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  • - The Gardener's and Farmer's Guide to Plant Breeding and Seed Saving, 2nd Edition
    af Carol Deppe
    258,95 kr.

    Authoritative and easy-to-understand, Breed Your Own Vegetable Varieties: The Gardener's and Farmer's Guide to Plant Breeding and Seed Saving is the only guide to plant breeding and seed saving for the serious home gardener and the small-scale farmer or commercial grower.

  • - Seed Saving and Growing Techniques for Vegetable Gardeners, 2nd Edition
    af Suzanne Ashworth
    233,95 kr.

    This is a complete seed saving guide that describes specific techniques for saving the seeds of 160 different vegetables. 80 photos.

  • - Gamle ting, vintage, boheme, boliger, haver, mad, børn, blomster, kærlighed, gode råd, tanker og tilfældigheder
    af Rikke Larsen
    348,95 kr.

  • - Dansk Landskabsarkitektur 2003-08
    af Annemarie Lund
    298,95 kr.

    Bogens eksempler, der strækker sig over en fem-årig periode fra 2003-2008, er udvalgt blandt flere end hundrede indsendte fuldførte værker og spænder vidt fra bylandskaber til enorme infrastrukturer. Bogen viser et meget højt niveau i dansk landskabsarkitektur, et niveau, der også vil vække international opmærksomhed. Landskabsarkitekturen har – som det vil fremgå af flere eksempler i denne bog – indtaget rollen som skaber af urbane landskaber. En selvstændig position, der danner bindeled mellem traditionel byplanlægning og arkitekturens fortsat uforligelige byggerier. Denne nye dagsorden er blevet kaldt for en flerstrenget planlægning eller ’kulturplanlægning’, der på den ene side skal skabe en øget mangfoldighed og udbud af tilbud til byens borgere og på den anden smukke og forskelligartede byrum. Landskabsarkitekturen bliver her ikke blot det kit, der binder byerne sammen, men en central og dynamisk aktør, der udover passiv skønheds- og naturkomsumption tilbyder aktivt at gribe ind i byens liv og funktion. Det udvikles ofte i tværfaglige samarbejder med arkitekter, antropologer, filosoffer, læger og andre faggrupper.

  • af Annie Christensen
    348,95 kr.

