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Her kan du gå på opdagelse efter spændende bøger om digte, hvor der er samlet et hav af bøger om emnet. Er du også vild med ordkunst, som er sat sammen til at formidle en følelse, holdning eller fortælling? Så er vi sikre på, at der nok skal være et digt, som falder i din smag. Vi tilbyder blandt andet et udvalg af digte omhandlende kærlighed, livet og venskab. Du finder i øvrigt også de populære Yahya Hassan digte og Tove Ditlevsen digte, men hvor alle vores digtsamlinger naturligvis er til at finde nedenfor. Du finder som altid de bedste digte her.
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  • af Michael Tavon
    188,95 kr.

  • af Tanya Markul
    118,95 kr.

    Crafting together the power of words and womanhood, writer Tanya Markul has written a completely unique poetry collection fit for the phenomenal readers of today.In Tanyas words, May we raise the bar for how we live our lives. May we ridiculously increase the amount of peace, play, creativity, beauty, love, and joy in everything we do. May we all sip from the wisdom of our suffering. And awaken with the courage to share our stories that can heal our inner and outer worlds.

  • af Warsan Shire
    148,95 kr.

    *SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2022 FELIX DENNIS PRIZE FOR BEST FIRST COLLECTION*** AS HEARD ON BBC RADIO 4**'Warsan Shire is an extraordinarily gifted poet whose profoundly moving poems so powerfully give voice to the unspoken' Bernardine Evaristo'Vital, moving and courageous, this is a debut not to be missed' Guardian__________Poems of migration, womanhood, trauma and resilience from the award-winning Somali British poet Warsan Shire, celebrated collaborator on Beyoncé's Lemonade and Black Is King.With her first full-length poetry collection, Warsan Shire introduces us to a girl who, in the absence of a nurturing guide, makes her own stumbling way toward womanhood. Drawing from her own life and the lives of loved ones, as well as pop culture and news headlines, Shire finds vivid, unique details in the experiences of refugees and immigrants, mothers and daughters, Black women and teenage girls. These are noisy lives, full of music and weeping and surahs. These are fragrant lives, full of blood and perfume and jasmine. These are polychrome lives, full of moonlight and turmeric and kohl.The long-awaited collection from one of our most exciting contemporary poets is a blessing, an incantatory celebration of survival. Each reader will come away changed.'Warsan Shire electrifies... The beautifully crafted poems in this collection are fiercely tender gifts' Roxane Gay'Absolutely beautiful... So relevant' Elizabeth Day, *Day's Delights*

  • af Emily Dickinson
    148,95 kr.

    Share in Dickinson's admiration of language, nature, and life and death, with The Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson.

  • af Sebastian Nathan
    118,95 kr.

    Honey Moon er en debutdigtsamling af den Forfatterskole-uddannede digterSebastian Nathan (f. 1996). Digtsamlingen kredser om et break-up, en ung forelskelseog en særlig sorg, som hele tiden bærer kærligheden og skønheden i sig. Midt idet sorgfulde er digtene fyldt med en ømhed og et nærvær – det er helt igenneminspireret og båret af en inderlig tro på, at sproget vil én det godt. Ordenelever. De er her sammen med én, ligesom verden i øvrigt: højhusene, himlen,gæssene, der skræpper i solnedgangen, drengene, der kører ræs rundt omhospitalet.En forelskelse er en drøm om en anden verden. Digtene,skriften i Honey Moon etablerer en verden, et nærværende rum, som ikke blothar plads til, men ligefrem bygger på følsomhed, sårbarhed, ømhed. Hengivenhed,skønhed og sorg. Det er en forelsket skrift, på samme tid krystalklar ogsvimlende. Og som viser os, at en anden måde at være i verden på er mulig.Følsomhed som politisk kraft.SebastianNathan forklarer selv om sin poetik: ”Det er ikke banalt eller naivt eller attro på noget, der er smukt. Jeg tænker på det sårbare som et oprør. Ømhed er enægte, vigtig og skøn politisk kraft. Teksten er et alternativ, der er ved atblive formuleret, den fyldes af det, vi savner.”

