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Bøger af Ashley Audrain

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  • - 2021's Most Astonishing Debut
    af Ashley Audrain
    123,95 kr.

  • af Ashley Audrain
    145,95 - 148,95 kr.

    Fra New York Times-bestsellerforfatteren bag Instinktet kommer en medrivende thriller om fire familier, hvis liv forandres, da det utænkelige sker – og om hvad der går tabt, når vi giver efter for vores værste impulser.Da sommeren går på hæld, samles de velhavende par i Harlow Street og deres børn til grillfest. Drinksene bliver skænket til langt ud på natten, og alt er fabelagtigt – indtil den perfekte værtinde eksploderer i raseri, fordi hendes søn ikke adlyder hende. Alle til festen hører hendes fernis krakelere – højt og tydeligt. Inden længe falder selvsamme søn ud af sit vindue midt om natten, og hans mor sidder tavs og indesluttet ved hans hospitalsseng, mens hans liv hænger i en tynd tråd.Men hvad skete der denne forfærdelige nat, og hvordan endte den unge dreng på den velplejede plæne neden for sit vindue?Kan du høre dem hviske? er en roman om misundelse, kvindevenskaber, begær og den intuition, vi lukker ned for, for at få alt til at se rigtigt ud.

  • af Ashley Audrain
    138,95 kr.

    Fra New York Times-bestsellerforfatteren bag Instinktet kommer en medrivende thriller om fire familier, hvis liv forandres, da det utænkelige sker – og om hvad der går tabt, når vi giver efter for vores værste impulser.Da sommeren går på hæld, samles de velhavende par i Harlow Street og deres børn til grillfest. Drinksene bliver skænket til langt ud på natten, og alt er fabelagtigt – indtil den perfekte værtinde eksploderer i raseri, fordi hendes søn ikke adlyder hende. Alle til festen hører hendes fernis krakelere – højt og tydeligt. Inden længe falder selvsamme søn ud af sit vindue midt om natten, og hans mor sidder tavs og indesluttet ved hans hospitalsseng, mens hans liv hænger i en tynd tråd.Men hvad skete der denne forfærdelige nat, og hvordan endte den unge dreng på den velplejede plæne neden for sit vindue?Kan du høre dem hviske? er en roman om misundelse, kvindevenskaber, begær og den intuition, vi lukker ned for, for at få alt til at se rigtigt ud.

  • af Ashley Audrain
    128,95 kr.

    From the New York Times bestselling author of The Push, a propulsive page-turner about four families whose lives are changed when the unthinkable happens—and what is lost when we give in to our own worst impulses“Nobody delves as deep into the guts of motherhood as Ashley Audrain, she really is in a league of her own.” —Lisa JewellOn Harlow Street, the well-to-do neighborhood couples and their children gather for a catered barbecue as the summer winds down; drinks continue late into the night.Everything is fabulous until the picture-perfect hostess explodes in fury because her son disobeys her.  Everyone at the party hears her exquisite veneer crack—loud and clear.  Before long, that same young boy falls from his bedside window in the middle of the night.  And then, his mother can only sit by her son’s hospital bed, where she refuses to speak to anyone, and his life hangs in the balance.What happens next, over the course of a tense three days, as each of these women grapple with what led to that terrible night?Exploring envy, women’s friendships, desire, and the intuitions that we silence, The Whispers is a chilling novel that marks Audrain as a major women's fiction talent.

  • af Ashley Audrain
    163,95 kr.

    A propulsive page-turner about four families whose lives are changed when the unthinkable happens—and what is lost when we give in to our own worst impulsesOn Harlow Street, the well-to-do neighborhood couples and their children gather for a catered barbecue as the summer winds down; drinks continue late into the night.Everything is fabulous until the picture-perfect hostess explodes in fury because her son disobeys her. Everyone at the party hears her exquisite veneer crack—loud and clear. Before long, that same young boy falls from his bedside window in the middle of the night. And then, his mother can only sit by her son’s hospital bed, where she refuses to speak to anyone, and his life hangs in the balance.What happens next, over the course of a tense three days, as each of these women grapple with what led to that terrible night?Exploring envy, women’s friendships, desire, and the intuitions that we silence, The Whispers is a chilling novel that marks Audrain as a major women's fiction talent.

  • af Ashley Audrain
    118,95 - 173,95 kr.

  • af Ashley Audrain
    250,95 kr.

    "The Loverlys sit by the hospital bed of their young son who is in a coma after falling from his bedroom window in the middle of the night; his mother, Whitney, will not speak to anyone. Back home, their friends and neighbors are left in shock, each confronting their own role in the events that led up to what happened that terrible night: the warm, altruistic Parks who are the Loverlys' best friends; the young, ambitious Goldsmiths who are struggling to start a family of their own; and the quiet, elderly Portuguese couple who care for their adult son with a developmental disability, and who pass the long days on the front porch, watching their neighbors go about their busy lives. The story spins out over the course of one week, in the alternating voices of the women in each family as they are forced to face the secrets within the walls of their own homes, and the uncomfortable truths that connect them all to one another. Set against the heartwrenching drama of what will happen to Xavier, who hangs between death and life, or a life changed forever, THE WHISPERS is a novel about what happens when we put our needs ahead of our children's. Exploring the quiet sacrifices of motherhood, the intuitions that we silence, the complexities of our closest friendships, and the danger of envy, this is a novel about the reverberations of life's most difficult decisions." --

  • af Ashley Audrain
    188,95 kr.

    Et medrivende psykologisk drama om en families skabelse og destruktion.Blythe O’Connor ønsker ikke, at historien skal gentage sig. Violet er hendes første barn, og hun vil give hende al den kærlighed, hun fortjener. Den kærlighed, Blythe ikke selv fik af sin egen mor. Men det er aldrig nemt at blive forælder, og Violet er ikke noget nemt barn. Hun smiler aldrig, og snart føler Blythe, at hun gør alting forkert – og at der muligvis er noget alvorligt galt, enten med hende selv eller datteren. Hendes mand Fox siger at det er noget, hun bilder sig ind, men Violet er heller ikke på samme måde, når hun er sammen med sin far. Og han forstår ikke, hvad Blythe måtte gennemgå, da hun var barn. Det er der ingen, der gør.Blythe vil gerne være en god mor. Men hvad nu hvis det ikke er nok for Violet? Eller Fox? Og hvad nu, hvis hun bare ikke bemærker mørket, der kommer snigende?Mor og datter. Engel eller monster? Vi vælger ikke selv hvad vi arver, eller hvem vi bliver til …Instinktet er en kraftpræstation af et drama, den slags bog man bare ikke kan lægge fra sig. Den tvinger sin læser til at stille spørgsmålstegn ved alt hvad vi ved om forældreskab, hvad vi skylder vores børn, og hvad der sker, når det at blive mor vækker dyb rædsel nærmere end stor lykke.

  • af Ashley Audrain
    208,95 kr.

  • - A Novel
    af Ashley Audrain
    233,95 kr.