Bøger af Alex Michaelides
168,95 kr. Alicia Berenson lever et celebert liv som anerkendt kunstmaler. Hun er gift med en kendt modefotograf, bor i et stort hus på en prominent adresse i London, og på overfladen er hendes liv perfekt. Men en aften da Alicias mand Gabriel kommer hjem fra arbejde, skyder Alicia ham fem gange i hovedet, hvorefter hun nægter at tale.Alicias tavshed og øvrige totale fravær af forklaring forvandler en tragedie i hjemmet til noget langt større, et mysterium der fanger offentlighedens interesse og gør Alicia berygtet. Hendes kunstværker handles pludselig for uhyrlige summer, og hun, den tavse patient, gemmes væk fra sladderbladene og spotlightet på the Grove, en sikringsanstalt i det nordlige London.Theo Faber er kriminalpsykolog og har ventet længe på at få lov til at arbejde med Alicia. Hans målrettethed for at få hende til at tale fører ham ned gennem sit eget sinds snoede stier, på sporet af en sandhed der truer med at opsluge ham …Den Tavse Patient er årets spændingsroman med internationale salg til udgivelse i over 40 lande og solide bestsellerplaceringer i både USA og England, hvor den indtil videre er udkommet. Filmrettighederne er solgttil Annapurna Pictures, Brad Pitts produktionsselskab.” En imponerende krimidebut!”Wall Street Journal” Intelligent, fantasifuld og medrivende.”The Times”Den Tavse Patient er muligvis en debutroman, men den har en mesters timing og finesse.”BBC
- The Richard and Judy bookclub pick and Sunday Times Bestseller
113,95 kr. With film rights snapped up by an Oscar winning Hollywood production company, rights sold in a world record 43 territories, and rave blurbs from David Baldacci, Lee Child and A.J. Finn, The Silent Patient promises to be the debut thriller of 2019.
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- 113,95 kr.
148,95 kr. *** THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES AND NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE SILENT PATIENT ***'Infinitely thrilling and delicately crafted, the plot keeps everyone guessing until the very end, with an unscrupulous villain to underline just how good it is. DO NOT MISS IT' Daily Mail'Deliciously twisty and fiendishly clever. A highly enjoyable tale of subterfuge, secrets and murder' Observer'My favourite Alex Michaelides yet - the undisputed master of the twist' Lucy Foley'The king of all unreliable narrators, enough twists and turns to power two novels' David Baldacci'You'll think you know where it's going and you couldn't be more wrong' Linwood Barclay'A very special book and highly recommended' Janice Hallett'A masterclass in suspense' Steve Cavanagh'A glorious triumph - just brilliant' Stephen Fry'The best novel yet from Alex Michaelides' Sophie HannahEven better than The Silent Patient... Alex Michaelides is a magician' JP Delaney*****'There were seven of us in all, trapped on the island.One of us was a murderer . . .'On a small private Greek island, former movie star Lana Farrar - an old friend - invites a select group of us to stay.It'll be hot, sunny, perfect. A chance to relax and reconnect - and maybe for a few hidden truths to come out.Because nothing on this island is quite what it seems.Not Lana. Not her guests.Certainly not the murderer - furiously plotting their crime . . .But who am I?My name is Elliot Chase, and I'm going to tell you a story unlike any you've ever heard.BESTSELLING AUTHORS ARE ALREADY FALLING IN LOVE WITH THE FURY'The Fury is a masterfully woven story of Shakespearean twists and Machiavellian turns. A Greek Tragedy in the guise of a postmodern thriller. Do not miss this one' Holly Jackson'A classic, twisting, brilliant murder mystery. A wonderfully drawn cast of characters with a motive to kill for, in a location to die for, keep you guessing until the shocking finale. Clever, and fiendishly fun' Chris Whitaker'A very sophisticated book which takes the format of a classic murder mystery and elevates it to something very devious and clever indeed. The narrator is fabulous - I was throughly gripped' Harriet Tyce'Endlessly evolving, wildly entertaining, and like the very best fiction, impossible to pin down. Just when you think you have it cornered, it moves, impossibly and with stunning flourish, toward a devastating finale. The Talented Mr. Ripley for our time' Blake Crouch'Alex Michaelides is the grand master of the modern mystery. The Fury reads like Hitchcock with a heart, or Agatha Christie running amok on a wind-whipped Greek island. The Fury will, quite literally, blow you away. Totally brilliant' Tony Parsons'One of those rare books where really nothing is as it seems. As usual, Alex Michaelides does not disappoint' Ragnar Jonasson'Glamorous, sinister, and endlessly surprising, The Fury reads like Agatha Christie and Patricia Highsmith took a Greek vacation together and decided to write a book while there. It's twisty, twisted entertainment' Riley SagerThe Fury, the instant New York Times bestseller, January 2024, and Sunday Times bestseller, February 2024
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- 148,95 kr.