    Denne bog beskriver udviklingen af kongelige og adelige haver og havebrug i vort klima- og kulturområde i 1600-tallet. Arbejdet med disse haver, de erfaringer man gjorde sig med anlæggelse, plantesortiment og dyrkningsfaciliteter, blev optakten til de meget kendte og grundigt beskrevne haver fra 1700-tallet, som f.eks. Frederik IV’s smukke haver ved Fredensborg, Frederiksberg og Frederiksborg.Før 1600-tallet dyrkedes næsten kun nytteplanter i haverne i vort klima- og kulturområde; dvs. uden for de områder, som havde været under romersk indflydelse.Inspirationen til det moderne havebrug kom sydfra. Man begyndte at importere kostbare planter og frø, og man hentede udenlandske gartnere til landet. Både Christian IV og Frederik III arbejdede intenst med Rosenborghaven – sidstnævnte med hjælp fra Paul Klingenberg – men den helt store haveanlægger var Frederik III’s dronning Sophie Amalie.Hendes meget righoldige arkiv fortæller om anlæggelsen af Sophieamaliehaven ved Sophieamalienborg. Til anlæggelsen indkaldte dronningen fire franske gartnere, den ene efter den anden. Da dronningen døde i 1685, var haven fuld af blomster og springvand.Den store udfordring lå i at få de sarte planter til at overleve i vort klima. På dette tidspunkt gjorde ”Den lille Istid” – en usædvanligt kold periode, som var værst i årene fra 1650 og ca. 70 år frem – ikke de dyrkningsmæssige udfordringer mindre. Dronning Sophie Amalie løste problemet med sine kakkelovnsopvarmede ”pommerantzhuse”, hvor hun dyrkede et stort udvalg af importerede planter, som kun kom ud i haven i sommerperioden.Annie Christensen har foretaget en minutiøs gennemgang af private arkiver, bevarede regnskaber i Rigsarkivet, og Det kongelige Biblioteks store samling af havelitteratur fra 1600-tallet. Hun beskriver haverne ved Gottorp, Nykøbing Slots haver, haven omkring Rosenborg, Dronning Sophie Amalies haver og en række andre haver fra 1600-tallet, bl.a. Frederiksdalhaven, hvorfra der findes fyldige plantelister, som belyser hvordan man tilplantede bedene i 1600-tallet.I bogen citeres talrige plantelister fra 1600-tallet og det giver et unikt indblik i udviklingen af plantesortimentet i århundredet. Her findes selvstændige kapitler om dyrkningsfaciliteter og plantesortiment på Gottorp, dyrkning af eksotiske planter og dyrkning af køkkenurter. Hertil kommer fyldige bilag, appendiks, litteraturliste og kilder, som kan hjælpe interesserede videre i udforskningen af den tids havebrug.Indbundet, shirtinghelbind, med smudsomslag. Stort format, ca. 25 x 32,5 cm. 2000. Bogen er på 396 sider og indeholder 30 smukke farvegengivelser fra Gottorfer Codex, samt mere end 50 sort-hvide illustrationer, som bl.a. viser datidens haveredskaber, drivhuse, samt planer og stik med gengivelser af udvalgte haver og slotte.Forsiden viser Kong Frederik III og dronning Sophie Amalie til hest, omgivet af blomster og løvværk. Kunstneren er O. Ellinger. De danske Kongers kronologiske Samling, Rosenborg.”Annie Christensens bøger er rige på viden og tanker, meninger og holdninger. De rager op over havelitteraturens frodige underbevoksning som store bredkronede træer”. (Marie Louise Paludan, anmeldelse af Annie Christensens bøger i Weekendavisen).Havehistorikeren Annie Christensen er cand.hort. med afgangsopgave i klimatologi 1979. Licentiatgrad, lic.agro., i 1986, på en afhandling om udviklingen af Gisselfelds haver 1500-1900. Annie Christensen har også udgivet ”The Klingenberg Garden Day-Book 1659-1722” (1997) og ”500 år i en dansk have - tusinder af hænders arbejde” (om Gisselfeldhaven, udgivet i 2004) hos os.

  • - Horticultura Danica 1647
    af Gunvor Maria Juul
    230,96 kr.

    HAVEINSPIRATION FRA RENÆSSANCEN Rette linjer og stringente, geometriske mønstre var fundamentet i renæssancens haver. Men bøger om hvordan man etablerede den slags haver, måtte danskerne lede længe efter, før gartner Hans Raszmussøn Block i 1647 udgav Horticultura Danica, ’Dansk havekunst’. Denne, Danmarks første havebog, giver et unikt indblik i datidens metoder og teknikker, men den er trykt med gotiske bogstaver, sproget er forældet, og mange planter har skiftet navn i løbet af de knap 400 år, der er gået siden udgivelsen. Dertil kommer manglen på billeder af planterne. Alt dette råder cand.scient. i matematik, forfatter, madhistoriker og urteekspert Gunvor Maria Juul bod på i denne bog. Hele Horticultura Danica gengives i et let tilgængeligt sprog, planter nævnes med både datidens og nutidige navne, Blocks havemønstre gøres tilgængelige, og begreber og havepraksis i 1600-tallet forklares. Desuden er hele bogen rigt illustreret med samtidige illustrationer af planter, redskaber osv. Omsat til nutiden kan Hans Raszmussøn Block stadig inspirere – et af hans smukke mønsterbede vil let kunne anlægges i en moderne have, og hans store udvalg af blomster og stauder er en sand guldgrube for enhver haveelsker.