  • af Michaela Angemeer
    178,95 kr.

  • af Ursula K. Le Guin
    83,95 kr.

    Ursula K. Le Guins berømte og gribende beretning om et laboratoriedyrs forgæves forsøg på at komme i kontakt med sin laborant. Værket står som et af de mest slående litterære eksempler på en litteratur, der formår at skrive fra andre arters og livsformers perspektiv. Her er menneskene de fremmede.

  • - En kærlig udveksling
    af Gertrude Stein & Alice B. Toklas
    98,95 kr.

    Kun koncentreret om min kones ko – en kærlig udveksling er et udvalg af digteren Gertrude Stein og hendes partner Alice B. Toklas’ elskovsnoter, oversat og med forord af Kristina Nya Glaffey og Maja Lee Langvad.Stein og Toklas, der er et af det 20. århundredes mest ikoniske lesbiske par, skrev hundredevis af både nuttede og erotiske noter til hinanden i løbet af deres livslange samliv, der varede fra 1907 til Steins død i 1946. Elskovsnoterne, hvor Stein og Toklas leger med traditionelle kønskoder, roller og magtpositioner, blev skrevet på små papirlapper, som de efterlod til hinanden rundt omkring i deres hus, og giver ikke kun et intimt indblik i de tos samliv, men belyser også det lesbiske aspekt af Steins forfatterskab.Oprindeligt var noterne ikke tiltænkt udgivelse og lå i mange år arkiveret på Beinecke Library på Yale University, inden de i 1981 blev gjort tilgængelige for forskning og i 1995 officielt anerkendt som en del af Steins samlede værker. I 1999 udkom et udvalg af noterne redigeret af den amerikanske folklorist og antropolog Kay F. Turner i bogen Baby Precious Always Shines.Med Kun koncentreret om min kones ko bliver noterne, der udgør et uomgængeligt bidrag til den lesbiske kærlighedslitteraturs historie, for første gang tilgængelige på dansk.Virkelig fin er min valentin.
Virkelig fin og virkelig min.
Virkelig fin er min valentin virkelig min og virkelig fin.
Virkelig fin er min valentin og min, virkelig fin virkelig min og min er min valentin.– Gertrude Stein

    183,95 kr.

    Bestselling author Ruby Dhal releases another explorative gem as she continues to embark on her journey to heal. This 240-page bitesize self-help book uncovers love, loss, grief, healing, self-discovery and hope through pieces of prose and interactive chapters filled with truth residing at the heart of the human condition. Pieces that have been adored by millions of readers all around the world are bundled together in this tender collection that Ruby has carefully compiled to aid everyone on their healing journey.In 'Dear Self', Ruby talks about heartache, loneliness and relationships and takes it even further by diving into fear, insecurities, strength, commitments, the power of pain, what self-love/self-worth mean and self-discovery in light of one's healing journey. As someone who doesn't shy away from speaking about her personal experiences - this is Ruby's rawest book. Details about Ruby's personal life are stripped off for readers all around the world to decipher. In this book, Ruby opens up about her own mistakes, lessons, regrets and experiences of heartache and moving on to shed light on the various tools that will be beneficial for her readers.This is the most interactive and authentic book Ruby has written so far, with the anticipation that the words within this book will encourage readers to mend their hearts, understand themselves better, engage in self-care and love themselves and those around them without insecurities. This book is for everyone who wants to discover more about themselves, accept their imperfections and take pride in their vulnerabilities. This book is for everyone who wants to move on and embrace happiness. This book is for everyone who wants to make a positive change in their life but doesn't know where to begin. This book is for you, dear reader. It is for you.

  • af Audre Lorde
    98,95 kr.

