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Bøger af Daniel H. Pink

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  • - The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
    af Daniel H. Pink
    133,95 kr.

    The bestselling, agenda-setting study of motivation from the internationally bestselling author of To Sell is Human and When

  • - The Surprising Truth About Persuading, Convincing, and Influencing Others
    af Daniel H. Pink
    133,95 kr.

    The New York Times No.1 Bestseller; 'a human guide to how sales might work and be successful in the 21st century' Observer

  • Spar 10%
    - Den overraskende sandhed om hvad der motiverer os
    af Daniel H. Pink
    449,95 kr.

    Daniel H. Pink trækker på fire årtiers videnskabelig forskning i motivation, når han afslører sandheden om, hvad der virkelig motiverer os – og hvordan vi kan bruge denne viden til at arbejde og leve på en bedre måde.Hemmeligheden bag høj ydeevne og tilfredsstillelse – både på arbejdet, i undervisningsinstitutionerne og i hjemmet – er et dybt forankret menneskeligt behov for selv at styre vores liv, for at lære og skabe nye ting og gøre noget godt for os selv og vores verden. I Motivation undersøger han den sande motivations tre elementer – autonomi, mestring og formål – og giver kloge og overraskende teknikker til at sætte dem i gang med. Undervejs tager han os med til firmaer, der bruger disse nye tilgange til motivation, og præsenterer os for de videnskabsfolk og iværksættere, der viser os en dristig ny vej fremad. Motivation vrimler med store tanker – det er en sjælden bog, som vil ændre din tankegang og forvandle dit liv.”Jeg håber, at rigtig mange virksomheder og ledere vil benytte sig af tankerne i denne bog. For skal vi skabe større resultater her i landet, kræver det motiverede medarbejdere, der får det optimale ud af deres potentiale og kompetencer.”Ulrik Wilbek fra bogens forord

  • - The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing
    af Daniel H. Pink
    133,95 kr.

    When unlocks the scientific secrets to good timing to help you flourish at work, school, and at home; from the internationally bestselling author of Drive and To Sell is Human

  • af Daniel H. Pink
    162,95 kr.

    Daniel H. Pink trækker på fire årtiers videnskabelig forskning i motivation, når han afslører sandheden om, hvad der virkelig motiverer os – og hvordan vi kan bruge denne viden til at arbejde og leve på en bedre måde.Hemmeligheden bag høj ydeevne og tilfredsstillelse – både på arbejdet, i undervisningsinstitutionerne og i hjemmet – er et dybt forankret menneskeligt behov for selv at styre vores liv, for at lære og skabe nye ting og gøre noget godt for os selv og vores verden. I "Motivation" undersøger han den sande motivations tre elementer – autonomi, mestring og formål – og giver kloge og overraskende teknikker til at sætte dem i gang med. Undervejs tager han os med til firmaer, der bruger disse nye tilgange til motivation, og præsenterer os for de videnskabsfolk og iværksættere, der viser os en dristig ny vej fremad."Motivation" vrimler med store tanker – det er en sjælden bog, som vil ændre din tankegang og forvandle dit liv."Jeg håber, at rigtig mange virksomheder og ledere vil benytte sig af tankerne i denne bog. For skal vi skabe større resultater her i landet, kræver det motiverede medarbejdere, der får det optimale ud af deres potentiale og kompetencer."Ulrik Wilbek fra bogens forord

  • - The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
    af Daniel H. Pink
    173,95 kr.

  • af Daniel H. Pink
    153,95 kr.