  • - Japansk havekunst og Arkitekturhistorie
    af Frans Borgman Hansen
    438,95 kr.

    Frans Borgman Hansen and Arkitektens Forlag have taken the initiative to create a significant book which is innovative in its analysis and connection between art broadly understood, architecture and garden art. The book aims to shed light on Japanese architecture and horticulture from the earliest traces to the country's opening to the west in the middle of the 19th century. It has not been seen before that an ambitious overall presentation of the relationship between Japanese history has been made, where architecture inscribes in an analysis of the relationship between contemporary thinking and how this found its expression in the concrete works and conversely its starting point in the concrete. The project will use new photographs taken specifically for the book taken during repeated study and research stays in the country over the past several years. The book's rich illustrative drawings are also drawings for books and provide uniformity throughout the book. It is all tied together as the story of the country and its own understanding in relation to nature and its placement in the world. In addition, reproductions of contemporary artworks and individual borrowed photos will be included. Architecture and nature The gardens and their connection to the visual arts and architecture form the core of the story. They are illuminated through the periodic waves of Chinese and Korean influence through art and thought. Through the ages, they came to characterize the history of Japanese art without, however, at any time being seen as in conflict with the ethnic animistic Shintō view of life. Accordingly, the Japanese interpreted the Buddhist influence by seeking an intuitive understanding in nature. In this they gained a human insight. In nature, the Japanese throughout the ages of history found the eternal in the impermanent. This theme, perhaps more than anything else, became what they wanted to express in their visual arts, architecture, gardening and literature. It is therefore in this light that the history of architecture and gardening will be interpreted in relation to central aesthetic concepts such as imperfection, imbalance, simplicity, loneliness, poverty. Concepts articulated in the art of Zen Buddhism. Through cultural historical analysis, these will explain precisely why the Japanese cultural background demanded this articulation in art. A conceptualization that had also previously been expressed in the pre-medieval conception of nature, first through Shintōism and then in the Heian period through Kūkai's understanding of esoteric Buddhism. A perception of nature that was then also expressed in architecture in the broadest sense. A relationship as Johannes V. Jensen expressed it in 1907 at the meeting with Japan's nature

  • - A Comprehensive Guide to Growing Flowers for Profit
    af Charles Dynon
    114,95 kr.

    Turn your passion for flowers into a thriving business! This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about starting and running a successful flower farm. From choosing the right varieties to mastering marketing, you'll learn essential techniques for growing beautiful blooms and earning a sustainable income. Dive into soil health, pest control, harvesting methods, and more - all with beginner-friendly Whether you're a novice enthusiast or a seasoned gardener, this comprehensive guide equips you with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the flourishing flower farming industry. Join the ranks of successful flower farmers and transform your passion for flowers into a profitable venture.Take the first step towards your floral dreams today. Grab your copy of 'Flower Farming: A Comprehensive Guide to Growing Flowers for Profit' and blossom into a successful flower farmer!"

  • - Dyrk og spis
    af Jens Juhl & Sølva Falgren
    93,95 kr.

    Dyrkningstips og opskrifter”Slottet” er navnet på Jens Juhl og Sølva Falgrens kolonihavehus i Gladsaxe, og i slotshaven har de to forfattere siden 1994 eksperimenteret med at dyrke de allerbedste økologiske grøntsager. I denne bog introducerer de kort grundprincipperne i økologisk dyrkning og giver gode tips til at få succes med: agurk, tomat, peberfrugt, chili, squash, hokkaido, bladbede, spinat, salatplanter, bønner, hestebønner, gulerødder, hvidløg, kål, løg, porrer, knoldselleri, pastinak, persillerod, rødbede, kartofler, jordskokker, asparges og rabarber. Bogen indeholder 32 opskrifter på nemme og sunde retter med hjemmedyrkede grøntsager. Jens Juhl & Sølva Falgren er erfarne selvforsynere og holder hvert år mange foredrag om økologisk havedyrkning. De har tidligere skrevet bøgerne Økologisk have, Havealmanak, Økohøns, Økologisk drivhus og Økologiske byhaver.