    Der er ingen ærlige digte om døde kvinder giver for første gang indblik i Audre Lordes poesi på dansk. Bogen indeholder oversættelser fra hendes væsentligste digtsamlinger. Digtene er udvalgt og oversat af Shadi Angelina Bazeghi, som også har skrevet bogens efterord.“Bydende nødvendige digte” — Politiken, 6 hjerterAudre Lorde beskrev sig selv som digter, mor, kriger, sort og lesbisk og er forfatter til ni digtsamlinger og fem prosaværker, herunder tre essaysamlinger. Hun blev født i 1934 i Harlem, New York, og døde i 1992 på øen Sankt Croix, der tidligere var en del af Dansk Vestindien. Lorde slog nationalt og internationalt igennem med sine kontroversielle digte om blandt andet kærlighed, begær, krig, undertrykkelse og vold mod kvinder. Hun var ikke kun en berømt digter, hendes arbejde har også haft stor betydning for bl.a. den anden feministiske bølge, GLBQT og queer-teori. I dag er hendes kanoniske værker stadig genstand for debat og undervisning.

  • af Rainer Maria Rilke
    143,95 kr.

  • af W.B. Yeats
    118,95 kr.

    Little treasures, the FLAME TREE COLLECTABLE CLASSICS are chosen to create a delightful and timeless home library. Each stunning, gift edition features deluxe cover treatments, ribbon markers, luxury endpapers and gilded edges. The original text is accompanied by a Glossary of Victorian and Literary terms produced for the modern reader.

  • af Jane McMorland Hunter
    238,95 kr.

    A calming collection of nature poems to help you relax and unwind at the end of every day.

  • - and other dreamings
    af Jackie Morris
    213,95 kr.

    A highly illustrated pillow book to prompt dreaming and creativity by Kate Greenaway Medal-winning artist and co-author of The Lost Spells Jackie Morris

  • af Peter Poulsen
    139,95 - 206,95 kr.

    En unik samling af Peter Poulsens bedste digte i anledning af hans 80 års fødselsdag. 99 digte af Peter Poulsen indeholder både de samfundsrevsende, de jazzede, de mærkelige og de smukke digte fra Peter Poulsens hånd. Morten Søndergaard og Thomas Boberg har udvalgt digtene og beskriver i bogens forord samlingen således: "Der er musik, der er hvidvin, der er humor og der er en særlig Poulsensk stemmeføring og kadence. Det er et langt liv, som her indfanges i en koncentreret dråbe af det hav af poesi, som Peter Poulsen gennem tiden har skrevet."

  • af Anna Akhmatova
    165,95 kr.

    "To eller tre generationer af russere blev forelsket til akkompagnement af Akhmatovas digte."Sådan beskrev en af tidens kritikere hendes umådelige popularitet. Men efterhånden som det 20. århundredes katastrofer væltede ind over Rusland og resten af verden, fik Akhmatovas poesi dybere og mørkere klange. Hun blev en af sovjettidens forkætrede og fortiede, men alligevel aldrig helt glemte kunstnere. I dag er hendes position på det russiske parnas højere end nogensinde før, og nye læsere verden over får øjnene op for hendes poesi, med dens sublime udtryk for lidenskab, sorg, vrede og forsoning.Dette udvalg er sammensat af digte fra de i alt syv samlinger, som udkom eller var klar til udgivelse i Akhmatovas levetid, suppleret med et par efterladte strofer. Der er i udvalget en overvægt af værker fra den første halvdel af Akhmatovas oeuvre, men når det kombineres med de to sene hovedværker, digtsuiterne Requiem (2019) og Poem uden helt (som er under forberedelse), vil der være balance i den danske præsentation af hendes livsværk.Pressen skrev om Requiem:"Sikke dog poesi kan hysse smukt og storslået!" Lars Bukdahl, Weekendavisen"En afgørende stemme i en poesi på liv og død." Peter Laugesen Information"Billedsprogmættede mareridtsvisioner", "Viser hvilken fremragende digter Akhmatova er." Peter Stein Larsen, Kristeligt Dagblad

  • - A Life Story
    93,95 kr.