    “The world needs this book.” — New York Times bestselling author Brené Brown An instant New York Times bestsellerNamed a Best Book of the Year by NPR and Financial TimesFrom the #1 New York Times–bestselling author of When and Drive, a new book about the transforming power of our most misunderstood yet potentially most valuable emotion: regret.Everybody has regrets, Daniel H. Pink explains in The Power of Regret. They’re a universal and healthy part of being human. And understanding how regret works can help us make smarter decisions, perform better at work and school, and bring greater meaning to our lives.Drawing on research in social psychology, neuroscience, and biology, Pink debunks the myth of the “no regrets” philosophy of life. And using the largest sampling of American attitudes about regret ever conducted as well as his own World Regret Survey—which has collected regrets from more than 15,000 people in 105 countries—he lays out the four core regrets that each of us has. These deep regrets offer compelling insights into how we live and how we can find a better path forward.As he did in his bestsellers Drive, When, and A Whole New Mind, Pink lays out a dynamic new way of thinking about regret and frames his ideas in ways that are clear, accessible, and pragmatic. Packed with true stories of people's regrets as well as practical takeaways for reimagining regret as a positive force, The Power of Regret shows how we can live richer, more engaged lives.

  • af Daniel H. Pink
    128,95 kr.

  • - Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future
    af Daniel H. Pink
    213,95 kr.

    New York Times Bestseller An exciting--and encouraging--exploration of creativity from the author of When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect TimingThe future belongs to a different kind of person with a different kind of mind: artists, inventors, storytellers-creative and holistic "right-brain" thinkers whose abilities mark the fault line between who gets ahead and who doesn''t. Drawing on research from around the world, Pink (author of To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Motivating Others) outlines the six fundamentally human abilities that are absolute essentials for professional success and personal fulfillment--and reveals how to master them. A Whole New Mind takes readers to a daring new place, and a provocative and necessary new way of thinking about a future that''s already here.

  • af Daniel H. Pink
    198,95 kr.

    Todo el mundo se arrepiente de algo y eso es buenoEn El poder del arrepentimiento, Pink recurre a la psicología, la neurociencia, la economía y la biología para hablarnos del poder transformador de nuestra emoción más incomprendida pero potencialmente más valiosa: el arrepentimiento. Y también para poner en tela de juicio supuestos ampliamente extendidos sobre las emociones y el comportamiento humano.Utilizando el mayor muestreo jamás realizado sobre el arrepentimiento a partir de una encuesta mundial propia, llevada a cabo por expertos --que ha recogido los arrepentimientos de más de 16.000 personas de 105 países--, Pink ha identificado los cuatro arrepentimientos principales que casi todos sentimos. Si entendemos aquello que más lamentan las personas, podremos comprender qué es lo que más valoran. Y siguiendo el sencillo proceso de tres pasos basado en la ciencia que expone, podremos transformar nuestros arrepentimientos en una fuerza positiva que nos permita trabajar de forma más inteligente y vivir mejor, así como evitar que nos quiten el sueño y anticiparnos a arrepentimientos futuros.Pink expone aquí una novedosa y dinámica forma de concebir el arrepentimiento, plasmando sus ideas de forma clara, accesible y pragmática. Repleto de historias reales de personas arrepentidas, así como de consejos prácticos para reconfigurar el arrepentimiento como una fuerza positiva, este libro nos muestra cómo vivir una vida más rica y comprometida.

  • af Daniel H. Pink
    193,95 kr.

    Nuestras vidas son un ¿ujo interminable de acciones que implican «cuándo»: cuándo emprender un negocio, programar una clase, comprometerse, cambiar de trabajo... Sin embargo, tomamos esas decisiones basándonos en la intuición y en las conjeturas. Creemos que elegir el momento adecuado es un arte, pero en realidad, tal y como demuestra Daniel H. Pink en este libro, se trata de toda una ciencia. A partir de una investigación multidisciplinar, en estas páginas obtendremos las respuestas a preguntas tan mundanas - o tan signi¿cativas - como: ¿cuándo hemos de tomar la primera taza de café?, ¿cuándo deberíamos hacer una pausa en el trabajo?, ¿cuándo hay que empezar una dieta? O ¿cuándo deberíamos pedir un aumento al jefe? Nuestras habilidades cognitivas no permanecen estáticas a lo largo del día y estas ¿uctuaciones son más extremas de lo que creemos. Elegir un momento u otro condicionará sobremanera el resultado que obtengamos. Si quieres dominar la ciencia del tiempo y sacarle el máximo partido a las decisiones que tomas, éste es tu libro. Además, al ¿nal de cada capítulo incluye una colección de herramientas, ejercicios y trucos para ayudarte a poner las ideas en práctica. Cómo elegir el momento adecuado para hacer algo y obtener el resultado que quieres.