  • af Sally Coulthard
    253,95 kr.

    The Apple: A Delicious History tells the engrossing and richly informative story of a fruit with a unique attachment to the human story. The 10,000-year tale of the round and pleasantly crunchy products of the trees of the genus Malus embraces not only culinary, horticultural, social and commercial history but also age-old traditions in mythology, folklore and religion. Best-selling author Sally Coulthard takes the reader on a fascinating and strikingly international journey - from the apple's earliest beginnings in the mountains of Kazakhstan to the explosion of apple-growing in twenty-first-century China. Along the way, we learn how the apple made its way along the Silk Road from Central Asia to Europe and about its role in the grisly rituals of the Druids; and we discover why, despite there currently existing more than 7500 varieties of apple - from the ubiquitous, astringent Granny Smith to the purple-skinned Black Diamond of Tibet - only a handful of cultivars are available in modern supermarkets. Amplified by apple recipes and the stories behind them, from apple fritters to apple crumble and from verjuice to pomade, The Apple: A Delicious History is the perfect gift book for gardeners, nature lovers - or indeed anyone who likes a drop of cider or a slice of apple pie.

  • af The National Garden Scheme
    158,96 kr.

    Inspire a year of garden visiting with the National Garden Scheme's Garden Visitor's Handbook 2024 - the essential guide to over 3,500 gardens opening for the National Garden Scheme this year. With hundreds of new gardens opening each year there are new horticultural gems to explore and old favourites to be revisited. Rachel de Thame says 'Wandering through a garden always gives me time and space to breathe, enjoy outdoors and find peace. Browsing the pages of this book offers thousands of amazing gardens just waiting to be explored. It's my must have guide to a year of garden visiting.' With detailed descriptions of every garden, stunning photos, and handy maps and calendars, all of the information you could possibly need to visit a beautiful garden is right at your fingertips! What could be better, an affordable day out in a beautiful garden whilst knowing that your visit is helping support some of the best loved nursing and health charities in the UK.

  • af Ross Mars
    173,95 kr.

    A coherent picture of regenerative agriculture and all that it entails. From rural to urban and from physical practices on the land to financial and social impacts of the way we produce our food, many different topics are included. He provides ethical as well as practical guidelines to consider and a scientific base from which to make decisions.

  • af Tavis Lynch
    133,95 kr.

    Grow Your Own Mushrooms features techniques for both outdoor logs and indoor trays, tips for storage, and techniques for use.

  • af Sarah Raven
    238,96 kr.

    Pots are everywhere in Sarah Raven's garden at Perch Hill. Every corner comes to life with their colour and vibrancy.A Year Full of Pots overbrims with year-round inspiration, planting ideas and expert advice from Sarah Raven, the Sunday Times bestselling author of A Year Full of Flowers and A Year Full of Veg.Accessible and rewarding, growing flowers in pots is a simple and enjoyable way to enhance any space, from small city plots to huge gardens. Get the pots right and your garden will take on a cheerful energy of its own. They are the bubbles in the champagne, the cherries on the cake; the final flourish in making a garden beautiful. And with pots, there is one iron rule: more is more.Discover practical design tips that will really enhance your containers. Use ingenious tricks when combining flower colours such as choosing a BRIDE (the star of the show), a BRIDESMAID (similar to the bride but smaller and less conspicuous) and a GATECRASHER (the colour contrast, which brings the whole thing to life). Learn all about the types of forms and plant structures - THRILLER, FILLER, PILLAR and SPILLER - and how to put them to best use. And take on the simplest of ideas, such as raising flower pots on to a wall or table so you see more of them, for instant impact.Following the seasons, A Year Full of Pots shows you how to make your own evolving tapestry of colour through long-lasting container combinations. All the flowers and planting schemes Sarah has tried and tested over the decades are in here, plus the design principles that will work for you at any scale, whether you have one pot or a garden full of them.