    This book tells Laura''s story about the travels and experiences they had during one of the most tumultuous periods in American history. Her family was not wealthy. They were an ordinary family, ordinary folk whose desire was to farm, hunt game, and live a normal life. In search of a better life, they would move from one town to the other, and each time Laura''s experience would inspire her to create new content for a different book in her series.

  • af Caleb Femi
    133,95 kr.

  • af Henrik Ibsen
    228,95 kr.

    I Henrik Ibsens verdensberømte, samfundskritiske drama "Et dukkehjem" fra 1879 følger vi Nora, der bryder ud af ægteskabet og forlader mand og børn for at vinde sin personlige og moralske frihed. Stykket blev en øjeblikkelig succes og opfattes af mange som Ibsens vigtigste indlæg i debatten om kvindefrigørelse.Den norske dramatiker og digter Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906) er én af de vigtigste forfattere i Det Moderne Gennembrud og regnes som grundlæggeren af det moderne drama med skuespil, der sætter den menneskelige psykologi i centrum og kredser om den fortid, det er så umuligt at flygte fra. Ibsen er verdensberømt for skuespil som "Et dukkehjem", "Peer Gynt" og "Hedda Gabler", men producerede i alt over tyve dramaer, der stadig opføres på teatre over hele verden.

  • - The Original 1922 Edition
    af T S ELIOT
    208,95 kr.

    Modernity has not managed to erase the restlessness that seems to be intrinsic to what it means to be human. T.S. Eliot's disillusionment with modern civilization is timelessly encapsulated in his famous 1922 poem, "The Waste Land." The book is laced with allusions, like, for example, some that reference the Grail legend and others informed by Fraser's "Golden Bough." Eliot would dedicate the piece to Ezra Pound.This is the original 1922 version of the book, as published by "Boni and Liveright." It includes the notes that Eliot himself compiled. This version is a facsimile which has been carefully reproduced for generations of reading pleasure.

  • - The Spiritual Classic
    af Kahlil Gibran
    143,95 kr.

    Part of the bestselling Capstone Classics Series edited by Tom Butler-Bowdon, this collectible, hard-back edition of The Prophet provides an accessible and insightful introduction to this timeless spiritual workThe Prophet is an inspirational book of 26 poetry fables written in English by Lebanese-American poet and writer Kahlil Gibran. One of the most translated books in history, Gibran's famous work has been translated into over 100 different languages since its first publication in 1923. The book provides timeless spiritual wisdom on universally-shared aspects of life, such as giving, buying and selling, beauty and friendship, eating and drinking, crime and punishment and spirituality and religion.The book follows Almustafa, a man who has waited for twelve years for a ship to take him from the island of Orphalese back to his home. He has come to know the people on the island, who consider him a wise and insightful man. On the day Almustafa's ship finally arrives, he feels a deep sadness. The local elders ask him not to leave. Almustafa speaks of his philosophy of life and the truths he has discovered to the gathered crowd. His words have an almost magical quality to them. As he prepares to board his ship, it becomes clear that Almustafa's words do not refer to his journey home, but rather to the world he came from before he was born. The Prophet is a metaphor for the mystery of life and an exploration of the human condition. Inspirational and extremely readable for modern audiences, this classic text teaches us:* We should be glad of the experience of coming into the world* The separation you feel from other people is not real* True marriage gives both people space to develop their individuality* Enjoying your work is expressing your love for whoever benefits from it* Sorrow makes space for more joy in another season of lifeFeaturing an insightful introduction from the editor, The Prophet: The Spirituality Classic is a must-read book for anyone interested in exploring the undeniable truths of life we all share.

  • af David Berman
    353,95 kr.

    Back in print for the first time this era is David Berman s Actual Air. Released in paperback in 1999 by the now-defunct Open City and praised everywhere in the then-ascendant print press industry, David Berman s first (and only) book of poetry is a journey though shared and unreliable memory. Features of the second edition are: new larger dimensions and enlarged typeface, new dustjacket artwork variant, deluxe cloth boards, and updated full-colour endpapers.