108,95 kr. The instant Sunday Times bestseller from the author of The Silent Patient. bThe highly anticipated second thriller from the record-breaking, international bestselling author of THE SILENT PATIENT. /b
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- 108,95 kr.
138,95 - 218,95 kr. - Bog
- 138,95 kr.
188,95 kr. Fra bestsellerforfatteren til Den tavse patient kommer en medrivende thriller om græsk mytologi, mord og besættelse.Edward Fosca er en morder. Mariana Andros er ikke i tvivl. Men Fosca er urørlig. Han er en smuk og karismatisk underviser i de græske tragedier ved Cambridge University og er elsket af både ansatte og studerende – især af medlemmerne af et hemmeligt selskab af kvindelige studerende, kendt som Jomfruerne. Mariana er en fortræffelig, men også skadet, gruppeterapeut, og da hendes nieces veninde findes myrdet på Cambridge, bliver hun nærmest besat af Jomfruerne. Som tidligere studerende på Cambridge mistænker hun hurtigt, at noget skummelt udspiller sig bag det gamle universitets idylliske skønhed og traditioner. Og hun bliver overbevist om, at Edward Fosca er skyldig i mordet, selvom han har et vandtæt alibi. Men hvorfor skulle professoren dræbe en af sine egne studerende? Og hvorfor kredser hans undervisning altid om Persefone og hendes rejse til underverdenen? Da endnu et lig dukker op, løber Marianas besættelse efter at afsløre Fosca af med hende og truer med at ødelægge både hendes troværdighed og forholdet til hendes kære. Men Mariana er fast besluttet på at stoppe morderen, selvom det kan koste hende alt – også hendes eget liv.Med Den tavse patient stormede Alex Michaelides ind på den internationale krimiscene. Nu er han endelig tilbage med en suveræn efterfølger, Jomfruerne, en urovækkende og intens thriller om hemmeligheder – andres og vores egne.”Alex Michaelides’ længe ventede roman, Jomfruerne, er her endelig … Den er tillokkende og uimodståelig.”- The New York Times“Fans af [Donna Tartts] Den hemmelige historie vil falde pladask for Jomfruerne … Med denne geniale page-turner af drømmende græsk mytologi og antikke mordritualer, grundfæster Michaelides sig som en ustoppelig, litterær kraft inden for thrillergenren.”- Esquire“Forfatteren til den kritikerroste Den tavse patient manifesterer sig som en topmoderne forfatter med denne nye roman; en blændende blanding af græsk mytologi og et knivskarpt plot … lige til bestsellerlisten.”- Newsweek
108,95 - 323,95 kr. - Bog
- 108,95 kr.