  • af Richard Mabey
    108,95 - 118,96 kr.

  • af Lennie Larkin
    458,95 kr.

    "With practical, step-by-step instructions and on-the-ground examples at every scale, Flower Farming for Profit is a comprehensive, beautiful guide to achieving profitability as a cut flower farmer. When Lennie Larkin set out to become a flower farmer, she found all sorts of resources about growing flowers but a scarcity of reliable information on how to build a profitable cut flower business. How do you create efficient systems and adequately value your own time and effort through your pricing? When and how should you consider scaling up your farm? How can you make doing what you love support you financially? In Flower Farming for Profit, Larkin answers these questions-and many, many more. With instructive lessons and savvy business tips from her own and other successful farms around the world, she explores: -The diverse challenges of both wholesale and retail sales channels, from florists and farm stands to farmers markets -Streamlining weddings for the farmer-florist, from communications to floral design -Efficient recordkeeping and bookkeeping -Steps for conducting your own cost-of-production analysis -Marketing and growth strategies -Business planning, goal setting, and making financial projections -Crop planning based on local climatic conditions, market demand, and sales projections The cut flower industry continues to experience wild growth. To successfully do what they love while expanding the market for sustainably produced flowers, new and experienced farmers alike must deliberately step back from the field and into the office. Flower Farming for Profit is a one-of-a-kind guide to creating the type of numbers-driven business that will allow individual farms to prosper and local flower economies to thrive"--

  • af Selina Lake
    288,95 kr.

    Free your imagination and discover vibrant interiors inspired by market and vintage finds from around the world.

  • af Royal Horticultural Society
    108,95 kr.

  • af Greg Loades
    118,95 kr.

    Information, inspiration, tips and trivia to help you make the most of your gardening year

  • af Sean A Pritchard
    262,96 kr.

    The first book from celebrated garden designer, popular Instagrammer and advocate of English cottage style, Sean A Pritchard, showing how to plan your garden so you can display flowers and foliage in your home through the year.

  • af Kazuaki Tanahashi
    278,95 kr.

    "Imagine yourself in Kyåoto, Japan, gazing at a garden of emptiness. How would you understand what you are seeing? What is the history of this contemplative art form, which has flourished for centuries in Kyåoto, the famed center of Zen arts? What aesthetic principles inform it? Through photographs and commentary, Gardens of Awakening guides you through a series of Zen gardens created from the fourteenth through seventeenth centuries. Some are teeming with plants and flowing water, while others have only rocks and sand. All are associated with particular temples and share a certain Zen aesthetic related to the cultivation of awakening. Zen practice and culture have had a powerful influence on various Japanese art forms, including Noh theater, tea ceremony, architecture, ceramic art, painting, calligraphy, and poetry. In this book we discuss gardens in terms of seven qualities that arise from Zen practice: direct, ordinary, vigorous, gleaning, pivotal, nondual, and inexhaustible. Photographer Mitsue Nagase's outstanding color photographs highlight these qualities and, narrated by beloved Zen calligrapher and translator Kaz Tanahashi, help readers to go deep into the heart of Zen and Zen art"--

  • af Simon Wood
    390,96 kr.

