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Bøger af Brit Ross Winthereik

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  • - en introduktion til STS
    af Peter Lauritsen, Klaus Lindgaard Høyer, Maja Horst, mfl.
    378,95 kr.

    Videnskabs- og teknologistudier (STS) er et internationalt forskningsfelt, som undersøger hvordan videnskab, samfund og teknologi samskabes. Bogen er tænkt som en ny og opdateret introduktion til STS som felt, og kapitlerne giver forskellige bud på, hvordan videnskab, teknologi og samfund væves ind i hinanden. Klimaforandringer, googlebriller, fertilitetsbehandling, genmodificerede fødevarer, digitalisering og postfaktualitet optræder bl.a. i denne bog som aktuelle eksempler på hvordan videnskab og teknologi påvirker samfundsforhold stærkere end nogensinde før. Men eksemplerne viser også, at teknologi, videnskab og vores opfattelse af naturen i lige så høj grad er præget af sociale forhold og processer.Bogen er redigeret af Peter Danholt, lektor på Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Aarhus Universitet, og Christopher Gad, lektor på IT-universitetet, København.Derudover er der kapitler forfattet af Stine Willum Adrian, Casper Andersen, Mikkel Bille, Andreas Birkbak, Anders Blok, Lasse Blond, Claus Bossen, Maja Horst, Klaus Høyer, Casper Bruun Jensen, Torben Elgaard Jensen, Henriette Langstrup, Peter Lauritsen, Kristian Hvidtfelt Nielsen, Finn Olesen, Helene Ratner, Søren Riis, Kasper Schiølin og Brit Ross Winthereik.

  • af Brit Ross Winthereik, Åsa Mäkitalo & Margunn Aanestad
    276,95 kr.

    DIGITAL INCLUSION is a book about life in digital societies. Takinga Scandinavian outlook, it zooms in on everyday experiences of public sectordigitalization in some of the world’s most digitalized countries. Grounded instudies of how exclusionary effects of digitalization are dealt with in local circumstances,the book offers insight into aspects of the digital transformationthat are mostly invisible.Over the course of seven chapters, the book gives examples of how relativeshelp each other get access to online services. It emphasizes the broad rangeof situations in which digital support takes place, including by volunteers andprofessionals in the front line of the public sector. An overview of politicaldigitalization strategies in Scandinavia frames the discussion of how to movetowards consideration of citizen values and interests. It presents conceptsand methods to move away from the narrow idea of the citizen as a ‘user’thereby paving the way for better support of human-technology interactionand increasing public engagement in digital society decision making.Digital Inclusion is a contribution to current attempts at making digitalizationserve the public better. It is written for policy makers and managers in thepublic sector but equally suited for citizens with a desire to understand society’sdigital transformation and its everyday consequences and possibilities.Brit Ross Winthereik is professor of Human-Centered Digitalization in theDivision of Technology & Business Studies at the Dept. of Technology, Managementand Economics at the Technical University of Denmark.Margunn Aanestad is professor of Information Systems at the University ofOslo, Norway and an affiliated Professor at the Department of Informatics theUniversity of Agder, Norway.Åsa Mäkitalo is professor of Education at the University of Gothenburg, Swedenand Professor II at the Department of Education at the University of Oslo,Norway.

  • af Brit Ross Winthereik, Åsa Mäkitalo & Margunn Aanestad
    293,95 kr.

    DIGITAL INCLUSION is a book about life in digital societies. Taking a Scandinavian outlook, it zooms in on everyday experiences of public sector digitalization in some of the world’s most digitalized countries. Grounded instudies of how exclusionary effects of digitalization are dealt with in local circumstances, the book offers insight into aspects of the digital transformation that are mostly invisible.Over the course of seven chapters, the book gives examples of how relatives help each other get access to online services. It emphasizes the broad range of situations in which digital support takes place, including by volunteers and professionals in the front line of the public sector. An overview of political digitalization strategies in Scandinavia frames the discussion of how to move towards consideration of citizen values and interests. It presents concepts and methods to move away from the narrow idea of the citizen as a ‘user’ thereby paving the way for better support of human-technology interaction and increasing public engagement in digital society decision making.Digital Inclusion is a contribution to current attempts at making digitalization serve the public better. It is written for policy makers and managers in the public sector but equally suited for citizens with a desire to understand society’s digital transformation and its everyday consequences and possibilities.Brit Ross Winthereik is professor of Human-Centered Digitalization in the Division of Technology & Business Studies at the Dept. of Technology, Management and Economics at the Technical University of Denmark.Margunn Aanestad is professor of Information Systems at the University of Oslo, Norway and an affiliated Professor at the Department of Informatics the University of Agder, Norway.Åsa Mäkitalo is professor of Education at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Professor II at the Department of Education at the University of Oslo, Norway.