185,95 kr. Un thriller magistralmente estructurado sobre una reclusa ex estrella de cine y sus amigos famosos, cuyo viaje espontáneo a una isla privada griega se ve alterado por un asesinato. Por el autor bestseller del New York Times de The Silent Patient. Esta es una historia de un asesinato. O tal vez eso no sea del todo cierto. En su esencia, ¿no será una historia de amor? Lana Farrar es una reclusa ex estrella de cine y una de las mujeres más famosas del mundo. Cada año, invita a sus amigos más cercanos a escapar del clima inglés y pasar la Pascua en su idÃlica isla privada griega. Te cuento esto porque quizás creas conocer esta historia. Probablemente la hayas leÃdo en su momento ―causó un gran revuelo en los tabloides, si lo recuerdas. TenÃa todos los ingredientes necesarios para causar una gran conmoción en la prensa: una celebridad; una isla privada cortada por el viento... y un asesinato. Nos encontramos atrapados allà durante la noche. Nuestras amistades ocultaban odio y un deseo de venganza. Lo que siguió fue un juego del gato y el ratón ―una batalla de ingenio, llena de giros y vueltas, que culminó en un clÃmax inolvidable. La noche terminó en violencia y muerte, cuando uno de nosotros fue asesinado. ¿Pero quién soy yo? Me llamo Elliot Chase, y voy a contarte una historia como ninguna otra que hayas escuchado antes. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION A masterfully paced thriller about a reclusive ex-movie star and her famous friends whose spontaneous trip to a private Greek island is upended by a murder -- from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Silent Patient This is a tale of murder. Or maybe that's not quite true. At its heart, it's a love story, isn't it? Lana Farrar is a reclusive ex-movie star and one of the most famous women in the world. Every year, she invites her closest friends to escape the English weather and spend Easter on her idyllic private Greek island. I tell you this because you may think you know this story. You probably read about it at the time ― it caused a real stir in the tabloids, if you remember. It had all the necessary ingredients for a press sensation: a celebrity; a private island cut off by the wind...and a murder. We found ourselves trapped there overnight. Our old friendships concealed hatred and a desire for revenge. What followed was a game of cat and mouse ― a battle of wits, full of twists and turns, building to an unforgettable climax. The night ended in violence and death, as one of us was found murdered. But who am I? My name is Elliot Chase, and I'm going to tell you a story unlike any you've ever heard.
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- 185,95 kr.
478,95 kr. "On a small private Greek island, former movie star Lana Farrar - an old friend - invites a select group of us to stay. It'll be hot, sunny, perfect. A chance to relax and reconnect - and maybe for a few hidden truths to come out. Because nothing on this island is quite what it seems. Not Lana.Not her guests. Certainly not the murderer - furiously plotting their crime.But who am I? My name is Elliot Chase, and I'm going to tell you a story unlike any you've ever heard."--
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- 478,95 kr.
168,95 kr. A masterfully paced thriller about a reclusive ex-movie star and her famous friends whose spontaneous trip to a private Greek island is upended by a murder - from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Silent Patient This is a tale of murder.Or maybe that's not quite true. At its heart, it's a love story, isn't it?Lana Farrar is a reclusive ex-movie star and one of the most famous women in the world. Every year, she invites her closest friends to escape the English weather and spend Easter on her idyllic private Greek island.I tell you this because you may think you know this story. You probably read about it at the time ¿ it caused a real stir in the tabloids, if you remember. It had all the necessary ingredients for a press sensation: a celebrity; a private island cut off by the wind...and a murder.We found ourselves trapped there overnight. Our old friendships concealed hatred and a desire for revenge. What followed was a game of cat and mouse ¿ a battle of wits, full of twists and turns, building to an unforgettable climax. The night ended in violence and death, as one of us was found murdered.But who am I?My name is Elliot Chase, and I'm going to tell you a story unlike any you've ever heard.
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- 168,95 kr.
308,95 kr. A masterfully paced thriller about a reclusive ex-movie star and her famous friends whose spontaneous trip to a private Greek island is upended by a murder - from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Silent Patient This is a tale of murder.Or maybe that's not quite true. At its heart, it's a love story, isn't it?Lana Farrar is a reclusive ex-movie star and one of the most famous women in the world. Every year, she invites her closest friends to escape the English weather and spend Easter on her idyllic private Greek island.I tell you this because you may think you know this story. You probably read about it at the time ¿ it caused a real stir in the tabloids, if you remember. It had all the necessary ingredients for a press sensation: a celebrity; a private island cut off by the wind...and a murder.We found ourselves trapped there overnight. Our old friendships concealed hatred and a desire for revenge. What followed was a game of cat and mouse ¿ a battle of wits, full of twists and turns, building to an unforgettable climax. The night ended in violence and death, as one of us was found murdered.But who am I?My name is Elliot Chase, and I'm going to tell you a story unlike any you've ever heard.
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- 308,95 kr.