    Simon "Woody" Wood, Gründer und Herausgeber von Sneaker Freaker, dem OG Sneakermagazin, analysiert seit zwei Jahrzehnten Sneakerkult. Sein gesamter Erfahrungsschatz fließt in den neuen Band World's Greatest Sneaker Collectors: eine irre 752-Seiten-Reise durch die gut gefüllten Vitrinen und obzessiven Köpfe der geschicktesten Sammler des Planeten. Um mehr als 2.500 besondere Sneaker ins Rampenlicht zu holen, blieb zwischen Tokyo und New York, London, Philadelphia, Melbourne und Størdal keine bröckelnde Sohle verschont. Das Buch präsentiert Vintage-Klassiker, unverkäufliche Muster, handgefertigte Prototypen, sündhaft teure Collabs, Player Exclusives und abgewetzte "game-worn" Jordans mit millionenschwerem Preisschild. Die endlose Suche nach einem Lieblingssneaker von unschätzbarem Wert ist zugleich Fluch und Segen dieser besonderen Leidenschaft. Das Sammlerethos ist allgenwärtig, sie fiebern, jagen und suchen unermüdlich nach "dem einen" Schuh, der ihnen noch nicht gehört. Die in Szene gesetzten Sammlungen und Profile der Sneakerheads werden von einer Reihe Profitipps begleitet, wie man Sneaker fotografiert, richtig lagert, versichert, reinigt und auch Fälschungen vermeidet. Diese amüsanten Sammlergeschichten und unbezahlbaren Ratschläge sind die ultimative Eintrittskarte in die Welt der "true collectors".

  • af Milli Proust
    126,96 kr.

    From sowing and germination, to sprouting, repotting and harvesting, The Grower’s Guide: Seeds is a modern and practical handbook that will take you through all the essential steps to growing your own cut flowers from seed. Beautifully photographed throughout, this essential guide demystifies the growing process through simple, easy-to-follow instructions, defined by Milli Proust’s unique sense of style. Featuring a sowing directory of 30 flowers to grow, learn how to get the most from your soil, tackle common gardening problems, and produce beautiful blooms in a sustainable way.The Grower's Guide is a brand new gardening series for those who seek an approachable and accessible insight into the wonderful world of flower growing and floral arranging.

  • af Milli Proust
    126,96 kr.

    A modern and practical guide to floristry, this is a project-based book featuring 10 seasonal, sustainable flower arranging projects. Including beautiful photography that demystifies the floristry process in Milli Proust's unique style, learn how to play with colour and texture and style flowers with confidence. The projects will take you through the seasons as they inspire you to bring more nature into your life.

  • af Gracielinda Poulson
    288,95 kr.

    "With over 30,000 heirloom rose bushes, Grace Rose Farm is the rose destination, whether you're a florist looking for that just-so hue of rose for a high-end wedding, a customer who wants to find a one-of-a-kind bouquet to ship to their mom, one of Poulson's 25,000 newsletter subscribers looking for tips on growing their own roses, or among the nearly 200,000 followers who swoon over her images on Instagram. The farm, based in Santa Ynez, California, works with breeders from around the world to bring new rosebushes to American gardeners, and harvests their own spectacular roses for weddings, events, and local flower lovers. They've also grown a nationwide online business that delivers roses to customers around the country. In this book, Poulson shares her incredible breadth of wisdom in a comprehensive guide to growing roses specifically to use as cut flowers. It includes detailed information on 100 of the best varieties in every possible hue--ones that can thrive in the home garden and bring gardeners magnificent blooms year after year. She also offers instructions for planting, year-round care, and harvesting, whether you're growing roses in the ground, in raised beds, or in containers, and in every climate zone; plus styling and arranging tips, including bouquets in simple pitchers and urns as well as more elaborate tablescapes and floral arches"--

  • af Leslie Bennett
    288,95 kr.

    "A visual feast of garden design inspiration and guidance that embraces diversity and teaches you how to create a lush, colorful, magical, and meaningful garden wonderland of your own"--

  • af Tony O'Neill
    253,95 kr.

    South Wales, UK

  • af Caroline Quentin
    188,95 kr.

    Join beloved actress Caroline Quentin in her exploration of the joys and rewards of gardening in this beautiful gardening gift book

  • af Kevin Espiritu
    253,95 kr.

    San Diego, CA

  • af Phaidon Editors
    342,96 kr.

    The ultimate celebration of England's most gorgeous gardens, showcasing their enduring appeal from historic masterpieces to individual creations of today