    233,95 kr.

    A fine collection of classic novels, short stories, poems, and essays from distinguished women writers.

  • af Jack Kerouac
    118,95 kr.

  • af Ada Limon
    133,95 kr.

    A finalist for both the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award, Bright Dead Things examines the dangerous thrill of living in a world you must leave one day and the search to find something that is 'disorderly, and marvelous, and ours'.

  • af Roy DeCarava
    208,95 kr.

    "The people in these photographs had no walls up. They just accepted me and permitted me to take their photographs without any self-consciousness." -Roy DeCaravaThe Sweet Flypaper of Life is a "poem" about ordinary people, about teenagers around a jukebox, about children at an open fire hydrant, about riding the subway alone at night, about picket lines and artist work spaces. This renowned, life-affirming collaboration between artist Roy DeCarava and writer Langston Hughes honors in words and pictures what the authors saw, knew, and felt deeply about life in their city. Hughes's heart-warming description of Harlem in the late 1940s and early 1950s is seen through the eyes of one grandmother, Sister Mary Bradley. As she guides the reader through the lives of those around her, we imagine the babies born, families in struggle, children yet flourishing. We experience the sights and sounds of Harlem as seen through her learned and worldly eyes, expressed here through Hughes's poetic prose. As she states, "I done got my feet caught in the sweet flypaper of life and I'll be dogged if I want to get loose." DeCarava's photographs lay open a world of sense and feeling that begins with his perception and vision. The ruminations go beyond the limit of simple observation and contend with deeper meanings to reveal these individuals as subjects worthy of art. While Hughes states "We've had so many books about how bad life is, maybe it's time to have one showing how good it is," the photographs bring us back to this lively dialogue and a complex reality, to a resolution that stands with the optimism of the photographic medium and the certainty of DeCarava's artistic moment. In 1952 DeCarava became the first African American photographer to win a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship. The one-year grant enabled DeCarava to focus full time on the photography he had been creating since the mid-1940s and to complete a project that would eventually result in The Sweet Flypaper of Life, a moving, photo-poetic work in the urban setting of Harlem. DeCarava compiled a set of images from which Hughes chose 141 and adeptly supplied a fictive narration, reflecting on life in that city-within-a-city. First published in 1955, the book, widely considered a classic of photographic visual literature, was reprinted by public demand several times. This fourth printing, the Heritage Edition, is the first authorized English-language edition since 1983 and includes an afterword by Sherry Turner DeCarava tracing the history and ongoing importance of this book.

  • af Iain S. Thomas
    108,95 kr.

    *May this book find the person it needs to. May they find every word they were looking for.*

  • af William Blake
    133,95 kr.

    A beautiful colour illustrated edition of William Blake's most famous poems, with a foreword by Peter Harness.

  • af Jelaluddin Rumi
    153,95 kr.

  • - Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West
    af Daniel Ladinsky
    233,95 kr.

    Sacred poetry from twelve mystics and saints, rendered brilliantly by Daniel Ladinsky, beloved interpreter of verses by the fourteenth-century Persian poet Hafiz In this luminous collection, Daniel Ladinskybest known for his bestselling interpretations of the great Sufi poet Hafizbrings together the timeless work of twelve of the world's finest spiritual writers, six from the East and six from the West. Once again, Ladinsky reveals his talent for creating profound and playful renditions of classic poems for a modern audience.Rumi's joyous, ecstatic love poems; St. Francis's loving observations of nature through the eyes of Catholicism; Kabir's wild, freeing humor that synthesizes Hindu, Muslim, and Christian beliefs; St. Teresa's sensual verse; and the mystical, healing words of Sufi poet Hafizthese along with inspiring works by Rabia, Meister Eckhart, St. Thomas Aquinas, Mira, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and Tukaram are all ';love poems by God' from writers considered ';conduits of the divine.' Together, they form a spiritual treasure to cherish always.