223,95 kr. "Edward Fosca is a murderer--of this Mariana is certain. But Fosca is untouchable. A handsome and charismatic Greek tragedy professor at Cambridge University, Fosca is adored by staff and students alike--particularly by the members of a secret society of female students known as The Maidens. Mariana Andros is a brilliant but troubled group therapist who becomes fixated on The Maidens when one member, a friend of Mariana's niece Zoe, is found murdered in Cambridge. Mariana, who was once herself a student at the university, quickly suspects that behind the idyllic beauty of the spires and turrets, and beneath the ancient traditions, lies something sinister"--
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- 223,95 kr.
238,95 kr. «El thriller perfecto» (según A.J. Finn, autor de La mujer en la ventana) que está conmocionando a treinta y siete países y cuyos derechos han sido comprados para una adaptación cinematográfica producida por Brad Pitt.SOLO ELLA SABE LO QUE SUCEDIÓ.SOLO YO PUEDO HACERLA HABLAR.Alicia Berenson, una pintora de éxito, dispara cinco tiros en la cabeza de su marido, y no vuelve a hablar nunca más. Su negativa a emitir palabra alguna convierte una tragedia doméstica en un misterio que atrapa la imaginación de toda Inglaterra.Theo Faber, un ambicioso psicoterapeuta forense obsesionado con el caso, está empeñado en desentrañar el misterio de lo que ocurrió aquella noche fatal y consigue una plaza en The Grove, la unidad de seguridad en el norte de Londres a la que Alicia fue enviada hace seis años y en la que sigue obstinada en su silencio. Pronto descubre que el mutismo de la paciente está mucho más enraizado de lo que pensaba. Pero, si al final hablara, ¿estaría dispuesto a escuchar la verdad?ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONOn the list of the Best 2019 Mystery / Thrillers Books of Publishers WeeklyThe instant #1 New York Times bestseller"An unforgettable―and Hollywood-bound―new thriller... A mix of Hitchcockian suspense, Agatha Christie plotting, and Greek tragedy.". ―Entertainment WeeklyThe Silent Patient is a shocking psychological thriller of a woman's act of violence against her husband―and of the therapist obsessed with uncovering her motive.Alicia Berenson's life is seemingly perfect. A famous painter married to an in-demand fashion photographer, she lives in a grand house with big windows overlooking a park in one of London's most desirable areas. One evening her husband Gabriel returns home late from a fashion shoot, and Alicia shoots him five times in the face, and then never speaks another word.Alicia's refusal to talk, or give any kind of explanation, turns a domestic tragedy into something far grander, a mystery that captures the public imagination and casts Alicia into notoriety. The price of her art skyrockets, and she, the silent patient, is hidden away from the tabloids and spotlight at the Grove, a secure forensic unit in North London.Theo Faber is a criminal psychotherapist who has waited a long time for the opportunity to work with Alicia. His determination to get her to talk and unravel the mystery of why she shot her husband takes him down a twisting path into his own motivations―a search for the truth that threatens to consume him....
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- 238,95 kr.
448,95 kr. - Bog
- 448,95 kr.
210,95 kr. The instant #1 New York Times bestseller"An unforgettable--and Hollywood-bound--new thriller... A mix of Hitchcockian suspense, Agatha Christie plotting, and Greek tragedy."--Entertainment WeeklyThe Silent Patient is a shocking psychological thriller of a woman's act of violence against her husband--and of the therapist obsessed with uncovering her motive.Alicia Berenson's life is seemingly perfect. A famous painter married to an in-demand fashion photographer, she lives in a grand house with big windows overlooking a park in one of London's most desirable areas. One evening her husband Gabriel returns home late from a fashion shoot, and Alicia shoots him five times in the face, and then never speaks another word.Alicia's refusal to talk, or give any kind of explanation, turns a domestic tragedy into something far grander, a mystery that captures the public imagination and casts Alicia into notoriety. The price of her art skyrockets, and she, the silent patient, is hidden away from the tabloids and spotlight at the Grove, a secure forensic unit in North London.Theo Faber is a criminal psychotherapist who has waited a long time for the opportunity to work with Alicia. His determination to get her to talk and unravel the mystery of why she shot her husband takes him down a twisting path into his own motivations--a search for the truth that threatens to consume him....
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- 210,95 kr.
108,95 - 313,95 kr. - Bog
- 108,95 kr.
297,95 kr. - Bog
- 297,95 kr.