
- 278,95 kr.
238,95 kr. INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER NOW UPDATED WITH A NEW CHAPTER In his first and only official autobiography, music icon Elton John reveals the truth about his extraordinary life, from his rollercoaster lifestyle as shown in the film Rocketman, to becoming a living legend.Christened Reginald Dwight, he was a shy boy with Buddy Holly glasses who grew up in the London suburb of Pinner and dreamed of becoming a pop star. By the age of twenty-three he was performing his first gig in America, facing an astonished audience in his bright yellow dungarees, a star-spangled T-shirt, and boots with wings. Elton John had arrived and the music world would never be the same again.His life has been full of drama, from the early rejection of his work with song-writing partner Bernie Taupin to spinning out of control as a chart-topping superstar; from half-heartedly trying to drown himself in his LA swimming pool to disco-dancing with Princess Diana and Queen Elizabeth; from friendships with John Lennon, Freddie Mercury, and George Michael to setting up his AIDS Foundation to conquering Broadway with Aida, The Lion King, and Billy Elliot the Musical. All the while Elton was hiding a drug addiction that would grip him for over a decade.In Me, Elton also writes powerfully about getting clean and changing his life, about finding love with David Furnish and becoming a father. In a voice that is warm, humble, and open, this is Elton on his music and his relationships, his passions and his mistakes. This is a story that will stay with you by a living legend.
- Bog
- 238,95 kr.
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- 373,95 kr.
- Elton John Official Autobiography
148,95 - 268,95 kr. The first and only official autobiography by the much-loved global icon Elton John
- Bog
- 148,95 kr.
- On Life, Loss and the End of AIDS
128,95 kr. The first ever book by music legend and author of the bestselling Me, Sir Elton John: a personal, passionate and illuminating journey of his fight to end the AIDS epidemic.In the 1980s, Elton John saw friend after friend, loved one after loved one, perish needlessly from AIDS. In the midst of the plague, he befriended Ryan White, a young Indiana boy ostracized by his town and his school because of the HIV infection he had contracted from a blood transfusion. Ryan's inspiring life and devastating death led Elton to two realizations: His own life was a mess. And he had to do something to help stop the AIDS crisis. Since then, Elton has dedicated himself to overcoming the plague and the stigma of AIDS. He has done this through the Elton John AIDS Foundation, which has raised and donated $275 million to date to fighting the disease worldwide. Love Is The Cure is Elton's personal account of his life during the AIDS epidemic, including stories of his close friendships with Ryan White, Freddie Mercury, Princess Diana, Elizabeth Taylor, and others, and the story of the Elton John AIDS Foundation. With powerful conviction and emotional force, Elton conveys the personal toll AIDS has taken on his life - and his infinite determination to stop its spread. Elton writes, 'This is a disease that must be cured not by a miraculous vaccine, but by changing hearts and minds, and through a collective effort to break down social barriers and to build bridges of compassion. Why are we not doing more? This is a question I have thought deeply about, and wish to answer - and help to change - by writing this book.' The sale of Love Is the Cure will benefit the Elton John AIDS Foundation.
- Bog
- 128,95 kr.