  • - How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward
    af Daniel H. Pink
    251,95 kr.

    From Daniel H. Pink, the #1 New York Times-bestselling author of When and Drive, a new book about the transforming power of our most misunderstood yet potentially most valuable emotion: regret.Everybody has regrets, Daniel H. Pink explains in The Power of Regret. They’re a universal and healthy part of being human. And understanding how regret works can help us make smarter decisions, perform better at work and school, and bring greater meaning to our lives. Drawing on research in social psychology, neuroscience, and biology, Pink debunks the myth of the “no regrets” philosophy of life. And using the largest sampling of American attitudes about regret ever conducted as well as his own World Regret Survey—which has collected regrets from more than 15,000 people in 105 countries—he lays out the four core regrets that each of us has. These deep regrets offer compelling insights into how we live and how we can find a better path forward. As he did in his bestsellers Drive, When, and A Whole New Mind, Pink lays out a dynamic new way of thinking about regret and frames his ideas in ways that are clear, accessible, and pragmatic. Packed with true stories of people's regrets as well as practical takeaways for reimagining regret as a positive force, The Power of Regret shows how we can live richer, more engaged lives.

  • af Daniel H. Pink
    213,95 kr.

    The instant New York Times Bestseller#1 Wall Street Journal Business BestsellerInstant Washington Post Bestseller"e;Brims with a surprising amount of insight and practical advice."e; --The Wall Street JournalDaniel H. Pink, the #1 bestselling author of Drive and To Sell Is Human, unlocks the scientific secrets to good timing to help you flourish at work, at school, and at home.Everyone knows that timing is everything. But we don't know much about timing itself. Our lives are a never-ending stream of "e;when"e; decisions: when to start a business, schedule a class, get serious about a person. Yet we make those decisions based on intuition and guesswork.Timing, it's often assumed, is an art. In When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Pink shows that timing is really a science.Drawing on a rich trove of research from psychology, biology, and economics, Pink reveals how best to live, work, and succeed. How can we use the hidden patterns of the day to build the ideal schedule? Why do certain breaks dramatically improve student test scores? How can we turn a stumbling beginning into a fresh start? Why should we avoid going to the hospital in the afternoon? Why is singing in time with other people as good for you as exercise? And what is the ideal time to quit a job, switch careers, or get married?In When, Pink distills cutting-edge research and data on timing and synthesizes them into a fascinating, readable narrative packed with irresistible stories and practical takeaways that give readers compelling insights into how we can live richer, more engaged lives.

  • - The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
    af Daniel H. Pink
    258,95 kr.

    The New York Times bestseller that gives readers a paradigm-shattering new way to think about motivation from the author of When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing Most people believe that the best way to motivate is with rewards like moneythe carrot-and-stick approach. That's a mistake, says Daniel H. Pink (author of To Sell Is Human: The Surprising Truth About Motivating Others). In this provocative and persuasive new book, he asserts that the secret to high performance and satisfaction-at work, at school, and at homeis the deeply human need to direct our own lives, to learn and create new things, and to do better by ourselves and our world. Drawing on four decades of scientific research on human motivation, Pink exposes the mismatch between what science knows and what business doesand how that affects every aspect of life. He examines the three elements of true motivationautonomy, mastery, and purpose-and offers smart and surprising techniques for putting these into action in a unique book that will change how we think and transform how we live.

  • - The Last Career Guide You'll Ever Need
    af Daniel H. Pink
    128,95 kr.

    THE ADVENTURES OF JOHNNY BUNKO is a business book in the Japanese comic format known as manga