  • - A poetic-scientific vocabulary
    af James Maguire & Brit Ross Winthereik
    178,95 kr.

    Reclaiming Technology: A poetic-scientific vocabulary aims to evoke ways of thinking about, and intervening in, technology worlds through a series of blended writing styles.Consisting of thirty-five short essays, contributors were asked to problematize some aspect of their research with technology – broadly conceived as artifact, process, craft, infrastructure, or concept – without being constrained by the more traditional repertoires of academic publishing. The result is a set of critical and experimental texts whose vocabulary speaks to the poetic, affective, and mundane modes through which technology can inspire and make anew.The ambition to reclaim stems from a collective desire to shift the grounds upon which exuberant technological claims making occurs. The book’s poetic-scientific approach is an effort at rendering technology otherwise so as to enable the emergence of alternate claims-making pathways towards more just and dignified socio-technical futures.The book should appeal to those who are curious about the technology-society nexus in more general terms. More particular audiences include anthropology and STS scholars, students (at all levels) interested in methods and writing, and practitioners looking for conceptual resources to think about technology differently.

  • af Cathrine Hasse, Ayo Wahlberg, Dorthe Brogård Kristensen, mfl.
    2.060,95 kr.

    This Handbook offers an overview of the thriving and diverse field of anthropological studies of technology. It features 39 original chapters, each reviewing the state of the art of current research and enlivening the field of study through ethnographic analysis of human-technology interfaces, forms of social organisation, technological practices and/or systems of belief and meaning in different parts of the world.The Handbook is organised around some of the most important characteristics of anthropological studies of technology today: the diverse knowledge practices that technologies involve and on which they depend; the communities, collectives, and categories that emerge around technologies; anthropology¿s contribution to proliferating debates on ethics, values, and morality in relation to technology; and infrastructures that highlight how all technologies are embedded in broader political economies and socio-historical processes that shape and often reinforce inequality and discrimination while also generating diversity. All chapters share a commitment to human experiences, embodiments, practices, and materialities in the daily lives of those people and institutions involved in the development, manufacturing, deployment, and/or use of particular technologies.Chapters 11 and 31 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

  • af Irina Papazu & Brit Ross Winthereik
    273,95 kr.

    Aktørnetværksteori, eller ANT, er en undersøgelsestilgang, der har situdspring i videnskabs- og teknologistudier eller Science and TechnologyStudies (STS). ANT præsenterer en teoretisk forståelse af samfundetsom udgjort af netværk af såvel menneskelige som ikke-menneskeligeaktører, der påvirker hinanden på alskens måder. I løbet af de seneste40 år er begreberne om aktører og netværk blevet brugt i utalligesammenhænge, hvor forskere har fundet det nødvendigt at genbeskrivesociale, kulturelle, politiske og materielle fænomener. Som denne bogog andre tekster før den viser, rummer ANT et væld af muligheder metodisksåvel som analytisk.

  • - I praksis
    af Brit Ross Winthereik & af Irina Papazu
    251,95 kr.

    Denne nye introduktion til aktørnetværksteori (ANT) er en guide til alle, der ønsker at bruge ANT i forskning og undervisning. En række ANT-forskere præsenterer med udgangspunkt i teori og egen analytisk praksis forskellige begreber og metoder, som kan inspirere læseren til selv at komme i gang med at bruge ANT. ANTs begrebsverden er mangfoldig og teorien opfordrer brugeren af den til opfindsom leg med metoder og beskrivelser. Teorien har fundet vej ind i mange forskellige forskningstraditioner og uddannelser indenfor teknologi, innovation, design, samfundsforhold og sundhedsarbejde. Bogen er den første danske lærebog om ANT som teori og metode. Irina Papazu har en ph.d. i statskundskab og er lektor på Institut for Business IT ved IT-Universitetet i København. Hendes forskning fokuserer dels på demokratisk deltagelse i håndteringen af klimakrisen, dels på hvordan digitaliseringen forandrer stat og samfund. Brit Ross Winthereik er professor i Science and Technology Studies og Etnografi på Institut for Business IT ved IT-Universitetet i København. Hendes forskning omhandler infrastrukturers rolle i samfundet med fokus på den offentlige sektor og på de forandringsprocesser som indførslen af IT medfører organisatorisk, politisk og socialt.